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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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1 hour ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

It's service will not be in vain :sad:.

No point in being sad about it. Although the main mission objective has been completed, the rover itself will still be there, transmitting data when required. It will complete a lot of surface science contracts when they pop up and probably take a lot more pictures, at least until I'm going to make a mistake and accidentaly drive it off a cliff somewhere. :confused:

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Simply the delivery of the first Minmus probe: Minmin 1. I won't show the whole mission, as that will be shown in my mission report. You know, when I get to it...


Probe in Minmus orbit.

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I landed on Duna. Don't worry about what Jeb's doing. He's just examining what seems to be a hole in his spacesuit.


The lander has a descent and ascent stage like the LM. The descent stage has a bunch of Oscar-B tanks and an FL-T100 tank, powered by a Terrier engine. Slapping a bunch of Baguette/Dumpling/Doughnut tanks on a Spark engine makes for a pretty good ascent stage.

The descent stage has about 1200m/s Δv. It's just enough for a deorbit burn (from like 190-200km or something) and landing without any parachutes. Jeb landed somewhere near the South Pole. The ascent stage has more than 3300m/s Δv. The mothership in orbit has about 1000m/s Δv left I think? I may or may not have to do a rescue mission. I'll definitely have to refuel the mothership with the lander's fuel.

About that, the ascent stage has about 1300-1600m/s Δv after reaching.... some kind of orbit, I don't remember that much from my test runs. I haven't tried reaching orbit just yet, both stages of the lander are still on the surface. The ascent stage has a TWR of 1.2 when lifting off from Duna's surface I think.

The lander is better designed than the rest of the payload and rocket that sent it to Duna. I put an antenna on the lander that should be good enough for contact with the mothership. But the mothership doesn't have any antennas on it so it was useless. Here is the mothership:


The thing on the very bottom of the picture, next to the Mün, is the discarded aforementioned Rhino stage. And now the rocket:


I present to you the Döner IV.

Its first stage is the 2 Twin-Boars on its sides. Liftoff TWR is about 1.2. The second stage with the Mammoth engine has TWR of about 1.7. The Rhino upper stage takes the rest of the payload to orbit. The Döner mothership has 4 solar panels. It is powered by a Poodle engine. The command module has 4 main chutes and 4 drogue chutes. The LES on the very top of the rocket is completely useless aside from aesthetics and aerodynamics reasons.

If you're wondering about I, II and III...

The Döner I was used to send an orbiter to Duna and Ike. The second Döner was used to land a Kerbal on Ike. There was a variant of the Döner II, the Döner IIb, which ditched the lander entirely. The third Döner was a failed attempt at getting a Kerbal on Duna's surface and back (never went anywhere close to Duna's SOI.) All of these rockets were built in career mode. This one was built in a sandbox save.

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For the last week or so, I have been driving Bill and Bob out of Moho's Northern region, and have eventually managed to do so.

I made the mistake of thinking I could rove to all the Moho biomes and made my way to the North Sinkhole (not the Mohole) and realised a bit too late that my planned route (a) was a steep slope down to the sink hole and (b) it was in shadow. This meant that I couldn't drive out the same way I drove in with my solar powered rover and had to find a way out that was in sunshine (or wait until it was).


Things to note when roving on Moho:

  1. The North is very hilly, with steep slopes
  2. Take some RTGs. It sounds odd but if the route you need to take is in shadow, it's going to be in shadow for a long time, possibly (at high latitudes) forever.
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Successfully docked the Wyvern Mk II to the magic asteroid, I captured in one of the last missions. Prepare the drills to extract some samples of this glowing green snack rock!



Collection of samples started.... And... the mysterious graviolium is there.... we found traces of graviolium and also... snackium - at least Jeb said so...



Edited by Rakete
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On 12/2/2022 at 4:53 PM, tajwo said:

I present to you the Döner IV.

And does it spin as the name implies? Does it contain onions, cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage and 3 sauces? And does it contain "with spicy" ? And at least: Does it cost less then 10 € ?

Edited by Rakete
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48 minutes ago, Rakete said:

And does it spin as the name implies? Does it contain onions, cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage and 3 sauces? And does it contain "with spicy" ? And at least: Does it cost less then 10 € ?

Yes. The snack compartment in the crew module contains multiple döners for the crew to enjoy. The rocket costs 200k kerbal funds. I think that's 3,50 euros?

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1 hour ago, tajwo said:

Yes. The snack compartment in the crew module contains multiple döners for the crew to enjoy. The rocket costs 200k kerbal funds. I think that's 3,50 euros?

3,50 is cheap for a Döner Kebab these days of inflation. :D The next rocket is called Lahmacun? (Delicious by the way, although I am not sure if I get the real thing, here in my country - or a to the local customer's taste adapted thing)

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Sent some poor probe to the underworld. 

Thanks to @Stratzenblitz75 for inspiring this thing. 




(all cheats are on, by the way. That is the least game breaking thing today)


Before that, I was doing manned testing.


Didn't last very long


Oh goodness.


Its red. Thats not the color of the lights either.

Should've packed some snacks for the doom slayer.


The probe descends deeper into the abyss.

Mission termination is expected at 600,000 m.


The Kraken does not like this.

-100,000m reached.NASeWaQ.png




Deepest point was about 240,000m.


The probe will die anyways, because ksp logic.


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Today I tweaked my Hawk mk3 SSTO once again and sent Jeb, Val, Bob, and Bill up to test if it could land on the surface of the Mun. Flying was routine except for the predicted Mun encounter changing as I timewarped to the circularization maneuver node but irregardless the ship was able to successfully land on the surface. vSrRKMB.jpg

Unfortunately as I tried my initial ascent from the surface I clipped the engines on the ground and in my hubris reverted to a previous quicksave, meaning I couldn't revert the flight anymore. Unluckily while the plane had enough fuel to reorbit it did not have enough to return to Kerbin, and also likely not enough to rendezvous with the station. In order to rescue them I decided to leave them on the surface and use the Mun Shuttle I had docked to the station to pick them up and rendezvous, with a later craft to rendezvous with the station and take them to Kerbin. f2qhDm3.jpg

I experimented with KER's landing GUI but sadly undershot and had to spend more fuel to get to the plane. Since the shuttle was only at like half fuel that extra fuel expenditure left us with less deltaV than the Spaceplane, so it was decided to revert to a quicksave and send a different rescue craft. Except I kinda forgot that I quicksaved after deorbiting the lander so I was forced to try the landing again.


This time went more successfully, although I was a little concerned we'd still be out of fuel for the rendezvous. Luckily I was overestimating the deltav needed to and we got there with 50 dv to spare.

From there I sent dashing pilot Lando Kerman up in a more nimble SSTO to pick up the veteran Kerbals. Interestingly this ship had less DV and lower TWR(although I could be wrong my memory is fuzzy) than the stranded SSTO although it performed much better atmospherically. This one was a lot more fun to fly so I'll probably update it's design at some point. For some reason I don't have any pictures of the station but the pickup went smoothly and the spaceplane was able to land safely on the sunny side of Kerbin.


Lando got out to investigate a tree seen on the descent.

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4 hours ago, Admiral Fluffy said:

Sent some poor probe to the underworld. 

Thanks to @Stratzenblitz75 for inspiring this thing. 


  Reveal hidden contents


(all cheats are on, by the way. That is the least game breaking thing today)


Before that, I was doing manned testing.


Didn't last very long


Oh goodness.


Its red. Thats not the color of the lights either.

Should've packed some snacks for the doom slayer.


The probe descends deeper into the abyss.

Mission termination is expected at 600,000 m.


The Kraken does not like this.

-100,000m reached.NASeWaQ.png




Deepest point was about 240,000m.


The probe will die anyways, because ksp logic.


Using the same techique to get the "Landed" state, it may be possible to land on Jool.

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29 minutes ago, Nazalassa said:

Using the same techique to get the "Landed" state, it may be possible to land on Jool.

I don't know about that.  Jool has a "surface" altitude but no surface structure at all, not like the other bodies.  And once you get deep enough, the environment destroys anything.  I think Kerbol is the same.

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18 minutes ago, Jacke said:

I don't know about that.  Jool has a "surface" altitude but no surface structure at all, not like the other bodies.  And once you get deep enough, the environment destroys anything.  I think Kerbol is the same.

If your state is "Landed" and your speed is, say, 0.1 m/s (with the help of propellers and parachutes), maybe the game will just glitch and freeze the vessel in place or something... As Jool has no "surface", I guess the collision detection wil just bug. However this requires more research.

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Scanning all the things

Mission Control  positions the latest in Hi-Res Altimetry scanning high above the Mun


It joins the efforts of the rest of the the scanning fleet to map out the Mun in the hopes of finding a nice level landing site. Finding a place with snacks available would be nice as well.  


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A Duna transfer come around and the last of the Caravan missions to Duna Station are launched.

Tanker 2 is first


Then Duna lander 1 lifts off twelve  hours later.


And 6 hours later, Duna lander 2 launched. After the trans-Duna burn it orients radial in for coasting to the course correction 185 days from now.




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Yesterday I completed "Return to Kerbin from the surface of Tylo" which I had felt was almost impossible to accomplish. I finally did it with a 17500m/s dV rocket that also had good TWR on the right stages. This only was able to get a probe to land and return to orbit with about 1600 dV left (but no means of re-entry). I then sent another mission to Jool to bring the probe back to Kerbin orbit, and then a third mission to grab the probe and safely re-enter and land it.

(Since I'm playing without reverts, I used a Sandbox save to design and test this rocket. The first test did not have enough dV. The second test did not have enough TWR. The third test found a happy-medium and managed to get back to orbit. I then loaded the rocket into my main save and did it for real.)

Today I "landed" on Laythe for the first time, meaning that I deorbited a satellite to get "landed on" to complete. I think I could have landed softer but took too long of a break between burns and ended up landing hard. Almost every part of the  satellite was destroyed save for the CPU itself (and one broken solar panel attached to it). It rolled gently downhill for a good 15 minutes before I could return to the space center.

Next I will hopefully be splashing down and "walking on" Laythe for the first time.

(Been playing ~5 years, have 2500+ hours, and this is the furthest I've gotten into the game before.)

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11 hours ago, Nazalassa said:

Using the same techique to get the "Landed" state, it may be possible to land on Jool.

He did make this YouTube post.


Edited by Admiral Fluffy
oh hey llok new page
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