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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Made some test flights/reloads to gather some data on the mobile lab.

The labs usefulness varies for each experiment and processing seems to only really be an advantage if the amount of science is significantly large enough for the percentage added to the transmission to net any value.

So only built and launched two crafts and let them drop back in another save.

My main save had to wait for my curiosity to get satisfied.

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I built maybe my third non-Rapier SSTO. For some reason I usually have a problem getting the design to come out right, but this one works like a champ. I've been using the Rapiers as a crutch since they came out, so it was nice to build a good SSTO without them. :)


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No pictures this time but I had some trouble with the return of my H.G. Well Mk VI Lander. The Wells line of Munar Excursion Landers is being retrofitted, and Tested as potential Duna Excursion Landers for my first Duna Mission (~120 days and counting). The Wells Mk VI had burned up a lot of fuel rescuing my rover crew after he got stranded near the souther monolith and didn't quite have enough for a return. It escaped Mun's SOI but the ejection angle wasn't pretty and the retro burn cause a new encounter that would put the lander on a collision course.

Luckily the tug I used to pull my Mun station core into place was still fueled up and ready so I managed to intercept the lander on its suborbital trajectory and pull it out of a collision course. The crew should be back to Kerbin in a day or so with all hands alive and more than oodles of science from Mun's polar region and polar lowlands.

My Moho Missions should be completely assembled in 3 days. The service module is docked to the ops core and both Moho landers are docked to the engine hub, just need to dock those two together. My Delta V readouts are projecting too low dV numbers for the Interplanetary Star Ship (ISS) Mark Twain. The Shakespeare however should be able to refuel the Twain at Moho.

(Days back when I built my first interplanetary ship I put the central docking port of the engine core on backwards, as such I couldn't attach the Ops core to it. This became the Shakespeare if only because I'd already named it such. I sent Kerballed Moho landers to it and it's been ready to leave for days now. The Twain is just about ready with a crew, Science lab, 2 landers, 3 probes (Moho, Sun, and somewhere depending on the D/v output of that little Ion engine). All together I should have enough fuel for 4 Moho landings with (nearly) full science at each (Custom Biomes Mod) and a full return of all hands. If nothing goes wrong (which it will... this is my first ever Moho attempt).

To complete the science output of these ships I do need to send up a service shuttle to both and add Gravioli detectors to the landers and probes and some KAS struts. Currently Jeb and Bob are set to go on the Twain, but I might do a crew transfer and bring one of them home. While Jeb would throw a fit about missing his chance to be the first kerbal ever to step foot on an alien world I might need him for the Eello, Jool, or Duna missions coming up. I'd like one of the big three to be on Jool and another on Duna. With Duna having the highest chance of success I think I might want Jeb to oversee that one personally, but then he'd miss out on being the first kerbal on Moho... choices choices.

Will get some pictures together for next time.

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I set up both a scout craft and a four satellite comms network for moho and eve, the transfers were almost at the same time so i figured what the heck.

Although, the moho sat package kinda missed and had to correct, losing fuel doing so. It ended with me using the built in thruster in three of the sats to put them in orbit. Turned out pretty great. Might edit in some pics when I get home.

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I decided to visit Eve for the first time, so I sent 4 satellites (2 to Gilly/Eve), all in one go.

(My first ever:))

(Didnt expect Gilly to be so small, largest orbit I could get was ~110km, and I need ~250km for one of the mapping satellites:)

Anyway, next, there will be several probe landings to Eve for some science! :)

(Probably not going to do manned landing yet, as I understand lifting from it is very difficult)

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Wasn't today but it was a mission I was particularly proud of.

I returned a Moho flyby mission back to kerbin. I entered Kerbin's SOI with less than 300DV fuel left and about 40 units of monoprop; not near enough to stop me from careening away from kerbin at high velocity. The only option was to do a very deep aerocapture which made me nervous due to deadly re-entry. On the second try (yay quicksave) I dipped deeply into Kerbin's atmo which burned off every rcs port and monoprop tank (but not the science!) and left me with enough DV to stabilize the orbit. Needless to say it was a tense moment for everyone at mission control and shortly after the successful aerocapture Jeb was sent up to retrieve the science from the mission. Was tricky to get the science as the vessel was in a bizarre elliptical polar orbit.

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TranStar's newest shuttle -the HSOC-107 Peregrine- brought the first crew members to waystation Kontinuum.


Kurt Kerman, the station's design supervisor, performs a structural analysis and snaps a few photos before boarding joining the others aboard.


TranStar has already assigned him as project lead for developing dedicated, compact emergency return pods for the station.

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Today I installed a new mod that offers absolutely nothing to the game, yet made me laugh hard when I loaded it. I just downloaded Chatterer and was not expecting it to be as funny as it was. It was a good day, even though I did not do anything in game to be honest.

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  Liowen said:
Today I installed a new mod that offers absolutely nothing to the game, yet made me laugh hard when I loaded it. I just downloaded Chatterer and was not expecting it to be as funny as it was. It was a good day, even though I did not do anything in game to be honest.

Where did you D/L Chatterer from? I have searched for it and can't find it. Only dead links.

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  benzman said:
Where did you D/L Chatterer from? I have searched for it and can't find it. Only dead links.

Ask and you shall receive!


Link under the small ui picture worked for me and should work for you s well, just make sure you have toolbar installed also.

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