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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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....*****ed up my persistent file. Power loss.

Tried to rebuild it by hand, but now the R&D facility is "closed" and I can't do SCIENCE!!1!... WTF!

Even worse, before realizing my R&D was out of business I quicksaved.... so I had to recover an old "named" quicksave, that is at least 5 or 6 flights old.

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Ran a Minmus landing without maneuver nodes. This time, I kept things simple with a small lander that will do the return also, and no docking. Threw a lander together in a minute or so, stuck it atop my light lifter and sent it up. Circularised, then adjusted inclination with a couple of burns, then timewarped until it looked about like Minmus-rise by the map screen. At that point, I went back to the normal view and pointed in the direction of Minmus according to the Navball, so that I could check if it was, in fact, rising.


It was, and I could see a blue shiny thing just over the horizon, so I turned prograde and started to burn. I hadn't actually recognised Minmus from this distance before, not that I'd particularly looked. This burn affected my inclination, but it also moved my descending node very close to apoapsis, and very little adjustment was needed to get an encounter.


I fine-tuned the encounter about half-way out so that I wouldn't be coming in retrograde. Then, I pretty much immediately burned for landing, still using the last lifter stage. I noticed I was coming close to the Delivery site where I'd delivered a box previously - didn't bother to check what flats they were (the Great flats? Possibly...) - so I modified my descent to come close to it. You can see the site to the right of the capsule in the below image (and also the image after):


Wasn't really paying attention for a moment, because I'd noticed that I'd forgotten something - fuel lines. Those tanks on the panels there were disconnected from the LV-1 engine. Additionally, I'd set this lander up not to have any landing gear, and to land on the panels instead - but I didn't know if the tanks or parachutes would hit before the panels...


You didn't need those, right Dozer?


Came down a little hard, destroying a tank and knocking off a parachute. Left a flag which detailed some information on the mission, then got back in and took off.


Straight up to Minmus escape would lower the Kerbin periapse, and then burning Southwards would bring it into the atmosphere. I cut the engines for brief periods to transfer fuel from the outer tanks to the usable ones, but this straight-up escape would be the least difficult in terms of dealing with the imbalance, I felt. The return was not atypical, and though only two parachutes survived, they sufficed to bring the lander down at under 6m/s.


I then immediately redesigned the version of the lander that was saved, reducing fuel supply, adding landing gear and remembering the fuel lines. Just in case I get the idea to do something like this again.

Edited by Concentric
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I know this is off topic, but I promised Duke23 the screenshots.

Here's the Crew Transfer vehicle I rigged up which should have 14000 dV, split in three stages (not counting the launcher of course):

<iframe class="imgur-album" src="http://imgur.com/a/C3P7t/embed" frameborder="0" height="550" width="100%"></iframe>

The screenshots are obviously not taken on the same mission. Actually I put a new iteration of the ship on the launch pad just for this screen, since I couldn't get a complete shot in VAB...

Since the last stage is meant to be a return vehicle, it leaves behind the mobile processing lab. There's a Sr docking port at the rear of the second stage. If docking during the first or the return stage is required, only three side mounted Jr docking ports are available. They are arranged like this, since that ship was originally intended to be a part of my Eve mission.

If you are curious about the craft, the list of parts an the dV calculation can be found in this google docs spreadsheet.

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I know this is off topic, but I promised Duke23 the screenshots.

Those are pretty impressive... The Eve lander especially. That does look familiar, I must have seen it when you first posted it. I always like to see what people build to go there, I'm scared to even attempt a return mission right now. The crew transfer vehicle looks vaguely similar to a design I had been tumbling around in my head for an upcoming Jool system mission that I keep putting off, but I was planning to use tri-symmetry instead of quad and rotate one stage so I could burn two at once while crossfeeding fuel upwards to cut down on burn times. Instead of a large crew it would bring some junk -- lander, rover, maybe an air breathing craft if I hit Laythe. I've never landed anywhere past Dres, just done a couple flybys. Anyway very nice, thanks for posting that :)

As for this thread, I haven't actually done anything yet in KSP but I swear I dreamed about it all night. I don't remember what exactly, just that it involved large prototype ships and docking maneuvers. I enjoy and hate those dreams at the same time! Now to go build something, maybe play around with the Kahuna design or try something with the newly acquired Kerbodyne parts.

Edit: Speaking of which... I did neither of those things but I did come up with a prototype Jool system ship. The decoupler between the clampotron sr's will be removed of course if I even launch it in one piece, I was just using that to calculate DV properly. It's not done being outfitted with equipment but this is the gist of what it's going to look like.


Edit again: I managed to get the fully fueled (!) final product into stable ~350km orbit with some juice to spare on the lifter stage. Now I can sent up a lander for it and head off... somewhere. (R. Lee) Ermy Kerman will pilot this bad boy in hopes of getting some massive amounts of science data.


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What I did YESTERDAY was, while improving my Kethane/fuel Hybrid Jet, I had the right amount of thrust power, aerodynamic lift, and airintake to get it to fly over 35,000 m up, AND, after it stalled from air deprivation and I corrected it, got it to fly at speeds of 1,500 m/s as it went into lower atmosphere re-entry.

Yeah, it slowly burned up in the atmosphere (not enough to damage it), but MAN did it rocket.

If and WHEN I get Xenon, and that hybrid engine for air and space travel, I should probably try and work on making an airless Exo-jet, for entering into Duna's or Eve's atmosphere, just to see if I can (it'll have to be attached to a rocket, but that's to be expected).

btw, how DO I make screenshots with Kerbal Space Program? I HAVE to show you guys, once I learn how, so you all don't think I'm lying or anything. :wink:

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At least beggining to feel comfortable with far, and as a result managed to send a almost no return mission to the Mun (need to work my building skills XD)

This is a picture Jebediah after planting the flag near the munlander:


By the way... it was a dam good landing (at last XD)

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I got to the Jool system, and landed two Kerbals on Laythe - they were supposed to come straight back, but didn't have enough fuel. I could have left them in orbit somewhere, but it will be years before the rescue arrives and they will want to stretch their legs.

First time I've landed Kerbals on a body outside Kerbin's SOI. :)


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Began building vehicles for my "Duna One" mission (reminiscent of the future Mars One mission).

I assume you first spent years prior to construction canvasing civilian Kerbals with emails asking for Likes and for them to buy merchandising, all the while deflecting any questions about how you plan to actually fund the multi-billion dollar mission, eventually scraping the mission entirely when public interest wanes 5 years from now.

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While waiting for my Mun Base to get to the Mun, I figured I may as well mop up some more of the science from Minmus (since I've got a station there with three Kerbals who have nothing better to do). Problem was, the time I spent landing, transmitting, and re-docking the lander was long enough for the Mun Base to whiz right past the Mun where I had to do an emergency handbrake turn. Good thing I packed an LV-N and around triple the fuel necessary.

Then I figured I may as well make the Neil Armstrong Memorial the site for my base, which involved sending a Kerbal down to a terrifying 6.2km orbit to try and spot it, then land on it and find his way back to the station on 2 units of fuel (which he did. Cammin turned out to be a pro at Munar ascents).

Also I landed in the canyons for the first time:


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Completed test with the Demo lander and mod demo lander to see how much fuel left.

The mod demo lander required more fuel then planned for landing as I had to move away from a steep slope. Even then, I hadn't killed all the horizontal speed and almost tipped over. Still, I got it down with the fuel shown left in the decent stages.


The Demo ship with the four heavier LV-909 is quicker to react and a bit easier to land. One uses the same tactic. Center the decent to the Navball and reduce speed to about 5m/sec just before touchdown.

Just before touchdown. Note almost all horizontal speed eliminated with no RCS.




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Managed to put a 27 year old broken landercan from the surface of Eeloo back into orbit, barely. The rescue ship has also arrived after several years of travel and has been placed into Eeloo orbit as well. I think something went wrong during timewarping though because my rescue ship has around 1500 dV more left than I had calculated. I got distracted and have put the remainder of the mission on hold while I screw around with some challenges.

Built an entry for the Go Big With Small Engines challenge. Forgot to take screenshots. Had a better idea before relaunching. Built that instead and managed to launch it into orbit. While forgetting to take screenshots, of course.

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btw, how DO I make screenshots with Kerbal Space Program? I HAVE to show you guys, once I learn how, so you all don't think I'm lying or anything. :wink:

The default key binding is on the F1 key, and you can toggle the games interface using F2.

Yesterday I again did a refuelling mission for my Eve lander which is now in high orbit around Kerbin. It was also the first real test flight for my heavy Eve-O-Tanker. The tanker performed surprisingly well, bringing more than two full Kerbodyne S3-14400 tanks to the lander. While this tanker will return to LKO and be refilled there, I'm still going to change the design for future ships of that type by realigning the thrusters to make docking easier.

Also, I saw that a transfer window to Moho is open soon, so I started the design of a manned mission there. The ship is based on the 14000 dV design I posted yesterday, yet in addition it carries a relatively heavy lander (Mk2 can and enough fuel to land on Moho), so the total dV is slightly lower. Since a trip to Moho should not use that much dV, I might replace some of the tanks with smaller variants, in order to decrease the burn times. Or maybe I'm lazy and leave it as it is, since fuel costs are not yet implemented in the game :wink:.

Only thing I have to be careful about: Jebbediah mustn't find out about this mission, for he might otherwise sneak in the Hitchhiker storage container and come along, while he actually should to stay close to the space center to be available for the Eve landing mission when finally the crew will be transferred. Of course he will be piloting the Eve lander, as he's the only one <strike>stupid</strike> brave enough for that task.

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What I did YESTERDAY was, while improving my Kethane/fuel Hybrid Jet, I had the right amount of thrust power, aerodynamic lift, and airintake to get it to fly over 35,000 m up, AND, after it stalled from air deprivation and I corrected it, got it to fly at speeds of 1,500 m/s as it went into lower atmosphere re-entry.

Yeah, it slowly burned up in the atmosphere (not enough to damage it), but MAN did it rocket.

If and WHEN I get Xenon, and that hybrid engine for air and space travel, I should probably try and work on making an airless Exo-jet, for entering into Duna's or Eve's atmosphere, just to see if I can (it'll have to be attached to a rocket, but that's to be expected).

btw, how DO I make screenshots with Kerbal Space Program? I HAVE to show you guys, once I learn how, so you all don't think I'm lying or anything. :wink:

F1 is the default screenshot key, F2 to toggle the UI. You can find the screenshots in the Screenshots folder (which is not save-specific). If you have the Steam version, you can also use Steam's screenshot function.

Also, I don't know what mods you have, but stock re-entry doesn't damage parts at all - you clearly have a Kethane mod, but I don't know whether or not you have Deadly Re-Entry or similar.

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Trying to crack a bug that I've encountered. It's looking like it wasn't a bug at all. By the way things are going, it seems that I'm missing a particle effects file (fx_smokeTrail_veryLarge).

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I assume you first spent years prior to construction canvasing civilian Kerbals with emails asking for Likes and for them to buy merchandising, all the while deflecting any questions about how you plan to actually fund the multi-billion dollar mission, eventually scraping the mission entirely when public interest wanes 5 years from now.

Bahaha, my thoughts on the real thing too. But Kerbals are bred for one-way missions. Besides, I don't have the patience for a Mars Direct mission right now (I've been playing a career mode where I try to replicate historic spaceflight missions in chronological order).

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Amongst other things I sent my spare Duna lander-rover towards Eve. I thought of sending it uncrewed, but decided I'd want someone around to fix broken wheels. Matt Kerman will have plenty of alone time in that cupola.


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