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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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  5thHorseman said:
If you think I flew that in FAR, you're crazier than I am for even trying it in stock :D

And trust me I've got simple down pat. Every single thing on the plane is necessary just to fly and yes, col is behind com.

I just need to watch and read a dozen tutorials and find out exactly what I'm doing wrong. Because whatever it is, I've been doing it wrong since the very first time I ever installed FAR.

Keep at it. I've not been playing with FAR for long but I'm getting decent at subsonic planes now.

IIRC this is the Scott Manley episode I watched when he talked about FAR:

  Regolith said:
Since my VTOL engine scheme was FUBAR, I have to try and land the old fashioned way.
One of these things is not like the other ones, one of these things just doesn't belong
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I've been messing around with planes in my current test save for Horrible Nerf (HorribleNerf-Test3) - and I deleted FAR's engine nerfs for stuffs and giggles. It's kinda funny going suborbital on basic jets.

I also picked up a "pressure readings from the surface of kerbin" (well a mix of flying and surface readings), where two of the readings were on the surface of the water. That was.. problematic, so I built a probe-dropping bomber using SmartTools components (originally it just relied on decoupler force to shoot the drone out of the bay but that made me go 'meh' and exploded the drone in one of the eight test drops). It circles around the little tiny physics bubble as the bomb sensor drone floats downwards.

One funny thing about the bomber is that it's only air intake is inside the bomb bay.... #whatcouldpossiblygowrong

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The survey plane is a very plain (heh, sorry) design, but it flies amazingly well despite being basically carelessly slapped together out of the first aero node's components (and later upgraded). It's oriented towards low speed landings, and is capable of landing on rough terrain, like highlands or bumpy grasslands. It can even land on the tier 1 runway half the time!

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Sent a crew to the Mun to repair a rover with a damaged wheel. Apparently I should've somehow known you need level 3 engineers to fix wheels... Used the excess fuell to fly to another biome to at least bring home some science and take some press pictures. At least a 'plant a flag' contract funded the mission, I'm just slightly annoyed that I'm still stuck with the 'take a temperature scan at position blabla on the mun' that the rover was supposed to do. I'm probably going to have to upgrade my admin centre now to keep things going, I'm still rolling with the 2 contract limit.


Edited by ColourOfFire
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Shadows of the Kraken, chapter 4.

"Edgas watched the rover trundle off past the perimeter of the base from the only window on the ops deck, its wheels throwing up little puffs of Mündust as it went."


"He watched as the rover shambled off across the grayness, monitoring telemetry from his tablet."


"The rover bounced and tossed its way up the crater wall. Edmund was beginning to regret his decision to make the entire trip in the outside observer's seat. The rover's suspension wasn't as effective so far from its center, and each jolt felt like it was going right up his spine. When he wasn't simply getting tossed around like a rag doll."


The rover was just about to crest the lip of the crater when Edgas crackled over the comm link, "Hounddog, Jailhouse, hold position please."


"Ed I...I can see something."


"What do you think it is, Ed?" Asked Billy.

"I don't know, son. I do not know."

"I'm afraid..."


"Billy?" Uncertain.

"B...Billy?" Trembling.

"Billy?" Pleading.


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  Cerberus738 said:
I built a base on Minmus this morning...

Steam Upload

Looks nice!

I sent this overbuilt apollo style rocket to perform several contracts on 8 different locations on Minmus. Wasn't as overbuilt as I expected, needed RCS to get the lander back into a full orbit. Made a little short of a million funds in one launch though. Now I have the funds to do some of the silly stuff I want to do myself.


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I'm at 650 hours and these are my first space planes.





- - - Updated - - -

More planes. Variations of this model actually completed the rescue mission from a 450k x 100k orbit I had 8 Kerbs trapped in....











This is the one that completed the mission.




Knocked 2 engines off when landing.


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Got a ship eaten by the Kraken. There were 5 rookies on board. 2 disappeared in the blast, other 3 survived... but the pod lost the chutes and was on suborbital trajectory. They had to jump out and stabilize orbits with their jetpacks (took about 90% of the pack).

What to do now? Sending up the same craft with 2 more rookies to pick these three and then fulfill the mission.

The mission? Rookie training combined with Minmus outpost contract.


Strangest part: the smart guys died and the stupid survived. Now I'm suspecting that somebody was carrying unplanned experiments...

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I FINALLY....FINALLY landed on Eve with no issues. I sent 3 ships, one I returned to Kerbin when it became clear I was NOT going to reach EVE (even with Mechjeb), and now it's a station (which almost destroyed my refueling station, oops). The second one I forgot about after the initial burn (a probe), so I repurposed it and put it into orbit around Duna before trying to land it...disastrously.

Third time is the charm. Landing was a bit too hard, but Kerbals alive and happy.


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The all-new STS-4 Space Shuttle Intrepid undergoing a dress rehearsal docking with Spacedock (SSI HQ) in preparation for a video. All development and testing is done. Now its time for a video. STS-4 will be released and all existing modules updated when filming is done and the video is published. :D My best shuttle yet. Here's a sneak peak:

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  Kerbin Dallas Multipass said:
Got this contract to send a probe to do amospheric scans on Laythe in some specific spot.

Landed the craft because parachute.

Admired the sunset (or sunrise?)

Panned the camera to the left



That is very awesome! I have yet to spend any time on Laythe. My Eve mission is about to get started though! I'm excited for that.

Jeb's Eve Exploration Plane!

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Thought I'd try to build an actual orbiter, Buran-style. Still needs some tweaking (and RCS, lol), but I got it to orbit on the first try.

I keep falling back to the RD-171, think I might be addicted...


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@Regolith: That's awesome! Did that thing stay remotely stable during the drive? Best looking unicycle I've seen in a while. :P

As for what I did today, well nothing yet. Planning on flying a second ScanSAT vessel to my tug parked in LKO. Hoping I can manage to stick it on there somehow, as it'd increase my chances of fully mapping Jool and it's moons in one run. And, well, it'll save me a trip going back with another satellite.

I've been absolutely hemorrhaging funds though, I might need to find some contracts to complete before I get stuck. I think I'm below 600k now. O.O (with an average launch cost of like.. 250k.)

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