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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Broke the limit on Launch Pad recommended weight of 18 tonne with 24 tonne vessel.


With Bill and Jebedia's' help we built a rocket.


Outside the VAB using booster haulers.


Two Thumpers attached to a core booster at the Launch Pad.


Held together with Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Juniors.

The most intriguing fun I have had in KSP and did not make it into space.

This is why I decided to build outside the VAB

Edited by MoeslyArmlis
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Today I launched transfer vehicle which will take my first landing party to Duna.


I still have to launch 2-3 refueling ships to fill that big tank with LF for nukes and after that crew of 3 will launch with their craft. That craft will be used to land on Ike, then land on Duna, lift back up into Duna's orbit and dock with transfer vehicle. Of that whole craft everything will be left in orbit, while capsule will travel back to Kerbin together with transfer vehicle.

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I left Valentina stranded in her lander can on Duna. It fell over and can't right itself. And has no antenna. There are 6 kerbals in orbit but they can't help her. So it is going to be a long wait for a rescue.

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Ugh. Ever have one of those days when you can't get into orbit? After six failures, I ended up launching something I didn't actually want to launch because I wanted to orbit something. :huh:

Yeah - had one of those just last night...

I spent a fair amount of time working on the Bobmobile 7, a lander designed to clean out the ample science fields of Minmus. Could not get the damn thing into orbit for the life of me (I still have Level 2 limits on my Launchpad - which I oughta just go ahead and upgrade to full); wound up just doing a simple re-design of another, more primitive lander I'd already built to put Jeb on the Mun for Science! - I added a service bay with an OKTO probe and two barometers, and slapped eight OX-STAT panels on the sides of the fuel tanks. Launched it to orbit last night with Bob aboard and he's on his way to Minmus now...he'll arrive in 18 days (probably should've handled the transfer a little better).

Also launched Jeb into orbit aboard a Loan Call 7 rocket with a single tourist aboard headed for orbit; conducted two Kerbin-orbit rescues and returned to KSC (splashed about 30 klicks off). I don't remember what contracts I selected to replace the three I fulfilled...one of those mornings where the coffee is insufficient......

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Wrote a kOS script that launches my marcus orbiters for me. :D This will save me a ton of time since it means I no longer have to launch every routine crewing mission.

print "AutoLaunch V 1.0.".

print "Launching".
lock throttle to 0.8.
sas on.
lock steering to up + R(0,0,180).

wait until altitude >1000.
lock steering to up + R(0,0,180) + R(0,-15,0).
print "Pitcing to 15 degrees".

wait until altitude >10000.
lock steering to up + R(0,-15,180) + R(0,-30,0).
print "Pitcing to 45 degrees".

wait until stage:solidfuel < 0.1.
lock throttle to 1.
print "Decoupling Solid Rocket Boosters".

wait until altitude >22000.
lock steering to up + R(0,-45,180) + R(0,-35,0).
print "Pitcing to 80 degrees".

wait until stage:liquidfuel < 0.1.
print "Decoupling Main Booster Stage".

wait until alt:apoapsis > 83000.
lock throttle to 0.
lock steering to prograde.
print "Standby for orbital insertion".

wait until eta:apoapsis < 15.
lock steering to up + R(0,-90,180).
lock throttle to 1.
print "Go for orbital insertion".

wait until alt:periapsis > 75000.
lock throttle to 0.
print "Welcome to space".
sas off.


When I have more free time, I'm gonna try and see if I can get kOS to fly SSTOs in and out of orbit and deliver cargo.

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Sent a rocket up for a Munar science mission, trying to make it as minimal as possible. One crew, lander module driven by nothing but an external command seat, science module that gets abandoned on the surface to reduce weight, etc. And a single scientist to build experience and maximize returns.

... then upon launching I discovered that, lacking a qualified pilot or sufficiently advanced autopilot, the thing had no SAS at all. "Surely that is not enough to abort the mission, I can compensate for that." :P

... turns out I could not completely compensate for that, as during final descent I lost complete control of the lander, had difficulty orienting it, and its direction vectors on the navball seemed arbitrary. I aborted the descent just before passing the point of no return.

So I now have a scientist in Low Munar Orbit, waiting for rescue. I sent up a two-crew Mun lander I had assembled earlier, with only a pilot in it to save a slot for the scientist, modified by stripping out its science equipment and replacing them with an Advanced Grabber Unit. That should snap up the wayward science module, reclaim any spent fuel, and continue the mission.

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I left Valentina stranded in her lander can on Duna. It fell over and can't right itself. And has no antenna. There are 6 kerbals in orbit but they can't help her. So it is going to be a long wait for a rescue.

In other words, you ended up falling into the plot of The Martian:

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Two Thumpers attached to a core booster at the Launch Pad.

Held together with Clamp-O-Tron Docking Port Juniors.

The most intriguing fun I have had in KSP and did not make it into space.

What a genius trick. I should try that someday.

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I made another early jet age replica... this time a YP-80 Shooting Star. I am not entirely pleased with the wings, but i'm not sure what else I can do to make it look better with stock parts. The engine is the standard jet, tweakscaled to 0.900m, which gives this aircraft a slightly better TWR than my Me-262 with its twin 0.625m engines. Since it's faster, and slightly more maneuverable than my Me-262, if I ever get around to installing BD Armory, it'll be interesting to see if the 262's heavier armament will compensate for those weaknesses ;)





Edited by Justicier
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Yesterday I mentioned my latest project, an ungodly large spaceshuttle. Well here it is: The Star of Milos.

Obviously it relies heavily on TweakScale.

Lift off! Yes, it is indeed that big. It dwarfs the watertower and the flagpole.


Booster separation.


Jettison the nose tank.


To give you an idea of scale, the cockpit, tail fins and Rhino engines have not been TweakScaled. And neither have those 5 fully loaded large ore containers. 90tons of cargo safely to 100*100km orbit.


A fiery re-entry


Coming in for landing.


Made it home safely.


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Nearly reached the end of my patience.

It's been about a week since I last truly played this game. That time I was hammered by bugs and bad framerate. Since then I've been doing seemingly interminable fps tests, and again just encountering a string of bugs and inconsistent results. Half my work was virtual junk because Squad thought that 1.0.x should behave differently depending on the current directory when you run the game. Most recently the stupid GC collection stutter showed itself again.

I'm all but done with this rubbish. It's the one thing I hate about PC gaming, period, and I'm just about ready to sling this thing against the wall and pull out the 3DS instead.


Now I'm going to watch some Bargain Hunt.

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