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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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what mods did you use? me likey.

RSS, obviously. :P

The launcher and insertion stage are made from SpaceY and SpaceY Expanded parts, with Interstellar Fuel Switch installed to change their colour patters.

The blue engine flames are from etiher Real Fuels, Real Plume or directly from SpaceY, not really sure.

The lander and command module are essentially stock parts redesigned by Ven's Stock Revamp. There also are two TAC Life Support cans on the lander.

I did this mission kinda quickly and not on my main save because of several reasons, including a bugged save and missing plumes. I probably will make another one with more screenshots whenever I manage to solve these bugs.

Edited by Gaarst
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After many different failures an improved design emerges and now launches might occur every where. This is the testing of a rugged Transporter Erector Launcher using stock parts and is capable of transporting 3000 kg of ore into LKO using a two stage remote launch vehicle. Bill says if it can climb a mountain it will be good everywhere. The failure always seemed to occur with the wheels. The less flexible the more it broke apart and so many struts where removed (thirty or more). Now the vehicle made it to the mountain.

Stock TEL Test

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This vehicle will undergo further testing as this was only testing the electric and not the jet engines. The jet engines and an alternate pathway will be tested so the vehicle can prevail over that extreme incline. The failure was all six electric motors lost torque and the vehicle slipped sideways and all traction was lost.

Launches from slopes of less than 25 degrees were successful and no launch test at this inclination was planned until recently.

During this test the team started out in the morning and made the mountain in less than two kerbal hours (I had supper and was about an hour) and no fuel was utilized battery was still near fully charged. The range of this vehicle will be investigated as I have at least five locations on kerbin I want to drive to and launch a rocket. Location One is located on the slope on the west side of the mountain range close to the KSC.

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Made a Mobile Crane System for my next Laythe colonization campaign. It can pull, push and lift, all in one vehicle:


Can you do this? I picked up Jebs decontamination habitat out of the admins pool... guess what happened... :D


Edited by Mikki
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I finally got the main part of an inter-planetary ship (Jool-5 or even grandtour if refueling) in orbit.

Took me forever to be satisfied with the final result and took me 5 launches to iron out a good enough launcher (at like 1/3sec because of 450+ parts).

However this baby (Currently) comes equipped with a resource scanner, antenna, and a science package covered with shroud for atmospheric re-entries. Also room for 5 kerbals (one pilot, one scientist, 3 engineers).

11.3k Delta-V is nothing to be ashamed of as well, but will need extra fuel tank for rockets and the multi-purpose lander(with mining apparatus) capable of everything except EVE... final D-V will drop a bit, but should be very respectable.


Edited by Francois424
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I ment to post this yesterday.. first time ive recorded most of a run with a locomotive in her native environment that she was designed for :) .. a day in the life of 4016.. ive got another one on my PC for tomorrow when I get home from work.. so take it as part of a series

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Time to make the long burn for the transition trajectory to Jool. Kronos_B's long tail of tanks was already thoroughly shortened, but now it's time to really reduce the mass of this spaceship.


The best way is to switch over SAS to just stabilize, once Kronos_B is pointing in the right direction. If left on the navigation target, the rocket will just oscillate wilder and wilder.


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Found out why KAS /KIS should be stock.

My mission was to retrive kamkin's scrap from the Mun surface, its an greenhouse module of an size and weight like an mobile processing lab but half circle shaped.


My first thought was an design using the claw but I came up with something better. I already landed the miner behind to rescue kerbal and look at the module so I could do something easier.

Solution is the module in front and an engineer with an drill.

Its parts from the same mod, 1.25 meter first stage then it used internal engines and fuel to get from suborbital to Mun surface.


Assembling it on the greenhouse, here mounting the extra fuel tank who I put on top while mounting the engine, Kerbal carries the small parts on him, do the same on the other side then add wheels and power.


Refueling from miner before liftoff.


New refuel in mun orbit, also adding the parachutes I forgot.

- - - Updated - - -

Time to make the long burn for the transition trajectory to Jool. Kronos_B's long tail of tanks was already thoroughly shortened, but now it's time to really reduce the mass of this spaceship.


The best way is to switch over SAS to just stabilize, once Kronos_B is pointing in the right direction. If left on the navigation target, the rocket will just oscillate wilder and wilder.


Yes, the point at target or node tend to cause oscillation. Mechjeb smartass does not.

Did you launch that ship as one unit?

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So for the last few weeks I've been tooting around restarting career mode play-throughs with various combinations of difficulty settings. (I have a bad habit of restarting saves a lot, in most games. Trying to break that one...) As a result of all this, I haven't had much in the way of personal achievements, or even much more than really basic rockets. Finally getting somewhere, this particular career I'm playing with about ~40% science returns and permanent death, but otherwise all the settings are at normal level. That said, I'm not using quicksave to undo my oopses, it's there for kraken insurance. And, well, when I broke the Mun and literally couldn't do anything because everything froze up except camera panning. Which is probably a very large kraken's doing.

Remarkably, nobody's died yet this game! No, I didn't even quickload any embarrassing ones, I've just been getting better at building rockets... or very lucky, possibly both.

My actually-noteworthy accomplishments...

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I managed to scrape together a three-seater orbiter with very low tech command pods; eeked into orbit with less than 200 m/s of dV to spare, but it was enough to do some rescues.

Built a "science car" for trucking around KSC and collecting science - we all do that.. This was the first one that, for being low tech, actually bore vague resemblance to a car.

I was also using my Kamilton Model B airplane to get science from Kerbin's various biomes, but it needed a bit of a boost to make the ice caps - so I gave its wings a serious lift to make room for some undercarriage radial decouplers and drop-tanks with plenty of fuel. Takeoff was worrisome but once I was in the air, it was golden.

And after a number of fly-by's, I managed to create a viable lander that made a beautiful touchdown in the Mun's Highlands, where Jebediah got a serious boost to his ego. I wasn't sure his lander would get him all the way home again, but it did! I'm quite happy with the design, but of course will be moving on to bigger, better things.

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I COMPLETELY impressed myself with rocket building skills by using the lifting vehicle I built to go to (URLUM, in OPM)


For reference, the green circle is Jool's orbit, the orangeish one used to be Eeloo, but in OPM ir's a moon of a gas giant named Sarnus.

Blue line in the foreground is Urlum. And I landed on one of its moons called Priax:


The thing in orbit is the discarded approach stage.


"After careful observation, Thomcott concluded that Priax is not made of cheese. Priaxan soil however, is very tasty."

Anyway it was a very successful test. Going to use the info to set up a base on Dres. Question to those of you that have OPM though...I have 1044dV left, do I have enough to get to Polta, the other moon? I want to permanently set up shop there with this craft.

A parting shot, views like this are why OPM is among my favorite mods:


Is polta made of Polta Paste? (destroyermen series FTW!) Anyway, I added working extra power generators to my landship that run on only liquid fuel, and also added radiators and tested its max speed: 13.1 m/s. way faster acceleration than any of my other landships, which need a jet engine just to move, even with tracks and wheels. my fast, huge one turns like a brick though. probably because of how far apart the two pairs of tracks are. Imma have to see how effective it is in AA. the two goal keepers to a side should definitely help it out more if the other aa guns don't work. I also redid my sub-orbital tourist rocket. It can't hold ten tourists anymore, but it can hold four, and that's more than my other model that works. Imma have to add seperatrons to the launch stage though to push it away, and rcs to it since the reaction wheels don't like working. it can re-enter fine, and the three HugeS Behemoth Aerospace Engineering small parachutes bring it down to about 2.2 m/s, so I don't really need the large parachute on the top. Gonna have to use it some to get the tourist moneyz so I can get back to over 2M funds so I don't worry about stuff. As soon as possible imma have to try and get nuclear engines to use the nuclear reactor engine from the mk2 expansion mod so I can see if I might be able to get sub-orbital with that. Not a huge amount of thrust, the wheesely might actually have more than it, but it doesn't need atmosphere stuff to work and it uses enriched uranium stored in it meaning it has basically infinite fuel, so I could probably just have a cockpit, several passenger compartments, the engine, some wings, some parachutes, and landing gear and it hopefully can get to space. it might take forever or take a few tiny rocket engines near space to help it get there but it should do good. plus I can get tons of tourists to space. YAY!

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I AM THE GREATEST! well today...:wink:

I unloaded and reloaded a Jumbo tank size item from a SSTO plane and back!!!!


With a flatbed tug!


I thought this day would never happen in stockplay....!


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I began mentally planning a science truck for the KSC that wouldn't involve airplane parts. probably just a cupola and a lab with some wheels, batteries, and solar panels, and of course tons of science. or maybe have a little mothership and have little cars go and grab science and bring it to the mother car. or just something simple.

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I put poor Bill Kerman into orbit around the sun! Was testing out a rocket design and was trying to orbit the planet but I guess I screwed up and ended up getting an escape velocity and now he's in a similar orbit to Kerbin! Well, to be fair I am trying to learn the game. But that was a major screw up. I feel sorry for Bill!

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I put poor Bill Kerman into orbit around the sun! Was testing out a rocket design and was trying to orbit the planet but I guess I screwed up and ended up getting an escape velocity and now he's in a similar orbit to Kerbin! Well, to be fair I am trying to learn the game. But that was a major screw up. I feel sorry for Bill!

Take the kerbalX up into space, shut off the engines, do a maneuver node and pull out the blue icon with the x of sticks coming out of it until the blue line makes a circle and the lowest part of said line says a number over 70, and there you go.

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