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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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24 minutes ago, KerBlammo said:

You need futtock shrouds beneath your tops, or do Kerbals use the lubber's hole? ;):)

Seriously that is one cool ship!  

I made some mistakes in the order of building, I installed the yards and sails before installing all the stays so a lot of the strutwork is not as good as it could be. Part of me wants to totally redo the rig with the lessons learned from this one, we'll see.

18 minutes ago, LordKael said:

so, at what point are you going to release the .craft file? :D I would absolutely LOVE to sail that beauty around.

It's really not fit for public consumption, looks great but terrible to actually sail. That and it's a mod craft, maybe if I redo it I'll go all stock and be a bit more particular so I would be OK with sharing it.

14 minutes ago, Francois424 said:

I'm more interested in the water to be honest...  But that's pretty awesome regardless.

Scatterer. These particular pics changed two items in the ocean settings, AMP = 12 and wind Speed = 6. Give it a try!

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Actually it was yesterday but I developed my Eve lander. Success is very near now. I succeeded to keep lander one piece through descent but unfortunately I landed to a quite small lake. I did not try pinpoint landing yet. I have to land on relatively high area but ship is not restricted to highest peaks.

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The Duna Exploration Complex was launched successfully, and the Horus XLN-2 craft docked with it not far from Kerbin Orbital Station. (I set a screen shot of it as my cover photo on my profile...)  After a check-out, and after Bob adds some struts on an EVA between the Horus and the complex, it will be "go" to visit a nearby Class E asteroid as a shakedown mission prior to the actual Duna mission-- which will follow when the appropriate launch window opens later in the year.

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went to sarnus orbit with my experimental ship that runs on liquid hydrogen using massive nuke engine,i called it "fat boy".:rolleyes:

putting lower part of the "fat boy" to orbit was a pure hell,and im not going to do this again...EVER!

than docked 2 times,1 time for the reactor second time for the lander.lander docking went well,reactor not so....:mad:


getting to sarnus orbit


you can see the nuclear radiators begging for mercy from the amount of heat they taking


after long burn got myself to sarnus polar high orbit. now just go to take the lander and go for ovok and hale.with no mercy for fuel :0.0:


cool sarnus reflection


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It seems I either fail completely at something no matter how much I test and try to improve it, or I build something that just works almost perfectly from the first test launch.

This time I built an orange tank SSTO. 85km * 85km orbit with plenty of fuel to spare on the very first launch. I just need to swap some liquid fuel tanks for rocket fuel tanks.

Might even work with 2 engines less since it went through the sound barrier like it wasn't there. ... or replace 2 rapiers with nukes and ditch the orange tank, ... and add mining equipment, ... and radiators, ... and a lab, ... and a satellite, ... and a lander. Hmmm, seems like I've got another interplanetary SSTO/Mothership coming up.

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2 hours ago, Randazzo said:

erhmagerd I thought they were command pods

I'd tell you how nice they look, as always, but I might seem like a fanboy.

Glad you like them!


BTW, they're released, as of today. I just pushed out a hotfix to them a few minutes ago, to get them to play nice with symmetry modes.


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Over the last couple of days, I accepted several contracts, most prominently taking a tourist to the Mun and back and taking gravioli readings at three nearby points on the Munar surface.  I tried to do all of them at once by building a 3.5 rocket with radial engines and a rover in an internal bay.

I get a little paranoid about running out of fuel during Mun landings, so I added a bit more to the transfer stage while still in LKO:  


Still paranoid, I gave it another fuel injection once it got to Munar orbit after having discarded its transfer stage in and used its radial engines.


Finally, we managed to touch down a few kilometers away from our target zone during the night.  I realized too late that I had forgotten to add landing lights if we had to do a night landing, but managed to make it safely to the surface anyway with the perpendicular lights projected by the rover in its bay.


I waited until the sun was up before starting the day's work.  Bill and Songar managed to get the rover out of its housing, but accidentally broke some of the rocket's solar panels in the process.  Oops!  Better stow those before deploying the rover next time.  



We ended up traveling three and a half kilometers from the landing site to reach the furthest measurement site.  The rover was a pain to control, often flipping, though the RCS thrusts helped keep it grounded, flipped it when it needed to be righted, and gave it traction when it desperately needed it.  The crater in particular was a navigational pain, we tried going around it but would occasionally fall in and have to navigate through it anyway.  One or both Kerbals fell out of their seats more than once and will need to be treated for whiplash when they get back.  Still, it managed to soldier on, only losing a single solar panel during a particularly bad flip.


We started running out of power and monopropellant on the way back, and at least one cause of that became apparent:  Kerbin eclipsed the sun.  We had just enough to coast back to the rocket.  Next time I think I will use a small monopropellant-driven EVA navigation system instead.  


Still a little worried about fuel, but fortunately we had enough to get back to Munar orbit, then I decided to chance a least-fuel exit burn back to Kerbin intercept.  We seemed to have just enough!  We orbited once, passing over our landing on the way out of Munar orbit.  We can still see the abandoned rover from here!  


Or initial aerobreaking might have been a mite too aggressive, but other than some scary warning lights blinking, nothing catastrophic happened.  Subsequent areobreaking passes were much more thermally gentle.  


Forgot to get a picture of our splashdown, but we did successfully recover everyone and the rocket.


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1 hour ago, NecroBones said:

Glad you like them!

BTW, they're released, as of today. I just pushed out a hotfix to them a few minutes ago, to get them to play nice with symmetry modes.

Yeah, I'm replying to myself. Screenshot of the new paint schemes and sepratron nose cones:



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I started working on the Elcano Challenge. I was going to circumnavigate Kerbin with the Aquanaut 2003: 


But a desire to conquer the Mun made me change my mind. I don't know why...


Oh that's right: I hate the Mun. It taunts me; it hangs in the sky and laughs at me... [cue hysteria/paranoia/lunacy]

Edited by Ehco Corrallo
Discovered a sentence fragment. (Gasp!)
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24 minutes ago, Ehco Corrallo said:

I started working on the Elcano Challenge. I was going to circumnavigate Kerbin with the Aquanaut 2003: 


But a desire to conquer the Mun made me change my mind. I don't know why...


Oh that's right: I hate the Mun. It taunts me; it hangs in the sky and laughs at me... [cue hysteria/paranoia/lunacy]

How close did you move it to Kerbin ?  that looks about 4 times as close, if not 8 times. 

You get to Orbit and you're already almost there =)

Edited by Francois424
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28 minutes ago, Francois424 said:

How close did you move it to Kerbin ?  that looks about 4 times as close, if not 8 times. 

You get to Orbit and you're already almost there =)

I think it might actually be inside the atmosphere. I'm not positive though; I took the picture a while ago [the Mun is back to its proper place now], when my hyper-edit fueled god-complex became far too unruly to be controlled. 

I really like that picture: I think it sums up the first half of my rocketry career. 

Edited by Ehco Corrallo
Moved the Mun post photograph. Then discovered a grammatical inadequacy.
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A simple contract drove me nearly insane. Thanks Kerbal Space Program.

What started out as a routine 'grab atmospheric pressure readings from the surface' in the badland mountains halfway around Kerbin ended in the most painful birth of new innovation.

I present to you, my imgur album chronicling the ultimate success of the mission. Not included are the five failed designs before this successful one.


Operation: Furious Atmosphere


(p.s. Thanks to @fourfa and @Snarfster for helping me get the Imgur link sorted out.)

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46 minutes ago, Khorso said:

(p.s. Any tips on how to embed imgur albums on this new forum format? I'm at a loss...)

There's a black 'i' in a box on the right side of the text-editor controls.  Looks like it should be for 'info' or something.  Turns out it's for 'imgur'

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I delivered a 'base' to the north pole aboard my Sporklift Duck cargo plane :)

When I fly at 4x speed my plane looks like a tadpole having a poo.


It broke up when it landed though:


The second attempt was much better (the base is the little 2x hitchiker units in the background):


But now I am flying home with only 39 minutes of fuel left... hmm...



Will Jeb make it back to KSC!?

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17 hours ago, Red Iron Crown said:

Played some more with my frigate, now with 100% more motion in the ocean!

That looks so awesome I swear I can hear seagulls (gah, get off me you winged rats!!)
(been meaning to comment on it in the scatterer thread)

2 hours ago, Snarfster said:

Didn't feel like doing career missions so I horsed around with a nuclear powered aircraft.

That sounds like a very unhealthy design for the passengers.....I like it.

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2 hours ago, Stewcumber said:

I delivered a 'base' to the north pole aboard my Sporklift Duck cargo plane :)

When I fly at 4x speed my plane looks like a tadpole having a poo.


It broke up when it landed though:


The second attempt was much better (the base is the little 2x hitchiker units in the background):


But now I am flying home with only 39 minutes of fuel left... hmm...

  Reveal hidden contents


Will Jeb make it back to KSC!?

Tadpole having a poo. I lol' and people are staring. 


And that hat landing was fine, you still have half an airplane. 

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