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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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The KOLOSSUS, an extraplanetary mothership of unfathomable proportions, returns home to Kerbin from a long, years-long rendezvous with Jool and its moons, utilizing the Mun's gravity as a slingshot to help with the trajectory back to Kerbin.

(sponsored by my kawaii profile pic ;3)

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Docked a small crew shuttle I'm working on to my LEO station.
Launch went fine (except I messed up ascent profile and spent a bit too much dV to rendez-vous for my taste) but as the shuttle packs only 4 days of supplies for the trip and nothing for the 150 days aboard the station I have to send a cargo to resupply the station which ends up being more expensive than a non-resuable capsule which brings the supplies itself.
So this is probably going to be the only real mission of this shuttle (plus two test flights, one of which killed the pilot).


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I built a thing! Don't ask me what it's for, I don't know yet. I may have been a bit too ambitious.



Getting the science module/low grav lander/lifeboat thingy out of the cargo bay took a while, because it's pretty much impossible. :mellow:

The remaining fuel balance is way off, I'll need to rework the landing gear, getting to orbit is a b*tch, and the partcount is too high. Other than that, it sort of works.

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I tinkered a bit more with my largest SSTO spaceplane, (orange tank to 100km station capable). Delivered some fuel and a bit of ore to my LKO station. Fuel is for the nuclear tug, so it can deliver a mun rover and some station parts, ore is for testing power & cooling  on the station is sufficient to run the ISRU.


I should really have docked on the other side it was a bit tight here.

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The other day, did some exploring of the Sarnus system.



That little lander can only get on and off Eeloo once before refueling, but having already set up a base on Eeloo with a ginormous fuel drilling rig, I was able to hop around to all the biomes near the base, getting science from everywhere except the pole in only 2 de-orbits. Which was a good thing, because the Kraken was hard at work erroneously shoving the mothership into a higher orbit whenever it was in physics range. Fortunately it laid off long enough to re-dock and head off to somewhere less glitchy.

Ovok turned out to have so little gravity that I didn't bother detaching the lander, since even with its half-a-meter-per-second of acceleration, the mothership had no difficulty balancing itself on the surface. That also allowed my engineer, who usually remains stuck in orbit, to plant a flag or two and gain some extra experience points; both crewmembers reached level 5!



At Hale, another shepherd-moon type of thing buried in Sarnus's rings, the kerbals came across a gaping hole in the fabric of reality, which they have lamely dubbed "The Cracken."



Also, apparently I have to remove an old imgur album via post edit every time I post in this thread from now on. What fun...

Edited by kotomikun
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7 hours ago, TrooperCooper said:


Over the last few days...


I sent an unammed fly-by probe to Mars.



And launched my first RSS / RO / RP-0 Lunar landing mission in this career. My 2nd real moon mission ever...


Your launches always look fantastic. What fairings did you use for the Icarus class lifter?

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My space program is quickly turning into a very cost-inefficient meat grinder. I'm trying to defeat Slate, the Tylo of the Sarnus system, and hoo boy... it's eaten at least 5 test landers, crew and all. Only one craft has made it back to orbit, on a cough of fuel and no hope for a rendezvous. The drawing board is getting worn out, and I'm running low on ideas and patience. I wish people posted more lander designs, cause what I'm coming up with just ain't working.

On the other hand, the Tekto landing craft worked far better than I could have hoped. It took forever to get to the surface, but it was smooth sailing back up to orbit. I have high hopes for my official, non-hyperedited mission to the system.



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1 hour ago, r_rolo1 said:

Hum, TWR at launch of 1.8? You were asking  for trouble :D

I always launch at about 1.7-1.9 TWR and limit thrust to 18m/s2 accel. It's already being limited in that shot.  Makes for a smooth climb out and a consistent 3,300dv to orbit.  I had rearranged part of the rocket and forgot to put the struts back on. Also forgot to turn off the gimble on the SRBs.


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Did this a while ago, but only got around to taking a picture of it now (it still needed a little balancing and SAS.)  

A UH-144 Falcon from Halo: Reach.


Flies like crap, unfortunately, but I wanted to try to make a lookalike.  I know the guy who did the concept art for it (his spaceship designs have a lot of Chris Foss influence on them) so it has a place in my heart.  

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Even more fun with GAP:

Managed to land my first kopter on the VAB. The craft survived, the building isn't. I call it a partial success.



I also found out that air intakes work well underwater. Who'd have though?


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3 minutes ago, monstah said:

That's one scary eyeball there in the front of that ship!

yeah,i took a huge chute for duna,but for some reason used fuel to land.

i had plenty of delta v left so why not...^_^ oh well there is always kerbin reentry.


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