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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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On ‎04‎/‎01‎/‎2016 at 7:56 PM, Fearless Son said:

I have to say, that is a really nice lander design!  Looks very efficient.  

Thanks, about 3200 m/s dV was enough to all biomes on Minimus with only 2 refuels, and it managed 2 biomes plus a plane change on the Mun.  There's always room for improvement though, I had way too much battery capacity on it, and the tanker stage was enough to get it to Minimus, land in all biomes, fly to the Mun, do 2 landings and completely refuel, so a bit more than I needed there too.  More thought needed on the RCS placement as they were at 45 degrees so less efficient than 90 degrees, I guess rotating the docking port and controlling from there is the easiest bet.

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Manned missions to Mars are still a bit further down the road it seems. Since I will need more science, I decided to design a more modern setup for my manned Moon landings that incorporates the progress I made in the RP-0 techtree since my old CSM + Lander were created. I also wanted to be able to land more than just one person on the surface to train more than just the pilots within the Astronaut corps. More science experiments was also a focus.

Below is the new more or less finished LEM design. I name it Altair, but its not really a replica. Most notably, aside from visual differences, It does not use cryogenic fuels to avoid boil off and only has a crew of 3 instead of 4 on the real Altair. Nonetheless, with about 130 parts its certainly a slightly more complex lander than what I usually use... and with its much higher weight I bet it will be fun to put down on the Moon. :)


Edited by TrooperCooper
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I don't have pictures unfortunately (i'll try to include a reproduction of the event) but I did an atmospheric flyby of Duna and racked up 1400 science points (courtesy of DMagic orbital science mod).

But now i'm faced with a question 
Should I spend all my money in a single modular mothership capable of going everywhere and refueling itself using miners or should I keep exploring Eve and do a Jool flyby one rocket at a time ? (I got these two contracts now) ?

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8 minutes ago, MagicFireCaster said:

I've landed a class A asteroid near ksc!



You should have reentered asteroid first.  It's unable to be destroyed, or at least is hard to.

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3 minutes ago, MagicFireCaster said:

I made my entry like that in case i needed to burn a bit more to not get pass the KSC

you could have flipped around, but I understand now...

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Finished testing the Interplanetary Launchpad parts, so I could start collecting the required pieces in LKO before abandoning KSC for good.

But since I wanna make my new base on Laythe, I had a sudden surge of insanity an idea - so I decided that everything I intend to take should travel as SSTO-planes. First one is in orbit:


If you are wondering, that's a 10 ton smelter in the middle that will manufacture parts from ore. I can't decide if it's the ugliest, or the stupidest SSTO I ever made. Probably the latter, as it will take a total of one trips to Laythe, than it gets built into my new base. So I get none of the economical merits of using a spaceplane, just the hassle.

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After losing my previous career I've finally got the tech to build something decent in orbit. Instead of a space station I'm trying to make a inter planetary ship.

Built this in 3 sections

Core, Solar Array & Radiator Array


I then added my science module


Then a habitation module with 4 tourists in it as they want to fly around around and land on minmus and the mun and thought it would be a good test run of the ship when completed


All of tonights work completed


If i get a chance tomorrow I will attach a large fuel tank, a four way connection node some nukes and some pods/capsules for landing on mun/minmus and for returning the tourists.

A very productive evening by my standards.

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so i did a thing, 3.9t on the pad. and reaches >500k orbit. also cost 7k in career, i figured i can shotgun a few of these for com-sats. and still be cheaper than a geosync array. not gonna help to much for long distance stuff. but for in kerbin system why not?

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I'm still trying to limp through the first stages of a hard-mode mostly stock Career game, but I had some more luck today. I completed three contracts with one ship, but by the time I hit "recover" the infamous memory leak had me at over 3.9 MB of RAM and the game crashed. I believe I'll have enough Funds to upgrade the launch facility next session to level 2 and build a proper tourist-worthy orbital spaceship.

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I'm gonna complete five contracts in one go:

  • Rescue Will Kerbin from LKO so that he can join a "school bus" of 7 other Kerbonauts on their way to a...
  • Munar flyby, to complete a spacewalk contract there. Next is...
  • Solar Orbit, for science and a space station contract in said orbit. Then they...
  • Fly to Ike and Duna to fulfill exploration contracts and...
  • Establish a Duna Space Station to complete the final contract.

I should be able to generate a sick amount of cash and science with this mission. Wish me luck!

Edited by arise257
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Well, I did my first mun landing in my lifesupport game.
No pilot, because the mission included constructing a (remotetech) comms relay on the mun to permanently link back to Kerbin thanks to the tidal locking.

First launch had flames for about 2 seconds before the explosions started.  Giant ball of smoke and flame and shockwaves, rapid staging to the munar descent stage, then the engine got destroyed so I staged to the ascent engine, and then threw out the parachutes once it was starting to fall clear.
Kerbal survived with a couple landing gear scattered on the grass and a 400 tank to the side.
4 KCT days to clear the pad and 5 days to finish the backup mun rocket, this time with launch clamps :)
Launch went successfully this time, and I got into orbit of mun, but then realized that thanks to the previous launchpad incident, it was now a new moon.  Everywhere that can see Kerbin is pitch black, and I'll have to do everything on battery power in the dark.  Also I couldn't quite remember where the rough terrain is and I wasn't going to look up a map online.
I did have a landing light so it wasn't all bad.
Managed to come down on a mostly flat spot using the transfer/landing stage, and then ditched it to put the lander down on its legs.
Unfortunately, one of the legs caught on the descent tank, and it tipped over.  Not enough gyro to force it upright.
Fortunately I had the three most dangerous things in the universe:
An Engineer, a Wrench, and an IDEA!
I could fix this!
Inline image 1

Didn't quite go as expected; the landing gear dug in to the soil and the rocket faceplanted on the first try.
I then spun it back to its feet and faced it east again, then did a small burn to rock forward and as it rocked back, I gunned it and spiraled into the sky :D
After getting a couple minutes buffer before impact, I had the engineer step outside, tear off the landing gear to rebalance the ship, and then finished the orbital burn.  Now he just has the easy trip home to deliver the science loot, collect his first star and lots of fame.


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Decided to baja my way up the the poles in my 40t Minmus Science Rover today.

Also found out my comm sat network has been online for over a year and a half and I still haven't had to adjust their orbits since I put them up.  That's definitely a record for me.  I usually have to adjust mine at least once every month or two.


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6 hours ago, arise257 said:

I'm gonna complete five contracts in one go:

  • Rescue Will Kerbin from LKO so that he can join a "school bus" of 7 other Kerbonauts on their way to a...
  • Munar flyby, to complete a spacewalk contract there. Next is...
  • Solar Orbit, for science and a space station contract in said orbit. Then they...
  • Fly to Ike and Duna to fulfill exploration contracts and...
  • Establish a Duna Space Station to complete the final contract.

I should be able to generate a sick amount of cash and science with this mission. Wish me luck!

Be careful that they don't get... :cool: Lost in space!

Sorry... I'll get my coat.

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