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What did you do in KSP1 today?


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Today, I built the Tranquility Station, pretty much exactly in Kerbi-stationary orbit (eccentricity <0.00). It has three reactors for transmitting power, lots and lots of antennas for Remote Tech, space for nineteen happy kerbals, science lab, eight docking ports and five transceivers. Now I just need to figure out why it overheats when I start transmitting power.

361 parts, 249 tons






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Last night, decided I wanted to start rounding up my original  kerbals, can only see on the rosters Jeb and Bill for some reason, i do have career set to respawn them, guess I'll check persistent file for them or something. Anyway I began with Bill whom is in orbit on a station that should have been researching science, but is basically floating in space with an orange tank full of fuel. So I built a probe controlled rocket with 2 hitchhikers and a lander can so i'd have enough room for any extras, which turns out I needed the space(haha) because I saw a new contract for rescuing a guy from a very low orbit of Kerbin, peri-74k, ap-84k, that was fun, now I'm waiting on a good intercept for Bill and crew pickup.

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Last night, I added a few parts mods.  No godmoding, just a few aesthetics and realistic items.  I also added Chatter (how did I live without it?) and one I'd forgotten about; TweakScale. 

TweakScale, I quickly discovered, now fixed a problem I was having where I had picked exactly the wrong tree options to continue to get enough science to operate comfortably within Kerbin's SOI.  Scaling tanks up to fit a Rockmax adapter's big end and scaling the Swivel engine to fit, with a pod on top, managed to get into a suborbital-T enough to do a little testing.  I'm going to take some gear out to the runway and figure up some factor-testing though; I'm concerned that the ability to scale engines may make scaled small engines more useful to me than unlocking larger ones if the output isn't competitive. 

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On 14/03/2016 at 2:50 PM, Proteus said:

got more rocket parts to my station and today i build new interstellar ship with 2 warp drive engines and 4 reactors and alot of energy,good amount of delta v,main engine powered with uranium and tungsten..


Some awesome looking craft there, which mods are you using?

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9 minutes ago, Fearless Son said:

In the meantime, I am sure another picture will substitute:  


Ooh...I really liked that Amphitheatre in Sydney...... :(

Heck of a picture tho'

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27 minutes ago, Draconiator said:

I challenged someone on the IRC channel to build the largest plane everrrrr.   I came up with this thing, I'm calling it the Colossus

You best have press cameras around your runway because that plan has to strut its stuff.  

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...Well our heroines obviously survived the night - as expected - though the last two hours were pretty cold.

Here Eilla is inspecting the very high and very steep drop they stopped just short of before, at night fall.



In the light of the Mun morning it became clear that The Mysterious Arch was protected by a virtual fortress of a crater complex. Question was if it was accessible at all by ground travel?

It seemed that there was maybe a passage through a few less steep inclines through a smaller intersecting crater at the north side. The three female astronauts decided to try to find a route through there.



However, it turned out that things looked differently close up. They did descend into the first small crater basin, but it was a very perilous descent and it was clear they wouldn't be able to get back the same way. This cast doubts on the entire plan. As they managed to ascend up on the ridge through the middle of the smaller crater, It looked like it would be possible to escape the crater by following the ridge to the left, up to the larger rim, on the east side. On the other hand, it looked dubious that they would be able to escape the crater at all, after descending another even steeper side. The possible humiliation of having to call on Jeb, Bill & Bob to save them made them think twice, not to mention the discomfort of many days and nights on Mun's surface in just their suits.
In the end, they all agreed to try the escape on the ridge towards the east. It turned out to be difficult and thin. But thanks to a narrow, sloping ledge close to the top, leading past the peak on the right side, they made it.



And here they are, on the ridge of the bigger crater. It did look like there was a possibility to get down and up on the ridge closer to the Arch. They decided to try this venue next.



It got more and more difficult to follow the ridge. Pretty extreme rover driving. But the essential thing was to not drop down on the outward side, to a position which might no longer give access to the Arch. Dropping down on the inward side would likely have been a fatal accident.  ...And, actually, that might be the case for the outward side too. At least in places.



They found a slope that looked very reasonable to descend, and beyond that they couldn't really see any additional difficulties? It looked like the path would be clear? They took the opportunity and went down the slope.



And finally, in silent awe, almost holding their breaths, after all their problems and difficulties, - they're there!  The have really reached the mysterious Arch!



Edited by Vermil
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Today in KSP I realized that due to my suddenly busy work schedule I am 14 pages behind on keeping up with "What did you do in KSP today?", and am unlikely to reverse the swiftly accelerating trend.


...maybe, I should consider logging in from Home?...  0.o  ...but, then, that would be using KSP time!!  Ahhhg!  The shackles of Logic!!  :o



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51 minutes ago, GarrisonChisholm said:


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...maybe, I should consider logging in from Home?...  0.o  ...but, then, that would be using KSP time!!  Ahhhg!  The shackles of Logic!!  :o



I keep forgetting to log in from home.  I would probably post more pictures if I did.  Instead I have to remember to log on when I get home and post pictures, then I get too caught up playing and forget to do it.  

Damn you KSP, why must you be so engrossing!?  

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1 hour ago, Jolly_Roger said:

Ive been going a little crazy with Star Wars replicas and I built myself a fleet of R2-D2 style astromech droids.


From the left they are R2-QT, 1-BDI, Headlight, Unicycle, and BD-BDB




Now slap some MechJebBoxes on them so they can be real flight computers!

Edited by CatastrophicFailure
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I just killed Val after flying around the pyramids for 20 minutes to empty a tank and get a good CoM for landing, walking for 5 minutes, decided to jump while walking on the cliff behind the pyramid, turns out that jumping on cliffs is not a good idea.

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