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"It's full of stars!" And death. But mostly death.


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During a recent mission on Minmus, Lilly Kerminski and Memer Kerman discovered what can only be described as a hole in spacetime:


Radio rangefinding and remote instrumentation failed to reveal any details about the structure. As they were late for a rendezvous with a lander, Lilly and Memer planted a flag and departed. Several days later, Bill Kerman returned to investigate. After using his RCS pack to approach and land near the structure, he was struck by some type of anomaly and slid down the mountain side, spinning like a ballerina on meth. Not one to be intimidated by the unknown, Bill used his RCS pack to attempt an airborne landing. On close approach, the structure appeared to be some sort of wormhole leading to an undetermined point in space (or, failing that, a clipping error):


Unfortunately, on attempting to penetrate the structure, all telemetry with Bill was lost. Examination of downloaded long-range camera footage from his rover indicates that on entering the structure, Bill Kerman spontaneously exploded. The Kerbin Academy of the Sciences currently believes that he impacted with the exotic matter framework of the wormhole and was rotated out of our spacetime. Further investigations postponed until superior protective equipment or, failing that, enough liquor is available.

For anyone who is curious, it can be observed on Minmus from: 23 degrees, 23 minutes, 45 seconds North, 187 degrees, 23 minutes, 29 seconds West.

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I experienced one by the pyramids in the Great Desert. A kerbal killing crack in reality.

I ran over a moderately narrow one with a rover on Eve and found out that it will try to rip the wheels off of your rover if you go too fast.

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I think we may witnessing the Kerbal's consciousness being uploaded into the monoliths.

Well, if anyone has an extra copy of Bill Kerman after the next update, I reckon the monolith sent you mine.

I mean, think about it: Jebediah isn't reincarnated after every lethal accident, a new version of him just arrives from someone else's game.

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