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Naval Battle League 2016-2018

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  On 9/22/2018 at 9:03 PM, ShadowGoat said:

I can fight you

Edit: if @panzer1b has my ship file.



no guarantees whether thats the exact ship you want (no idea what iteration it is), but here is what i have in my massive repository of ships ive collected over the years (pretty much everything that i was able to download or rip out of a save file that was any good competitively speaking i have a copy of).

Also, a bit of a question, would you be interested in something akin to battle over jool where we can each have home planets (anything in jool system is accessible) and we actually get a fuel depo to refill ships provided they managed to return to the home planet (since fuel use with interplanetary would be actually a big deal).  Then whoever destroys/disables all ships around the enemy's home planet 1st would win the fight.  Other then that its same rules as usual, only real complexity with this type of game is that it would be a little bit more of a strategy in ship and fleet composition, as in fuel will be a concern especially if we choose say pol and laythe which are farthest away (but you can always choose to play more defensively and win through attrition by taking down enemy.  Finally, a bit of a rule to keep anyone from purely focusing on an enemy's ranged vessels, ships can only be engaged in order of what orbit they are in (cant attack the ships in low orbit before killing those in high orbit just so one cant just avoid the defense ships with lowish range if one ofc chooses to have defensive ships that arent quite capable of interplanetary.

I know such a thing would be a bit more complex then your usual battle, but it would be really neat to do something akin to between 2 planets rather then what everyone always does with the pick somewhere and just teleport ships to orbit.  If not i can always do a normal fight too though :)


If we do that maybee ill actually get a chance to use some of my less mainstream warships like this thing, its got lousy armor (as in no armor), but its got acceptable offense and has stupidly high range when you dont load the cargo bay with a mako (which weighs more then 6 guided torpedoes given its a pretty close replica with jump jets and a sorta weak cannon).


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  On 9/23/2018 at 2:20 PM, ShadowGoat said:

@panzer1b heck if we’re doing that why not make it 3 person. Anyway I’ll buff the void so it can actually go interplanetary.


Yeah, gimme a week or so to make like 2 more vessels for this sort of battle.  I dont currently have any good "defensive" ships that are designed to take lots of hits but not much with regards to moving around, and most of my good vessels are designed around mid-long range (2-3000dV), and they are all fairly well armed but lack the armor to be called true tanks.  I have a few super long range vessels already finished, but i need to redesign one of them for combat (add some guided weapons maybee).

And sure, we can add another player to the fight if anyones interested (and can put up with me not being around every single day so a bit of a wait between my turns).

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This is my current fleet flagship. Could someone experienced give me some advice or constructive criticism? Thank you in advance.


@AlexanderTeaH pics=here. I have a carrier similar to the flagship and a pretty basic destroyer. I don’t really get the point of putting all that effort into it, you could probably just get a probe, slap on some nukes and fuel tanks, and then it’s all the same, since carriers are supposed to be behind the fleet playing a support role.

Edited by Hummingbird Aerospace
Custom criticism? I HATE YOU AUTOCORRECT!
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  On 9/24/2018 at 12:02 AM, Hummingbird Aerospace said:

This is my current fleet flagship. Could someone experienced give me some advice or constructive criticism? Thank you in advance.


@AlexanderTeaH pics=here. I have a carrier similar to the flagship and a pretty basic destroyer. I don’t really get the point of putting all that effort into it, you could probably just get a probe, slap on some nukes and fuel tanks, and then it’s all the same, since carriers are supposed to be behind the fleet playing a support role.


Its very very hard to tell from those pics on whether its a good ship or not structurally.  If its built around a skeleton made of girders/ibeams then odds are it can at least take a few hits (from conventional weapons), but id need to either have a copy of the craft to open it in my KSP, or pics of the internals.

Also, a small suggestion is to add weapons (unless they are hidden internally or something).  It doesnt look like there are any actual weapons on this vessel based on pics.  Suggestions based on my own testing for easy to make but still effective weapons is the basic RT-5 torpedo (1RT-5 with a structural panel or gider or ibeam on the front of it for extra kick), and the SRM (1 ibeam pushed by 2-4 sepatrons on the sides of the ibeam).  For guided weapons, pretty much anything will work for propulsion aslong as itll get the round up to ~250-400m/s before it hits the target.  Obviously it needs to have a warhead made up of 80m/s impact parts so the missile doesnt just shatter on the target armor and do squat.


Ohh and based on my standards (assuming those wings on side are the largest available) itd be either a very large corvette or a smallish frigate (most of my ships are technically corvettes or even subcapitals/gunboats since i tend to build rather compactly and dont go nuts on part counts).  Its pretty much impossible to make anything larger then a destroyer in the stock game without tweakscale or modded parts since the part counts required would be too high for a practical battle (still for a defensive structure its not a bad idea to go insane on parts to lagshield it :)).

Edited by panzer1b
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  On 9/29/2018 at 3:51 PM, panzer1b said:

Also, a small suggestion is to add weapons (unless they are hidden internally or something). 


@panzer1b Yes, I am really into hidden/armored weapon bays. I have that bit in the front, which will hold a few RT-5 heavy missiles (8 or so), and i am going to add a couple of smaller missile bays for SRMs, like on my main corvette, which I will also post pictures and a link to. I will probably also add an RCS system, and I am working on having a functional interior. It also has a small empty space in the middle that I could use as a fighter bay or more crew space. Right now i am more focused on my BFR-SSTA replica, since I have never been out of the Kerbin system, but I could even arm that with a couple of guided missiles in it's cargo bays. Thanks for the reply!


P.S. Your sci-fi visual enhancements mod looks really cool, but I can't download it on my Mac. Any tips?

Edited by Hummingbird Aerospace
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  On 10/1/2018 at 3:13 PM, MiffedStarfish said:

Hello new person!

While I’m here I think I’ll show my latest line of ships, heavily inspired from Mass Effect.



Those look really good, obviously hard to tell the armor without craft files (or a few different angles) but you have structural parts so it should hold up to some fire.  If its not something super top secret id really like a download (at least for one of the larger ones) just to take a look at it.  Ive tried making mass effect ships many times b4 but none of them ended up having worthwhile armor so i sorta gave up on competitive versions of them and mostly stuck to things like SSTO normandys, and made one of those turian cruiser things but also not really competitively viable or even that good.

Ive also been experimenting with more armor styles and found some stuff that works (not half bad even without any cargo bays at all), but still cannot beat the SK-IV style hull with its almost non-existent part count and raw efficiency.  Its really the part count that kills me and all my developments, ships that look really cool AND perform require too many parts to utilize in a fleet sized battle without going to 2FPS...

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I don't like using cargo bays or exposing fuel tanks because then a tiny missile can just blow it all up. Does anybody agree with me?


Oh, also @panzer1b your sci-fi visual enhancements mod looks really cool, but I cant get it to work. Is there a guide to installing it without anything like CKAN?

Edited by Hummingbird Aerospace
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  On 10/7/2018 at 4:38 PM, Hummingbird Aerospace said:

I don't like using cargo bays or exposing fuel tanks because then a tiny missile can just blow it all up. Does anybody agree with me?


Oh, also @panzer1b your sci-fi visual enhancements mod looks really cool, but I cant get it to work. Is there a guide to installing it without anything like CKAN?


I like internal weapons but it comes with a price that im not willing to pay for frontline warships, less firepower, less redundancy as you have less hardpoints, and it requires a larger vessel.  Still looks alot better asthetically and most of my prettier ships do have internally mounted guns or at least partially stuck into the hull, but anything thats remotely strong has predominantly external weaponry even if its only the tip of the warhead that sticks outside of the hull.


As for my mod, I dont support ckan since its not something i use myself, and with my current real life situation my freetime is so little that i cant and wont work on any mod anymore period unless its something that specifically makes my own gaming time more enjoyable (ill keep ScifiVE functioning as ive gotten to the point i cant play KSP without it as stock looks like trash but thats about it).  Sorry if this isnt the answer you want, but you might get some help from other members of the community (post on the mod thread) which are perfectly welcome to put this mod on ckan or do just about whatever with it as ive made the liscense let people do anything with it when i stopped official development a while back.



So yeah, been messing a little bit with some truly old warships, and armor development has gone a huge way since then, a ship that was once considered the king on here is nothing more then cannon fodder these days...




So yeah, as nice as that thing was back in the days of pre multicore physics, nowadays it just dies to a SRB salvo.


Yeah, i should probably just spam nebula classes when i do our upcoming battle.  This is what one of them can do with 3 targets, after eating a SRM-6 and a 1.2m torpedo, granted it only had 1 engine left (and a side was shot off) so itd be a sitting duck, but there isnt a single conventional weapon that i can consistently kill one with (G5 torp does pretty well but even that takes 2-3 shots, G7 torp is useless against it despite being 3 times heavier then a G5).


I think ill make a supernova class and maybee redo the old nova which is functional but i really dont like its looks so much if you dont mind @MiffedStarfish.  Im sorta taking inspiration from your new ship line's nose layout with teh new models, that nose is crazy pretty.  Still, to make things interesting, i think ill mount it with a SRM-4/AT rather then the usual SRM-6 like you have. 


Also have a new dimension class in the works, its already at 300 parts, but its pretty much the closest thing to a destroyer/cruiser ive made thusfar and if i can get its armor right itll be able to take on a whole fleet singlehandedly.  Currently equipped with a dedicated internal hangar (no idea why i like that concept, makes 0 tactical sense when u can surface mount fighters), enough G5s to take down like 4 ships, and ample secondary batteries for anti-fighter or when something gets close (or when im out of G5s).



Well thanks alot for ur inspiration, ive officially made a ship that is HARDER to kill then my SK-IV at least based on preliminary testing.  Its not fully done (this is just a basic skeleton, no asthetic features besides the front), and im gonna make a scaled up version to fit some RT-5s in the nose, but sofar the basic design has resulted in one of the toughest things ive ever come across when it comes to killing it.  The new nova (once i figure out how to fit a RT-5 into that style nose) will be a perfect support vessel now that it actually comes with some real protection (and i think ill even be able to add a single kerbal in the same style as my SK-IV has).


All because i really liked that nose your ships had and just HAD to copy it sorta, thanks for giving me yet another insanely poweful armor design :)...


So yeah, after a bit more testing ive come to the conclusion that i CANNOT beat the nebula class in the armor department.  Still, the new supernova class came out quite strong for a gunboat class vessel, and i think itll make a fine addition to my fleet even if it has a few flaws (can be knocked out relatively easy from a very specific angle and still prone to loosing its one and only engine when the enemy insists on firing at the ship's arss).


Still, nebula spam is prolly going to be the single best strategy since they are so damn versatile allowing them to be used in almost any role on the battlefield with the exception of damage sponges (armor is good, but it can and will go poof when focused with repeated SRM volleys).

Edited by panzer1b
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So is there a standard when it comes to ship classification in the naval battle league? Like what defines a cruiser vs a destroyer and what exactly a support ship is. Also are there  classes such as dreadnought or battle ship? My problem is I keep making ships and calling them cruisers not based on any particular thing. What I would like to know what method you guys use for classing ships.

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  On 10/21/2018 at 5:13 AM, Jeb federation said:

So is there a standard when it comes to ship classification in the naval battle league? Like what defines a cruiser vs a destroyer and what exactly a support ship is. Also are there  classes such as dreadnought or battle ship? My problem is I keep making ships and calling them cruisers not based on any particular thing. What I would like to know what method you guys use for classing ships.


I dont think there is any unified theory, everyone has their own standards to classify stuff. 


My own system tends to classify ships based on size relative to starfighters since its physically impossible to make a fighter smaller then they are due to minimum pod sizes (even with command chairs you are still severely limited in dimensions).  To that end, 90% of my ships fall into corvettes, frigates, or subcapitals (the latter of which is mostly gunboats or torpedo carriers, sometimes very large bombers also fit in here) since its just impossible to make anything larger then a destroyer without going to such high part count that its just not fun to fly the ship (i tend not to make anything over 400 parts since i just cannot stand the choppy framerates and inability to bring any extras nearby like onboard fighters).


I have like 2 destroyers and 1 attempt at a cruiser (which is currently a massive failure despite looking ultra pretty), but all of them suffer to an extent from terrible armor due to shortcuts i was forced to take in order to cut the parts down to managable levels.  All of them are predominantly made out of MK-3 cargo bays, and while MK-2 and MK-3 parts are fairly resilient, getting even 1 of them destroyed hurts a massive ship much more then loosing a single MK-2 bay on my smaller ones.  If i actually made those out of MK-2 and structural parts entirely, part count would go from 300-400, to over 1000, and there is just no bloody way to make a ship like that work for me (best example of this is zeke's drek series, many of those broke 1K parts, and while they were the right size to be destroyers/cruisers, and had decent armor, just couldnt be loaded by anyone that didnt have a supercomputer, and could not be used within a fleet with other ships loaded simultaneously.


This is my best starfighter i have as of this point and time, the HK-II next to a newely refit nebula class corvette (which based on firepower and mass should prolly be a frigate, but i call it a corvette since its just so damn compact and smaller then plenty of other corvettes).  That fighter is fairly average compared to most of the fighters i have at this time, and id consider the smallest true capital ship to be at least twice the length of that fighter (or if its geometry is not conventional at least 4-5 times the width/height).


And a bit off topic, but i think 2 SRM-4s on a single fighter thats under 10t is a bit overkill, ill prolly rearm the actual production model with 2 SRM-4Ls and a single SRM-1 which will make it lighter and give it a bit of a purpose as a fighter and not a slice in half anything stupid enough to get anywhere near it fighter that it is now with all those shipkillers while still having a single SRM to hurt capitals effectively.

Too bad the part coint on the HK-II sucks, its like over 100 with the 3 SRM-4 loadout, for a single fighter that would realistically be deployed in squadrons of 3 from a refit galaxy class assault carrier.

Edited by panzer1b
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So um @MiffedStarfish, please dont kill me for this:


I just couldnt help myself and had to copy the overall layout of your ship, looks prettier then anything ive ever made, and seeing that thing got me back into asthetic design rather then pure armor+firepower+range (as effective as the SK-IV Nebula is, i really hate that ship as it looks way too bland).  While i havent exactly started making cannon fodder, all of my new designs are much more focused on asthetics then 100% raw combat capability.

The pulsar is still WIP and i plan to completely redo the wings on the sides (i have my own idea for what to do there), but sofar im just really liking this thing's appearance...

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