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After Kerbin and it's moons, which direction did you explore next and why?


Which direction did you explore after Kerbin and it's moons?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which direction did you explore after Kerbin and it's moons?

    • Inwards towards Eve
    • Outwards towards Duna
    • I still haven't reached the Mun or Minmus

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I went to Jool after about a million tries to get the phase angle right plus I was doing the math myself with the wrong equations but I did make it using MB-ruler and Olex's calculator once he published it. I landed on Vall but I had to cheat the fuel though which is why I don't count it. I did make it to Laythe though legitimately but only an orbit. Still I only went to Duna a month or so after it came out because I didn't have time or will to try it.

Moho. It's all sat there on its own in that odd orbit, I thought I'd send a mapsat to keep it company.

And yet I still have yet to put anything on or around Eeloo.

Actually that was my first Target and in 0.17 but I couldn't get the angles or the math right for it so I went for Jool next.

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Looks like I'm headed do Duna. Still learning a lot about ship construction for longer missions and landings (seems like you never stop learning!), and makes sense to use it as an interplanetary waystation. Also planning on using Kethane for the first time so it seems like a perfect spot to mine, refine, and make a refueling station. Will probably send a small probe to Eve just for shiggles. Don't like the idea of sendings Kerbals there without the possibility of getting them home. I get so attached to them!

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But I ran out of fuel, and have stranded my two favorite Kermen. I've got a rescue ship inbound about to intercept Duna. It has 2 empty seats and a little more fuel. Hopefully it will be enough to land, and return home. Things are looking up. Not great, but tentatively hopeful. *crosses fingers* So close.....

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I was messing around trying to get a trajectory to Duna, but an encounter to Jool cam up instead. I wasn't very skilled with planning interplanetary trajectories at the time. So I went off half-cocked to Jool and got my kerbals stuck there.

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