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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Wall 5049: Just walls, no floor. You are having a hard time wrapping your head around seeing a 5048 floor drop in front of you.

Edited by ColdJ
Very confusing ninja
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Floor 5050: An empty gray void. Your feet stand on nothing, and there are no walls to border off the room. It seems the building itself has given up after the calamity of the previous floors.

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Floor 5053: A team of building safety inspectors who are trying to measure the height of the building in order to determine if micrometeorite shielding is necessary on the upper floors. Strangely, they seem afraid of the building, almost as if it has failed every single existing safety test and could collapse at any moment.

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Floor 5054: This is the dead centre of the habitat that the building is built within. A great big spinning structure in space that uses centripetal force for gravity. You float across to the stairs, from now on you will have to go down in order to keep going up.

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Floor 5056: The building safety inspectors have determined that the building can be no more than 10,108 floors high and are now trying to find out how tall each floor is.

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Floor 5059: Is basically blank and there is no exit gateway. A small sign says, "The visitors to this building are currently backing up every floor that came before to another building, there will be some delay till you can continue."

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Floor 5063: A team of skydivers preparing to jump. This floor is close enough to the center of the habitat that the skydivers can choose if they want to fall up or down.

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