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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 5015 : A  500-room resort with artificial gravity. Has 100 Double Supersingle Bed rooms, 100 King-bed rooms, 100 Suite rooms, 100 Suite rooms with garden swimming pool (The picture below is what I meant), 100 2-bedroom-1-bathroom apartment rooms and 100 3-bedroom-2-bathroom apartment rooms.



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Floor 5,019: A computer displaying various readings from inside a large cube is shown. Examine the readings, and some of them will begin displaying warnings that one of the walls of the cube is being bent. Eventually, the wall on the cube will break, and a tall, skinny and white humanoid creature will dash towards the door, going outside of the building. (totally not a reference to the SCP foundation.) Then, a large steel claw will grab you and pull you upwards to the next floor.

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Floor 5023 : you see a Kerbal googologist writing lots of googological functions that may kill you, so you rushed to the next floor. (that one over me should be 5022)

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Floor 5024 :

  • 4 Units of 2nd Generation Chrysler Victories
  • 16 Units of Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1000T
  • 16 units of Whelen 4008 

These sirens used to be at Floor 971, 3001, 3004 and 3005, total of  sirens per floor, used to be for an experiment for Planetwide Audible Warning Siren (PAWS).

And at a Victory siren from Floor 3001 you see a plaque that reads...


Floor 3004 and 3005 are simply two floors under the same ceiling. I mean, look at this picture :


This is it, after it was modified into a Skydiving Room.

All the sirens are placed like this :



Legend :

  • Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1000T (I'm too lazy to draw its blower)
  • Whelen WPS-4008
  • Chrysler Victory

Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1000T



Chrysler Victory



Whelen WPS-4008



All Rights Reserved to Their Respective Owners


The sirens' Control Post is at Floor 5025, but other stuff beside it is yet to be known...

However, those sirens no longer active. They're now retired until the next floor reached a colonized area, within an atmosphere. And the sirens will be put there.

You may safely climb a ladder between the WPS-4008 and 1000T at the lower-right corner to floor 5025 and ended up in the Sirens' Control Post.

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Floor 5025 : The Siren control post (based on @FahmiRBLXian's reply) and a lot of supercomputer thingies with total data of 250 Yottabytes Capacity and 195 Exabytes RAM as a CCTV databank (CCTV available in every corner of the building).

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Floor 5025 :

This Malaysian restaurant (Yes, it's famous)...


Kari - Curry

Kambing - Goat

Hari - Day


Location https://www.google.com/maps/dir//kari+kambing+40+hari/data=!4m6!4m5!1m1!4e2!1m2!1m1!1s0x31d042e24d53d94f:0x7d59b2f24573f373?ved=2ahUKEwjfzJa8q73fAhUJinAKHf2aCSgQ9RcwGHoECAMQEA

... was teleported from Earth up to this floor. You ordered a set of Rice, Curry and Chicken, with a cup of Grape Juice. You felt full after eating, and decided to take 5 with playing some games on your smartphone.

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Floor 5026 : my suggestion hours ago.

Floor 5027 : a pocket universe containing galaxies and a pair of giant mechs, one of them contain some Kerbals, fighting the "Anti Delta v" using the power of Delta v, you wish to watch the fight, but the elevator keeps moving up.

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Floor 5030 :

The first floor under the same ceiling. Floor 5030-5035 is under the same ceiling.

Here, you see The Original Four (Jeb, Bill, Bob, Val) doing the Moe's Funk Dance (Selfish High Heels meme). You felt uneasy, then fled to Floor 5031.

Floor 5031 :

Two Federal Signal Thunderbolt 1000Ts (5/6 port Variant), one in a fresh coat of paint, tip-top condition, another one is the same as the first unit, just in form of parts, not yet built as a single unit.

Floor 5032 :

You see Yui. You yelled at Jeb at Floor 5030, asking where's Kirito and Asuna as well as how and why the heck she's here.

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Floor 5034 : you see a secret room full of illuminati triangles, you rushed away to the next floor desperately, but you're having a hard time to leave, until you saw a bright light from the next floor before going there.

Floor 5035 : that light is just a flashlight pointing at the previous floor, now you're alone in the darkness, but the next floor is just right ahead, you later rushed and get there before some demons from that floor get you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Floor 5037:
You enter into a space that feels like it has no dimensions. It begins playing these numbers, slowly.

You leave the floor before you get hypnotized.

Floor 5038:
A doctor who says you should probably stop walking so much.
You leave.

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Floor 5039 : Absolute void, you are now in a realistic "The Outside" miniature, then you went to next floor within miliseconds that feels like centuries and still don't know what really happened...

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