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[1.2] Procedural Fairings 3.20 (November 8)


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  JebThrillMaster said:
Im having an issue with the fairings, when i add them with payload inside shaped correctly and configured correctly there is no decouple/separate function for the fairing so it is essentially useless.

As seen here: http://i.imgur.com/8o91W0M.jpg

The staging procedure is:

Main Engine > Clamps > 2nd Stage decouple > (insert missing fairing sep here)

Which fairing are you using? There's Conic and Egg-Shaped Fairings which can decouple, as well as Conic and Egg-Shaped Fuselage Fairings that don't decouple.

Since I am a little slow about this, I created a ModuleManager patch file in my GameData directory to change the names of the detachable fairings, so that I couldn't miss that fact:

@title = Egg-Shaped Detachable Fairing
@title = Conic Detachable Fairing

Feel free to use it if you wish.

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  Gryphon said:
Which fairing are you using? There's Conic and Egg-Shaped Fairings which can decouple, as well as Conic and Egg-Shaped Fuselage Fairings that don't decouple.

Since I am a little slow about this, I created a ModuleManager patch file in my GameData directory to change the names of the detachable fairings, so that I couldn't miss that fact:

@title = Egg-Shaped Detachable Fairing
@title = Conic Detachable Fairing

Feel free to use it if you wish.

Thanks a ton! Now I can get this thing done and flying :)

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Whenever I exit the atmosphere with one of these parts, the lowest part from this pack, which is usually the fairing ring but I tested it with the multi-adapter, explodes from overheating.

EDIT: I think I found the problem.

EDIT 2: Nope. Always happens with Procedural Fairings parts.

Edited by TheJewelOfJool
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I need help. When I right click on a procedural part It will not let me change the color of the part. The gui is literally not there. I know you can do this because I've seen a mod review where is the reviewer does this. (See below) I would appreciate it if you could help me.

Link here:


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  RoketMan said:
I need help. When I right click on a procedural part It will not let me change the color of the part. The gui is literally not there. I know you can do this because I've seen a mod review where is the reviewer does this. (See below) I would appreciate it if you could help me.

Link here:


Cant watch the video but Procedural Fairings - for Everything! let's you right click and fast switch the fairings texture

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  Grimm Spector said:
Everytime I try to use procedural fairings, my rocket explodes on the launch pad as soon as it loads, if I remove the fairings (leaving any fairing bases and other parts), they rocket doesn't explode...help??

Is it exploding because it overheats or something else? Are you using the latest version of PF, and what other mods are you using? When this happens, are you seeing errors in the output.log?

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Will so double check the log. No errors that I saw. It's RO with RP-0 and the laundry list of mods they need and recommend.

So far only happens with fairings and dropping the one physics parameter from 5 to 1 for conductivity stops it apparently. But I am assuming it's not intended for me to have to do that.

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Proc fairings desperately needs dynamic modifying of the thermalMassModifier when the fairing size is below 0.5m and the mass below that value. That would fix the instaexplode for those bases without making larger bases improperly heat-resistant.

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  Gryphon said:
Is it exploding because it overheats or something else? Are you using the latest version of PF, and what other mods are you using? When this happens, are you seeing errors in the output.log?

Never thought of checking the log, but I'm using the latest version, I did F3 and it said it was due to overheating, and I'm not using any physics-changing mods.

EDIT: I think I'm not using the latest version. I'll reinstall procedural fairings and see if there's a difference.

Edited by TheJewelOfJool
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  Grimm Spector said:
Will so double check the log. No errors that I saw. It's RO with RP-0 and the laundry list of mods they need and recommend.

So far only happens with fairings and dropping the one physics parameter from 5 to 1 for conductivity stops it apparently. But I am assuming it's not intended for me to have to do that.

I don't know if it's the issue you are seeing, but there's a stock bug that does thermal calcs poorly on some objects. The latest FAR ("Goldstein") includes a partial workaround for that (I think because Ferram got sick of people bugging him about it, thinking it was FAR).

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  Xuixien said:
Cannot deploy/open fairings after launch. I have full electrical charge.

Which fairing are you using? There's Conic and Egg-Shaped Fairings which can decouple, as well as Conic and Egg-Shaped Fuselage Fairings that don't decouple.

Since I am a little slow about this, I created a ModuleManager patch file in my GameData directory to change the names of the detachable fairings, so that I couldn't miss that fact:

@title = Egg-Shaped Detachable Fairing
@title = Conic Detachable Fairing

Feel free to use it if you wish.

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Don't suppose you could add an option in the rightclick menu for adding heat shielding, especially for the structural fairings, Or would that be a big ask? I can see why as its procedural and telling KSP what the shape is might be difficult.

Because I'm having cases where things deep inside the fairing is blowing up which isn't exactly realistic.

Edited by etheoma
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  etheoma said:
Don't suppose you could add an option in the rightclick menu for adding heat shielding, especially for the structural fairings, Or would that be a big ask? I can see why as its procedural and telling KSP what the shape is might be difficult.

Because I'm having cases where things deep inside the fairing is blowing up which isn't exactly realistic.

This is what I do in Deadly Reentry: Add a heat shield with 0 ablative resource. (amount 0; maxAmount = 1600) so player can then use the tweak slider to add as much protection as they want.


Note that it's necessary to manually add in the cost of the resource or bad things will happen.

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Taniwha has agreed to adjust Procedural Dynamics so transparent procedural elements are possible. It would be terrific if the same could happen with Procedural Fairings. The scope of this mod could go far beyond just "fairings for rockets", this is an excellent building material for a lot of things. Soon I'll show you a rocket engine built out of PF. I've already used them with success as cylinders for piston engines. With transparency, even building huge domes will be a possibility.

Please consider it, the community will thank you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A crazy thought, but why do we need dozens (if you have any of the PF part add-ons) of different fairing panels?

Why not a single panel part with menu selections for Exterior Texture, Interior Texture, Fairing Shape (Conic/parabolic/hybrid/etc.) and Fairing Material (extra insulation, basic metal vs. advanced alloys vs. composite vs. ceramics, etc.)

For the different adapter rings why not a single one with selections for Interstage/Payload Fairing/Payload Fairing with Elevated Frame?

You could cram a buttload of content into 2 parts.

By the way, totally not digging on this mod. It has well earned its spot in my personal "mandatory mods" list. :wink:

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  etheoma said:
Don't suppose you could add an option in the rightclick menu for adding heat shielding, especially for the structural fairings, Or would that be a big ask? I can see why as its procedural and telling KSP what the shape is might be difficult.

Because I'm having cases where things deep inside the fairing is blowing up which isn't exactly realistic.

I think I know you!

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  Yaivenov said:
A crazy thought, but why do we need dozens (if you have any of the PF part add-ons) of different fairing panels?

Why not a single panel part with menu selections for Exterior Texture, Interior Texture, Fairing Shape (Conic/parabolic/hybrid/etc.) and Fairing Material (extra insulation, basic metal vs. advanced alloys vs. composite vs. ceramics, etc.)

For the different adapter rings why not a single one with selections for Interstage/Payload Fairing/Payload Fairing with Elevated Frame?

You could cram a buttload of content into 2 parts.

By the way, totally not digging on this mod. It has well earned its spot in my personal "mandatory mods" list. :wink:

Agreed. And the inclusion of the hollow adapter as well.

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  MoÅ‚ot said:
Now? It would break crafts in savegames. At least we would need a "legacy" plugin with all these fairings available now to keep going until we could land or crash last ship still using them.

That (and I quite agree) needed legacy support could be produced by releasing the all-inclusive 2 part Procedural Fairings version as an independently installed "2.0" to be used until such a time that all in-flight craft with the deprecated parts have been recovered and the "1.0" can be uninstalled.

Of course this all presumes that the mod developer even wants to do this. :P

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  MoÅ‚ot said:
Now? It would break crafts in savegames. At least we would need a "legacy" plugin with all these fairings available now to keep going until we could land or crash last ship still using them.

Should collect these ideas now and put them in for 1.05/1.1 because that will likely be a save smasher anyway. Sounds like 64bit is in the bag and a number of mods will have to be updated, if nothing else, to remove the 64bit check to allow them on 64bit windows versions. I expect it to be 1.0 again with a rash of mod updates needed. May as well plan for it and get as many of the save breaker changes in as you can at that time.

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