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What if KSP was sold to EA?


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NOTE: I am NOT saying it will happen. Heck, it's pretty unlikely.

Personally, I think something similar to what happened to Ace of Spades would happen. It's a long story, but to summarize it: a company bought Ace of Spades, heavily changed it for the worse, then a community forms that distributes copies of the latest version before the changes.

What do you think?

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NOTE: I am NOT saying it will happen. Heck, it's pretty unlikely.

Personally, I think something similar to what happened to Ace of Spades would happen. It's a long story, but to summarize it: a company bought Ace of Spades, heavily changed it for the worse, then a community forms that distributes copies of the latest version before the changes.

What do you think?

It just goes to show you, people will go to any lengths to justify software piracy.

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Uhh, there would be no more mods, internet required to play, paid upgrades for new rockets, parts, etc, shall I go on? I'd rather go buy another copy right now than really think about it. But since you asked, I would see nothing but doom. Simcity is a fun game but in it's current state it's in worse shape than an old build of KSP and I paid $60 for Simcity. Taking this game to EA would get it to more people and other platforms, IOS, console but at a huge cost. Not really worth thinking about at this point.

Edited by DarthJazno
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NOTE: I am NOT saying it will happen. Heck, it's pretty unlikely.

Personally, I think something similar to what happened to Ace of Spades would happen. It's a long story, but to summarize it: a company bought Ace of Spades, heavily changed it for the worse, then a community forms that distributes copies of the latest version before the changes.

What do you think?

I think money makes anything possible.

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NOTE: I am NOT saying it will happen. Heck, it's pretty unlikely.

Personally, I think something similar to what happened to Ace of Spades would happen. It's a long story, but to summarize it: a company bought Ace of Spades, heavily changed it for the worse, then a community forms that distributes copies of the latest version before the changes.

What do you think?

Don't even joke, I swear, everytime someone mentions them, they seem to be able to smell it, and then seek out the source to buy and exploit it.

that and a demon is born in hell everytime you mention their name.


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