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Incredibly Stupid, Clumsy, and/or Painful Things You Have Done


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Exactly What It Says On the Tin.

What stupid, clumsy, and/or painful things have you done?

I snapped a swivel chair leg from leaning too back. Good thing that the chair cushioned my fall. :P

I also slipped on the welcome mat on my porch, fell down 4 stair steps, and hit my head on my asphalt driveway. I only got a HUGE scrape on my head and a much smaller one on my left shin. I'm fine now.

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Almost DIED in a biking accident. Ill tell you the whole story.

So I was biking down this hill,then all of a sudden BAM left turn

I didn't have time to react,so I flipped down the hill and BAM 10 meter drop. I was almost PARALYSED! But this was 8 years ago. Im better now. But I still have a lump on my back.

My parents told me I was having a seizure and blacked out when it was over. My pulse was low. I felt like I was gonna DIE! Then the ambulance came 5 minutes later. I still remember it to this day. And now I never go down that hill,EVER.

I broke my hand,some of my bones in my lower back. And cracked my skull,but only a minor. I had a huge blow on my back, I had a huge gash running down my head. I was covered in blood. So,yeah. Almost died.

Im so lucky.

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Almost DIED in a biking accident. Ill tell you the whole story.

Wow...glad you are OK...

I have had multiple motorbike crashes, the last one of which smashed my pelvis, more or less severed my right leg below the knee and also broke a really varied and interesting assortment of other bones. Spent two years unable to walk after that.

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Wow...glad you are OK...

I have had multiple motorbike crashes, the last one of which smashed my pelvis, more or less severed my right leg below the knee and also broke a really varied and interesting assortment of other bones. Spent two years unable to walk after that.

I couldn't walk either. I was stuck in my wheelchair for 1 year.

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Well, there was the time i slipped on a hardwood floor and broke my lower leg. Was in a cast for 9 months. Still have the walker from it.

I also got kicked in the knee a few weeks ago. Used aforementioned walker for first day

I also scraped my shin cutting wood

I touched the terminals of a live disposable camera circuit-board. Kinda like a taser, but doesn't last for 5 or so seconds.

I burnt all the hair off one of my arms playing with a piezo sparker (BBQ sparker), coffee can, and a propane torch.

I've dropped a hammer on my bare feet once. Also, stepping on a single piece of gravel is much worse than stepping on a lego.

I've fallen down stairs face-first onto pavement a number of times.

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I was playing hockey in front of my house once with kinda old rollerblades and the wheels weren't in a good shape. I was pretty much stationary and wanted to turn around, the wheels went like "NOPE". And I fell directly on my wrist and broke it. While playing alone. And being stationary.

Was stuck with a plaster for two weeks. If my wrist would've broke an inch further, it likely would've affected my left hand's motricity for the rest of my life. Eh.

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I landed on my head ,and got a concussion from jumping ,and landing head first into hardwood floor when i was small.My parents told me about it a few years later ,since i could never remember that day completely.

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I was riding someone else's bike on a gravelly road in the forest, there was a steep hill, I tried to brake and didn't realise how ridiculously sensitive the brake was. I flipped over about 270 degrees, landed on my back on the gravel. Normally after that kind of event I would lie there in extreme pain, but in this case I scampered up and rushed to the side as soon as I touched ground, because I was scared as hell that the bike was going to land on my head. I didn't see exactly where it landed because I was facing away at the time and it looked like it had bounced a little further down the hill. Anyway, guy wasn't too happy that his bike was scratched but there was no serious damage.

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One time I stood way too close behind my brother when he was playing golf. He swung the club and it hit me in the forehead about an inch above my left eye. End result was four stitches for a few weeks, and a hatred of golf ever since.

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Thought I could beat a porsche around a tight corner and ended up putting my car through 2 brick walls, broke several ribs and magically every single brick from the wall missed my head and landed in the back seat.

Oh and the battery from the engine ended up on the passenger seat beside me... was a little bizarre.

What would a story be without a photo...

This is looking at the front of the car...


Edited by Devo
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Man, where do I start?

I remember one time, a little while after I learned how to ride a bike, I was racing my brother around the block, and when we turned into the driveway, I tried squeezing by him because I was on the outside, and I got to close, hit him, fell off, and he somehow ran over my arms. At least I remember it that way, I feel like I should have gotten a lot more than just a few big scraps on my elbows. But it was still pretty painful.

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I came close to having a log fall on me. I mean, it knocked me down and the only reason it didn't crush me was because it got stuck on a rock. Fortunately I was able to shake it off after awhile. I was still lucky though, another guy almost had his finger ripped off.

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