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Your most proud moment in KSP...


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Going to have to say having just completed 6 Mun Missions on career, 3 of which were simultaneous on different biomes (about 8 hours in launch windows to allow time to maneuver each craft). The huge amounts of Science gained now has me designing stuff for Minmus Missions, as well as my first Orbital Space Station.

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My first Eve landing, I didn't even do it on purpose, I was just aiming for the mun but I accidentally did a slingshot maneuver around it into an orbit around the sun that happened to give it an encounter with Eve. I got a lot of science that day.

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Just managed to visit every moon of the Jool system in one go. I landed on Vall, Pol and Bop with manned landers and put unmanned probes on Laythe and Tylo. I got all 5 Kerbals back home safely and got 5000 science out of it. I could have gotten more, if i didn't have send a flyby probe to the Jool system before, which got all Orbital science points.

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Mine has to be either getting a manned mission to and from Moho or putting this one satellite into an orbit at just the right spot around Kerbin that it got kicked into a trailing orbit by the Mun. Also proud of having sent either a kerbal or something Jeb built to every single SOI in KSP :)

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Figuring out how to dock consistently with an uncontrollable craft with no rcs. My friend who also plays KSP thinks I'm some sort of sorcerer for being able to do that.

Also, getting a fully fueled rescue craft to Moho to save Jeb, Bill, and Bob who were in orbit without any fuel at all in their lander can, without having landed. I refused to just save them, though, and instead brought a new lander for them to transfer into. :)

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Jeb was on his way to Duna. About half way there, He was sending science and what not. It was then time to do a mid orbit burn... no power! I zoom in; and the solar panels are perfectly lined up and pointed parallel right at the sun, getting NO power.... Can't rotate... Can't do a burn.

Then I literally thought; "What would Jedediah Kermin do?"

Jeb slipped into his space suit and EVAed out to the great blackness. He pushed off the capsule; and looked over the situation. Scratching his helmet, he got an idea that would make Werner Von Kermin fall to the floor and go into a twitching fit.

He used the his jet-pack and slowly maneuvered across one of the solar panels and stopped right over the middle of the shining surface. In true Jeb style, he hit the jet ever so slowly, he pushed off the panel, making the whole ship rotate about 2 - 3 degrees. He climbed back into the capsule; and inspected the battery charge bar. The instrument slllloooooowly started moving upwards.

Pushing the throttle up to 5% and doing a 90 degree turn, the charging indicator moved up faster and faster.... Mission saved!

True story.

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I had a mun lander with engines mounted x6 symmetry on the sides. the new weaker collapsible landing legs knocked off 1 of the 6 engines on landing, making true straight flight impossible. so i took off about 5 feet, rotated to the opposite engine, and knocked it off on the terrain to regain symmetry. as soon as i saw it popped off, i stomped the throttle and burned back in to kerbin orbit on my 4 remaining engines, rerouted fuel to the good engines for a retroburn, then a safe landing home.

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