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Jeb KerBoom

Have you hit something in orbit?  

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  1. 1. Have you hit something in orbit?

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Earlier on in my space career, I was doing one of my first rendevous with my space station and while waiting to catch up to it, I alt-tabbed and kinda forgot what I was doing. Came back and apparently I had bombed through a few sets of solar panels. But nothing crazy like being taken out by a satellite moving thousands of meters per second.

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Sort of, Docking has just been introduced, however when I came to attach something onto my new space station I realised I had connected the port the wrong way round, so nothing could dock with it. I decided to decommission the Space station, however it had no fuel to deorbit it. My solution was to retro-nudge it using another spacecraft. This was working nicely, but I got bored and as I increased thrust, something broke off the Space station. The pusher craft that I was using to slow the orbit of the space station then went right through the middle of my poor space station creating a MASSIVE debris field orbiting Kerbin.

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A few months ago I intentionally hit two probes. Sent one into a retrograde orbit and another into the opposite. I felt quite a bit of accomplishment when I got two small objects moving at +4 km/s relative velocity to hit each other :). Never been able to do it again though and no accidental collisions that I can think of.

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Not random derbies, however I have managed to hit things I have either intercept for docking, or stuff like the mothership after undocking.

During my Jool landing I managed to have two tries before success, first time I hit the refuel ship: doing the deorbit burn and thought I would pass close but over it however then deorbiting you height decreases.

Next try and I managed to hit an battery module I dropped in Jools atmosphere, this followed me down and I hit it on the way up.

Both was the only fatal incidents I lost an solar pannel during intercept, and a seperator during another landing but it did no damage.

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Absolutely! I have accidentally hit debris while en route to a solid orbit. I typically launch into the same 0 degree plane every time, so most of my debris is centralized along that plane. While launching an EVE lander the vehicle was struck by a large fuel tank, sadly it destroyed the entire launch vehicle in the blink of an eye. I had to review the crash data meticulously to figure out at the end what actually happened. This is a SUPER rare event though, so I am actually a bit happy that it happened to me. :D

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Not yet, but I once tried to do it on purpose in my LolSat program - two satellites, two directions, one orbit. One could say it was a lot harder than I had hoped, and eventually they were both used for testing the then-new reentry effects instead.

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yes, it was during a rendezvous over the Mun


moment of collision




one ship ran out of oxygen, the other ran out of electricity. I used KAS to bolt a solar panel onto what was left of the lander, which lost some radial batteries

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I was coaching my friend through his first rendezvous. He was doing fine, but got a little happy with the thrust while chasing his markers around. The camera view shifted into the de-orbit view, and I told him to keep an eye on his target as I knew he was close. He panned the camera around just in time to see his ship rendezvous with his target's fuel tank at 15 m/s. We decided it was a successful rendezvous.

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So I had the ordan telescope mod and had deployed a Hubble-replica into obit, after a look at Jool I turned the telescope off and was about to rotate the satellite to point at eve so I could see it, when suddenly, I see a piece of debris, one in a trillion chances... I thought, and sat back to watch it fly past closely, but then it appears to be coming closer then expected at high speed, when it's at about 1 km I come to the realization. IT'S COMING STRAIGHT AT ME!!!! :0.0: Naturally I do what anyone would do, FULL THROTTLE RCS AWAY ERMAGERD!!!! Either the engine didn't want to do its job, or I just fail at evasive maneuvers, cause it came just within 20 meters, afterwards i found it was the circularizaton stage of my Sputnik I had launched a few hours ago. And guess what,


Only three pieces of debris in orbit, and one is determined to take my Hubble space telescope down. :mad:

Talk about one in a billion chances...

And does the orbit stage you had ejected two minutes ago coming back for revenge on your station count? (no idea how it happened)

Edited by Deadpangod3
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I have made a craft with a orbital module consisting a three kerbal capsule,a rockomax x-200-8(the smallest rockomax fuel tanks that can fit perfectly the diameter of a mainsail) and small rockomax 24-77(not the largest radial engine but not the smallest(they are orange)).

I was on a higher orbit than the space station(my plan was to dock with it) and made(by using mechjeb,I have to be honest) a Hohmann transfer to approach the station.

The burn was so precise that the ship collided with the station.

The station was literally torn apart by the collision.

I don't know why the ship can do so precise burns,but it's cool :D

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Ive taken out solar panels with kerbals before, overzealous jet packing.

In my very first attempt at docking I wondered why my craft was spinning away in pieces... quickly realised I had smashed them together at a few hundred m/s! Best to make that mistake early on!

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In my early days i built a mun rocket. in order to fit the two nuke engines on my standard launcher at the time i had to flip them upside down. The idea being to do a 180 before continuing. however, I forgot about this and ended up plowing straight into my empty booster, 5 seconds after separation.

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