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[1.02] KW Rocketry v2.7 Available - 1.02 Compatibility! - 16/05/2015


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  linuxgurugamer said:
Mod released:


It consists of two patch files, the main one and a second optional one. The second one has the potential of breaking current games, so it can be renamed or deleted if desired

Submitted to CKAN as well, so hope fully it will be available later today


This might be a stupid question but: what do I do with the KWPatch.cfg file? Do I paste it into my KWRocketry folder in GameData, or do I update each part CFG file with the amendment in the KWPatch.cfg file?

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  BMot360 said:
This might be a stupid question but: what do I do with the KWPatch.cfg file? Do I paste it into my KWRocketry folder in GameData, or do I update each part CFG file with the amendment in the KWPatch.cfg file?

Just copy the entire directory into the Gamedata directory.

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  Cooper42 said:
I'm getting this error from CKAN after the community update has been added:

AnimateEmissiveModule is available, but not marked as installed.

"Installed version" column contains "supplied by KW Rocketry" for this mod, but the check box for installed is unticked.

So, when trying to install AnimateEmissiveModule, CKAN produces:

Any suggestions?

Go find ModuleAnimateEmissive in your GameData folder and manually delete it. Then install it and KW with CKAN.

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There are 271 pages of posts. Can we put links to updates and patches up in the first post please? I am trying to find out if I can use this with 1.0.4 which have been out for quite a while now and shifting through hundreds of pages of posts is a real pain in the ass, especially when you consider people are using more then just one mod.

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  ctbram said:
There are 271 pages of posts. Can we put links to updates and patches up in the first post please? I am trying to find out if I can use this with 1.0.4 which have been out for quite a while now and shifting through hundreds of pages of posts is a real pain in the ass, especially when you consider people are using more then just one mod.

Yes you can. It works perfectly for 1.0.4. Simply use the big fat red download link provided by Kyle in post #1.

Some people deem it necessary to add additional patches, hacks and fixes but I disagree. KW Rocketry works just fine without them.

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I love KW fairings. The OLD fairings.

I wrote a plugin that fixes them, but it's a bit of a hack.

It assumes all parts attached to the decoupler are part of the payload and therefore shielded against aero forces. As soon as one or both nose decouplers fire the payload gets marked unshielded. It's pretty dead simple, but also a hack. The right way is to do tests to make sure the walls exist, that they go all the way down to the decoupler, and that any parts sticking out of the fairing area are not shielded. Still... if you're "on your honor" so to speak then this works great.

Has anyone done a proper plugin to fix them? Is anyone working on one? If not, I could try cleaning up my mod and making it presentable for public use.

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  Felbourn said:
I love KW fairings. The OLD fairings.

I wrote a plugin that fixes them, but it's a bit of a hack.

It assumes all parts attached to the decoupler are part of the payload and therefore shielded against aero forces. As soon as one or both nose decouplers fire the payload gets marked unshielded. It's pretty dead simple, but also a hack. The right way is to do tests to make sure the walls exist, that they go all the way down to the decoupler, and that any parts sticking out of the fairing area are not shielded. Still... if you're "on your honor" so to speak then this works great.

Has anyone done a proper plugin to fix them? Is anyone working on one? If not, I could try cleaning up my mod and making it presentable for public use.

I have been and it's about halfway completed but it's in a state similar to what you're talking about where I want to make sure that a proper fairing configuration is attached.

It uses the cargobay module and implements IScalarModule for compatibility. The protected volume resizes itself depending on the lowest attach node that a fairing was attached to. (on the grounds that nothing should logically attach any higher than than the lowest attach node on the base)

Unfortunately I've got bogged down with other things and it got backburnered :(

I do mean to get to it in the near future as I'd like to be able to play using the old fairings, when I actually get to resume real game play. But if you have something that you think works, let's see it. Maybe it's not as hacky as you think?

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Oh, no, trust me, it's a hack. "For each part attached above the decoupler, flag as shielded. Repeat: for each part in vessel surface attached to a shielded payload part, shield that do, until no additional surface attached parts are added." I can wait for yours since it'll be better and mine is good enough to play with until then.

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Hi I've found that kw rocketry engines are causing my rockets to flip for no reason. I tested with a kw engine and a stock engine and it's definitely the kw engine. Does anyone know what is causing this?

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  Regn752 said:
Hi I've found that kw rocketry engines are causing my rockets to flip for no reason. I tested with a kw engine and a stock engine and it's definitely the kw engine. Does anyone know what is causing this?

Watch your TWR. It's probably too high for the mass of your rocket coupled with a turn that is too sharp. (starting TWR should be between 1.25 - 1.6. Your turn should start at ~100m/s and be gradual not abrupt)

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  Regn752 said:
Hi I've found that kw rocketry engines are causing my rockets to flip for no reason. I tested with a kw engine and a stock engine and it's definitely the kw engine. Does anyone know what is causing this?

See the above answer. Some more information would be helpful.

For example:

  • stock engine
  • kw engine
  • picture of ship
  • Video (or multiple screenshots) of launch. A mod, AutomatedScreenshots, would be very useful for this

right now, you gave us virtually nothing, and almost anything is a guess.


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  LostOblivion said:
Is a high TWR generally more delta-v efficient to orbit? Or is the difference negligible once you have around 1.25 or higher at launch?

On an airless body, yes, as you have less gravity drag. However, if your thinking about a launch vehicle, aerodynamics mean that you want a lower TWR, both for stability and structural reasons, and because you will waste fuel going too quickly through the atmosphere.

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Hi, I'm running this mod in 1.0.4 and I think there are some bugs. First, all the engines' nozzles are always red like if they are hot and even if they aren't active. Second, if I put a decoupler under a KW Rocketry engine no fairings builds around it. I'm using the KW Community Fixes for 1.0.4.

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i need some help im sure someone has the answer for this issue. when i attempt to snap my engines onto a fuel tank or any object the node disappears and then permanently glues its self to that part and is translucent and unremovable i was able too fix this before but i cant remember how.

HELP PLEASE had too do a clean install

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  pimpsmasterson said:
i need some help im sure someone has the answer for this issue. when i attempt to snap my engines onto a fuel tank or any object the node disappears and then permanently glues its self to that part and is translucent and unremovable i was able too fix this before but i cant remember how.

HELP PLEASE had too do a clean install

Sounds like an exception somewhere. Post your log, as usual.

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  Railgunner2160 said:
The nozzles always being red sound like you forgot ModuleAnimateEmissive....

I added it, but it still doesn't work. Any fix for the fairing not building around the engines with a decoupler under them?

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  pimpsmasterson said:
http://picpaste.com/extpics/my_problom-5WQRkKNH.png So this is what is happening and have no idea how too fix it, i fixed it once and cant remebr how, sorry i dont have a log i have no idea how too generate a log sorry. bigger pic http://picpaste.com/my_problom-5WQRkKNH.png


You were asked for logs, not screenshots. output_log.txt if Windows or player.log if Linux or Mac. If you're not sure here to find those then read this post:


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Concerning the SRB thrust limiter issue that has already been a little discussed, I would like to know if it would be possible to add a setting to the mod that will allow the player to choose to set the thrust limiter "0" setting to 50% or 0%.

I have downloaded and used nicogusuarez's fix but I would appreciate if the choice was given to the player in game, rather than having to use DIY fixes.

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