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[WIP] Nert's Dev Thread - Current: various updates


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Woah its like interstellar extended but not as many parts!!!

interstellar... retracted?

Also are there supposed to me tanks for the fuels in the new engines? and some of the textures are broke. The gamma ray spectrometer, the particle scoop and the nova seem to be broke but thats expected with beta releases

Good work nertea!

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37 minutes ago, Souptime said:

Woah its like interstellar extended but not as many parts!!!

interstellar... retracted?

Also are there supposed to me tanks for the fuels in the new engines? and some of the textures are broke. The gamma ray spectrometer, the particle scoop and the nova seem to be broke but thats expected with beta releases

Good work nertea!

AFASIK Interstallar Extended is a conglomeration of several mods, including this one?  Or at least the models from Nertea here.

But yes. This is a more refined experience.


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1 hour ago, theJesuit said:

AFASIK Interstallar Extended is a conglomeration of several mods, including this one?  Or at least the models from Nertea here.

But yes. This is a more refined experience.


Actually I think you would pretty much get the interstellar experience with:

  • FarFutureTech
  • FreeThinker's Photon Sailor mod,
  • then either Roverdude's Alcubierre Warp Drive (Stand-alone),
  • or the Interstellar Warp Drive standalone that was last maintained by LinuxGuruGamer.

The wardrives are probably going to look out of date as Nertea's awesome modelling keeps getting better and better, not just here but the last sweep across the NearFuture suite, SSPX and the team's ReStock. 


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I'm back with more eye candy/free advertising, this time with a more reasonable nuclear pulse freighter rather than an interstellar torchship.

dx69HUt.png biAPrVy.png
EycIx5V.png AkEDszx.png
h6bFtPY.png R6vTUuN.png

(album link)

EDIT: I don't think I've said just how much I love the flare effects on these engines. Its such a beautiful touch.

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After flying over Jool's outer atmosphere with atmosphere scoop for several times and getting tons of He-3 and Deuterium:

Atmosphere Scoop is too OVER POWER and I wanna BIG FUSION TANK:0.0:

Deuterium sharing almost the same physical/chemical property with hydrogen, how about add fusion tank variant to CryoTanks?

(Feels like change the color of  those white variant CryoTanks will make them looks the same as FFT fusion tanks.)



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On 11/21/2020 at 8:43 PM, TBenz said:

It could be added to Heat Control. Given how mediocre the stock parts are in SystemHeat already, Heat Control is all but required for FFT anyway.

KSP is all about multi-part solutions. We are given a suite of modular parts that we can interconnect and combine how we want to creatively come up with solutions to the challenges of spaceflight.

No other heat generator has built in radiators. And giving them to the Frisbee means that it could functionally bypass all the System Heat mechanics, which seems strange. Having a separate radiator truss part affords more flexibility to players into how they want to approach cooling not only the Frisbee, but also the other high temperature parts in FFT and beyond.

I don't want to come off as being annoyingly argumentative. This is your mod and you get to design it how you want. If you don't want to separate the radiators from the engine that is totally your call. I'm just sharing my thoughts about the matter. 

I took a break from answering to avoid knee jerk reactions, so here's my considered response

  • I did this to help users with large part counts. I just created an engine that *needs* dozens of identical parts to support it. 
  • The way I see it, creating one multi do-all radiator part that can extend to crazy lengths for the sake of supporting that one part (because the cooling requirements for all the other engines wouldn't even get close to halfway) just creates a need for 2 parts where there is really one. You can't use the long radiator truss without the engine (ok, well if you put dozens of other engines or something, maybe), and you really can't use the engine without the radiator truss. 
  • The one place I can see a very clear argument for a separate part is in terms of orbital assembly

So in short, I will keep the part as is, but will consider adding something separate to the radiator mod.


On 11/22/2020 at 5:44 AM, Starhelperdude said:


Yes I'm aware of this. Don't know how I used the wrong resource but eh :P. 

On 11/22/2020 at 8:13 AM, Souptime said:

Woah its like interstellar extended but not as many parts!!!

interstellar... retracted?

Also are there supposed to me tanks for the fuels in the new engines? and some of the textures are broke. The gamma ray spectrometer, the particle scoop and the nova seem to be broke but thats expected with beta releases

Good work nertea!

I'm not aware of any broken textures. 

21 hours ago, Captain Sierra said:

I'm back with more eye candy/free advertising, this time with a more reasonable nuclear pulse freighter rather than an interstellar torchship.

dx69HUt.png biAPrVy.png
EycIx5V.png AkEDszx.png
h6bFtPY.png R6vTUuN.png

(album link)

EDIT: I don't think I've said just how much I love the flare effects on these engines. Its such a beautiful touch.

Sweet! I feel like I see a bug in one of the screenshots though, ha. 

2 hours ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

After flying over Jool's outer atmosphere with atmosphere scoop for several times and getting tons of He-3 and Deuterium:

Atmosphere Scoop is too OVER POWER and I wanna BIG FUSION TANK:0.0:

Ha, so I've had one comment that it's too hard, and one that it's too easy :P

2 hours ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

Deuterium sharing almost the same physical/chemical property with hydrogen, how about add fusion tank variant to CryoTanks?

(Feels like change the color of  those white variant CryoTanks will make them looks the same as FFT fusion tanks.)

Challenge there is that will cost a bunch in terms of texture space. Might be worth investigating, it's not a lot of work.

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8 hours ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

Deuterium sharing almost the same physical/chemical property with hydrogen, how about add fusion tank variant to CryoTanks?

(Feels like change the color of  those white variant CryoTanks will make them looks the same as FFT fusion tanks.)

For what purpose would you need such a genuinely excessive amount of fusion fuel? 

1 hour ago, Nertea said:

Sweet! I feel like I see a bug in one of the screenshots though, ha. 

You alone remain your own worst critic, by a lot.  :P

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Speaking of textures, I am missing a texture file for System Heat’s large heat sink (PSK-200 I believe); the part shows up in game but appears all gray.

I know SystemHeat is still under development so I don’t know it you have a texture for it yet or it got left out of the folder by mistake, just passing along my humble observation.

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3 hours ago, Nertea said:

Ha, so I've had one comment that it's too hard, and one that it's too easy :P

It is more like balancing the relationship between the heat generated by re-entry into the atmosphere and the depth of the dive.

I wont "fly" into Jool's atmosphere, but glide through the upper atmosphere while keep engine runing to maintain orbital speed (keep apogee higher than 500km).

There is a 50% chance of hitting F9 hard before exploded due to overheating. :confused:

2 hours ago, Captain Sierra said:

For what purpose would you need such a genuinely excessive amount of fusion fuel? 

Blast Vall out of orbit with tons of hydrogen bombs (not really). :cool:

I am really crazy for low part count, but like to stock a lots of resources. 

I add fusion tanktye to Cryotank and now using some 3.75m long cryotank to storge fusion for my SSTO.

But you are right,  for those 5m size Cryotank, such a amount of fusion fuel doesn't have a lot of meaning besides shipping back to kerbin for profit.

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Just tried out the frisbee properly for the first time. Started at LEO,  made it to Sarnus in 9 days and 2 hours.  Passed by the rings going at over 0.2%c. It was a one way trip, but with a fusion reactor onboard I probably could've packed more antimatter to slow down at the destination. 

Conclusion: torch drives are insane :0.0:

Here's  an album: https://imgur.com/gallery/CBYqpWY

Great work Nertea, the new FFT was definitely worth the wait 

Edited by Apelsin
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15 hours ago, lemon cup said:

Speaking of textures, I am missing a texture file for System Heat’s large heat sink (PSK-200 I believe); the part shows up in game but appears all gray.

I know SystemHeat is still under development so I don’t know it you have a texture for it yet or it got left out of the folder by mistake, just passing along my humble observation.

I haven't made this texture yet. It is a bunch of work to finish and I haven't got much of a testing result to see if that part is useful. I may scrap it for now. 

8 hours ago, Apelsin said:

Just tried out the frisbee properly for the first time. Started at LEO,  made it to Sarnus in 9 days and 2 hours.  Passed by the rings going at over 0.2c. It was a one way trip, but with a fusion reactor onboard I probably could've packed more antimatter to slow down at the destination. 

Conclusion: torch drives are insane :0.0:

Here's  an album: https://imgur.com/gallery/CBYqpWY

Great work Nertea, the new FFT was definitely worth the wait 

Dang that is fast! I will probably be evolving the balance specs for that engine a bit in the near future. 

9 minutes ago, Fusion confusion said:

After these mods are complete, I want Far Future Launch Vehicles and Far Future Exploration. This is just my opinion. You don't have to do these.

Hah you wish....

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2 hours ago, Fusion confusion said:

After these mods are complete, I want Far Future Launch Vehicles and Far Future Exploration. This is just my opinion. You don't have to do these.

5m and 7.5m parts in NFLV is far more than enough in stock game, and I can't really think about how FFE will look like. ;)

@Nertea About thermal solution, I have some idea:

1. Extended Radiator

Use existing radiator models to make longer(extend) radiators and switch the length (perhaps up to 100 meters) by B9PartSwitch. 

  • Maybe time saving.
  • Maybe costing more Storage and RAM? (If ever variants is a individual model, sry I know nothing about modeling :blush:)
  • If part extension doesn't have to creat new model, maybe we can have a extended KRDA resourse container or extended NFC/Station structure?  (Day dream time :D)

2. "Procedural Radiator" -- Resizable Radiator

B9 Procedural Wings can bing different fuel tank size by calculating part's volum, maybe can go the same on radiator, calculate cooling power from surface area.

  • Maybe time consuming.
  • May also have cooling wings for fusion power SSTO? (Day dream time x 2)
  • Again, maybe "Procedural Near Future Construction", "Procedural Near Future Solar" and "Procedural Near Future Launch Vehicle" (Day dream time x 3)
  • (As a IT student, I know how torture if someone ask me to read tons of other's code and do further work.)
  • However, consider the identical texture/structure/thickness of radiator, "Procedural Wings" may be to complicate, should be more easy way to make resizable part if not doing resharpable parts. (Hangar by allista, resizable hanger)

For "Frisbee" , I think keep current individual radiator is better than bring cooling into system.


PS: I can do chinese focalization for FFT, if currently none else is doing it.

PPS: I still remember you done some 1.8m station parts long time ago, curious about your schedule/roadmap. (And EL launch parts plans on github)

PPPS: There is two extendable grapple/crew channel for SPEX, is that possiable to configrate it as a real docking port?


All above are my idea and day dream about your mods. As always, just do what ever you can enjoy yourself. :D 

Hope I can learn more about how modeling/programing parts, so that I can do some work for you.


Edited by Dr.Lxweei
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1 hour ago, Nertea said:

I haven't got much of a testing result to see if that part is useful. I may scrap it for now. 

Those parts are kinda heavy (not unrealistic considering) and I often found myself only ever using them to solve problems relating to the stock heat system. Seeing as the radial coolant tanks & exchangers from System Heat are now a thing which serve the same purpose for that system, I don't think many people would be disappointed if those parts up and disappeared. On a related note, are you planning on having System Heat become a hard dependency for Heat Control, or otherwise entangling/amalgamating those two mods? I know there's plenty of external use cases for those parts retaining stock radiating attributes but if NFE reactors & NFP engines both get ported over, the only thing I can think of (that matters to my install at least) that still needs that stock heat rejection is the kerbal atomics NTRs.


1 hour ago, Nertea said:

Dang that is fast! I will probably be evolving the balance specs for that engine a bit in the near future

Badum tss. Puns aside, the performance envelope on this thing is innately going to be insane. Its more skeletal design means it wouldn't shock me if it were lighter mass than its previous incarnation, and the density of antimatter storage appears to be improved. Before, I was able to build a propulsion bus capable of a small loan of a million dV and up to 4 Gs of acceleration. With this iteration I can get up to 5 million dV easy (and more if I try) with almost 5 Gs of acceleration on empty, but fuel mass is mattering more now so I start off at a totally pedestrian 1.8 Gs.

On the subject of antimatter, two things. I had a bug where when I kicked warp up high enough, my tanks exploded even though I had the power & heat rejection necessary. Fair note here, I was still under thrust (Persistent Thrust, which I know has an open github issue) and was using above-standard warp (Better Time Warp) so this isn't exactly a sanitized testing environment.
Also, I still remember you decisively saying "antimatter is out of scope for new FFT" and then the ICAN-II AMCF made its triumphant return along with the gorgeous antiproton ring ... and you insisted the beam-core torch drive was never returning until it did.;) I am quite grateful for this, as are we all because torch drives are hilarious. And I do absolutely intend to MM patch the localization files to rename the thing to "Blowtorch" because why not.


53 minutes ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

I can't really think about how FFE will look like.

We already have a launch-optimized toroidal fusion aerospike. That's what far-future launch tech looks like. :P


53 minutes ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

I still remember you done some 1.8m station parts long time ago, curious about your schedule/roadmap. (And EL launch parts plans on github)

The EL parts on github haven't been touched in about 3 years according to the date stamps on the issues, so unfortunately I think those parts are lost to limbo for the foreseeable future. Its a little disappointing since there really aren't many part options for EL and IMO most of them (outside of PBS) look particularly nice, but I figure its easier on Nertea if that mod is considered stabilized & finished.

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5 minutes ago, Captain Sierra said:

We already have a launch-optimized toroidal fusion aerospike. That's what far-future launch tech looks like. :P

I still feel not optimistic, the fusion spike engine is already powerful enough in the Stock system. Don't forget the fission engine in Atomic Age. As for the antimatter engine, I am afraid it will open a big f?ing hole right on top of the launch pad. :)

10 minutes ago, Captain Sierra said:

The EL parts on github haven't been touched in about 3 years according to the date stamps on the issues, so unfortunately I think those parts are lost to limbo for the foreseeable future. Its a little disappointing since there really aren't many part options for EL and IMO most of them (outside of PBS) look particularly nice, but I figure its easier on Nertea if that mod is considered stabilized & finished.


It's unfortunate to hear it, even though I configure all pairs of interfaces as launch pads.

I am obsessed with Nertea's aesthetic. To be honest, I think the construction method of Global Construction is better.

Assuming that one lucky day Nertea regains interest in this, I would like to get better aesthetic GC parts (as well as Hangar).


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15 minutes ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

As for the antimatter engine, I am afraid it will open a big f?ing hole right on top of the launch pad.

The exhaust products of proton-antiproton annihilation are, as I understand it, mostly photons (very high energy gamma ray photons) and neutrinos. A carefully controlled antimatter reaction would I believe be squelched in atmosphere so you couldn't light it on the pad ... which is good considering the gamma radiation that thing throws off could probably sterilize half the continent from low orbit!

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21 minutes ago, Captain Sierra said:

The exhaust products of proton-antiproton annihilation are, as I understand it, mostly photons (very high energy gamma ray photons) and neutrinos. A carefully controlled antimatter reaction would I believe be squelched in atmosphere so you couldn't light it on the pad ... which is good considering the gamma radiation that thing throws off could probably sterilize half the continent from low orbit!

Please forgive my limited knowledge.

Apart from fusion and fission, the only thruster I know for efficient atmospheric travel is an electric pulse jet engine, just like the WARP(?) engine provided in OPT.

If my memory is correct, also a HydroLox engine boost by electricity in Interstellar (J-81 in OPT). (I don't know how that work)

However, I think that future launch vehicles should all be in the form of aerospace SSTO aircraft like Valkyrie in Avatar (fussion powered). You can find those parts in OPT.

(I may assume OPT is the "FFLV" if those electro jet/engine consume 3x more EC, unfortunatly I messed up when I try to reconfig it.)

PS: And OPT got pretty good aesthetic.

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3 hours ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

1. Extended Radiator

Use existing radiator models to make longer(extend) radiators and switch the length (perhaps up to 100 meters) by B9PartSwitch. 

  • Maybe time saving.
  • Maybe costing more Storage and RAM? (If ever variants is a individual model, sry I know nothing about modeling :blush:)
  • If part extension doesn't have to creat new model, maybe we can have a extended KRDA resourse container or extended NFC/Station structure?  (Day dream time :D)

If you just want extensions that are several parts together, that's not really something I am interested in doing. You can accomplish that without my help in modeling. Taking the other approach, cutting up models and configuring them for multiple lengths (so they don't just look like one repeated element is fairly time consuming and best done with scratch models.

3 hours ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

PS: I can do chinese focalization for FFT, if currently none else is doing it.

I'm not aware of anyone doing it.

3 hours ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

PPS: I still remember you done some 1.8m station parts long time ago, curious about your schedule/roadmap. (And EL launch parts plans on github)

I'd love to do them both, but both are a lot of work. Particularly IVAs.

3 hours ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

PPPS: There is two extendable grapple/crew channel for SPEX, is that possiable to configrate it as a real docking port?


No, I think it lacks the model features.

3 hours ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

All above are my idea and day dream about your mods. As always, just do what ever you can enjoy yourself. :D 


Heh, enjoyment varies... I will be happy to get this mod out the door. 

2 hours ago, Captain Sierra said:

Those parts are kinda heavy (not unrealistic considering) and I often found myself only ever using them to solve problems relating to the stock heat system. Seeing as the radial coolant tanks & exchangers from System Heat are now a thing which serve the same purpose for that system, I don't think many people would be disappointed if those parts up and disappeared. On a related note, are you planning on having System Heat become a hard dependency for Heat Control, or otherwise entangling/amalgamating those two mods? I know there's plenty of external use cases for those parts retaining stock radiating attributes but if NFE reactors & NFP engines both get ported over, the only thing I can think of (that matters to my install at least) that still needs that stock heat rejection is the kerbal atomics NTRs.

I think you misunderstand, we're talking about a SystemHeat part, specifically the Heat Sink that allows storing and releasing heat. It is currently untextured because I don't know if it is actually useful.

FYI, SystemHeat configured radiators keep their stock radiator attributes; they do double duty. I have no intentions to merge to mods at this time, people would probably riot. 

2 hours ago, Captain Sierra said:

Badum tss. Puns aside, the performance envelope on this thing is innately going to be insane. Its more skeletal design means it wouldn't shock me if it were lighter mass than its previous incarnation, and the density of antimatter storage appears to be improved. Before, I was able to build a propulsion bus capable of a small loan of a million dV and up to 4 Gs of acceleration. With this iteration I can get up to 5 million dV easy (and more if I try) with almost 5 Gs of acceleration on empty, but fuel mass is mattering more now so I start off at a totally pedestrian 1.8 Gs.

Heat production is probably going down, and so is thrust. 

2 hours ago, Captain Sierra said:

On the subject of antimatter, two things. I had a bug where when I kicked warp up high enough, my tanks exploded even though I had the power & heat rejection necessary. Fair note here, I was still under thrust (Persistent Thrust, which I know has an open github issue) and was using above-standard warp (Better Time Warp) so this isn't exactly a sanitized testing environment.

Did the tank and its consumption show up the NF Systems Manager UI? Worth checking that if you see any explosions and take screenshots to see if the tank is getting detected and managed properly.  

1 hour ago, Captain Sierra said:

The exhaust products of proton-antiproton annihilation are, as I understand it, mostly photons (very high energy gamma ray photons) and neutrinos. A carefully controlled antimatter reaction would I believe be squelched in atmosphere so you couldn't light it on the pad ... which is good considering the gamma radiation that thing throws off could probably sterilize half the continent from low orbit!

Your problem is that the antiprotons would immediately react with the surrounding air, causing 'excess reactivity' inside your engine, specifically right at the outlet. If the engine was designed to handle this, it wouldn't be the worst thing ever, you'd basically get a low density plasma core engine with air as the reaction mass, but yes you would kill everyone nearby with hard gamma. 

1 hour ago, Dr.Lxweei said:

Apart from fusion and fission, the only thruster I know for efficient atmospheric travel is an electric pulse jet engine, just like the WARP(?) engine provided in OPT.

If my memory is correct, also a HydroLox engine boost by electricity in Interstellar (J-81 in OPT). (I don't know how that work)

However, I think that future launch vehicles should all be in the form of aerospace SSTO aircraft like Valkyrie in Avatar (fussion powered). You can find those parts in OPT.

(I may assume OPT is the "FFLV" if those electro jet/engine consume 3x more EC, unfortunatly I messed up when I try to reconfig it.)

PS: And OPT got pretty good aesthetic.

OPT is close to what I would build if I was making planes, but I don't really want to do that. the OPT fuselages are great, the engines are pretty scifi though. OTOH they have a pretty crazy energy density for their mass and size. 

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21 minutes ago, Nertea said:

If you just want extensions that are several parts together, that's not really something I am interested in doing. You can accomplish that without my help in modeling. Taking the other approach, cutting up models and configuring them for multiple lengths (so they don't just look like one repeated element is fairly time consuming and best done with scratch models.

At least what I need for now. If changing cfg can puting several part's models together to get one big part, I am happly to do so.

(Like I want a 50m long radiator part, but look like it just 10 small radiator evenly placed on the surface like 10 different parts)

I did some search but got nothing about how to doing this. Do you know any where may have those information/tutorial? Or maybe a example?

33 minutes ago, Nertea said:

I'm not aware of anyone doing it.

Then I will do it.

36 minutes ago, Nertea said:

OPT is close to what I would build if I was making planes, but I don't really want to do that. the OPT fuselages are great, the engines are pretty scifi though. OTOH they have a pretty crazy energy density for their mass and size. 

From the balance of FN and FF, I feel that everything in OPT is too over power, except for the fuselages  capacity.

39 minutes ago, Nertea said:

Your problem is that the antiprotons would immediately react with the surrounding air, causing 'excess reactivity' inside your engine, specifically right at the outlet. If the engine was designed to handle this, it wouldn't be the worst thing ever, you'd basically get a low density plasma core engine with air as the reaction mass, but yes you would kill everyone nearby with hard gamma. 

Talking about stuff can kill eveyone nearby, how about reputation punishment for evey second using Torch Drive/NSW nearby kerbin or NSW on a plante with atmosphere (except for gas giant)?

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On 11/22/2020 at 11:13 AM, Souptime said:

Woah its like interstellar extended but not as many parts!!!

interstellar... retracted?

Also are there supposed to me tanks for the fuels in the new engines? and some of the textures are broke. The gamma ray spectrometer, the particle scoop and the nova seem to be broke but thats expected with beta releases

Good work nertea!

A bit, but there are no thermal nozzles in FFT like in IE where you can just feed a propellant through a reactor and expel it to create thrust.

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I present you: the flying radiator thing. Unfortunately, it's stats aren't that great for its cost and complexity: only 81 km/s dV with something like 0.9 TWR. I think I'll stick to X-7. It's cheaper and doesn't require anywhere near as many radiators while offering similar performance in afterburning mode


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So @Nertea I replicated the exploding tanks issue and I found out what's going on. None of the graphene radiators are rejecting the nuclear reactor's heat. It's overheating my hydrogen tanks (which are the most fragile things nearby in the part tree) and causing RUD. As for why none of the reactor heat is being rejected, I have no idea. Its as if having a heat loop on the vessel prevents legacy radiator parameters from working. Note that the radiators for the reactor I have assigned to the default loop 0 and the engine cooling is assigned to loop 1. Also note that this specific incident will go away if and when the NFE reactors are ported to SystemHeat, but the general problem may still apply in some instances.



The positive net flux on the engine side was due to one pair of radiator panels not being active. I fixed that.

Now I've said before, this is NOT a good testing environment. There's a ton of other mods (including a custom compiled barely-compatible Kopernicus),  Persistent Thrust and Better Time Warp are both present, this is version 1.9.1, etc. I can quickly put together a stripped-down environment sometime tomorrow and actually provide logs & craft files, etc.


1 hour ago, NHunter said:

it's stats aren't that great for its cost and complexity: only 81 km/s dV with something like 0.9 TWR

I can safely say that your craft design is severely underutilizing that engine then. My above testing vehicle is getting 1700 km/s dV with about 1.8 Gs TWR. Your dV numbers sound about right for not having a lot of fuel but I'm legitimately confused how you managed to drag the TWR so low with how hilariously strong this drive is.

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12 minutes ago, Captain Sierra said:

So @Nertea I replicated the exploding tanks issue and I found out what's going on. None of the graphene radiators are rejecting the nuclear reactor's heat. It's overheating my hydrogen tanks (which are the most fragile things nearby in the part tree) and causing RUD. As for why none of the reactor heat is being rejected, I have no idea. Its as if having a heat loop on the vessel prevents legacy radiator parameters from working. Note that the radiators for the reactor I have assigned to the default loop 0 and the engine cooling is assigned to loop 1. Also note that this specific incident will go away if and when the NFE reactors are ported to SystemHeat, but the general problem may still apply in some instances.

Ah so the systems manager UI will not show the radiators but they should work. I'll check it again, it has been a while.

The NFE reactors have been ported for quite a while now, but not enabled by default. Look in the SystemHeat distribution for the extras files.

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