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[1.10.x] SDHI Service Module System (V4.0.4 / 11 October 2020)


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Has there been issues reported with the SDHI Fustek paradock and the Fustek 1.25m node? Running the latest versions of both and I cannot get them to mate up. It's not the end of the world though, I've put a standard Fustek node on the Mk1-2 pod and then placed radial parachutes.

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Has there been issues reported with the SDHI Fustek paradock and the Fustek 1.25m node? Running the latest versions of both and I cannot get them to mate up. It's not the end of the world though, I've put a standard Fustek node on the Mk1-2 pod and then placed radial parachutes.

Working as designed.

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That's too bad. You should share your newfound knowledge with the other people in this thread who were complaining that it did not work for them.

And what should I tell the next person who complains that it's not working for them? Should I tell them to contact Helix935 for support?

I'm one of the people having no luck separating the service module from the pod. I tried editing the SM .cfg to have staging=true, but I don't know what that does and it didn't work. Where can I find those logs of which you spoke and how should I get them to you? Bear in mind I have limited experience working with online forums.

Or maybe Helix935 could swallow his pride and give us a hand. What could be so "embarassing"?

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Has there been issues reported with the SDHI Fustek paradock and the Fustek 1.25m node? Running the latest versions of both and I cannot get them to mate up. It's not the end of the world though, I've put a standard Fustek node on the Mk1-2 pod and then placed radial parachutes.
Working as designed.
I think his problem is that the IACBM paradock won't dock to the normal IACBM, which it should be able to do. So something is wrong. Can you post a picture, falken?

That definitely doesn't sound like working as designed - the SDHI IACBM ParaDock is supposed to be compatible with the FusTek 1.25m IACBM.

Let me go check my own setup.

EDIT: I had no problems docking my the SDHI IACBM to the FusTek IACBM. Pictures and/or tests with a stripped-down installation of KSP would be most helpful.

I'm one of the people having no luck separating the service module from the pod. I tried editing the SM .cfg to have staging=true, but I don't know what that does and it didn't work. Where can I find those logs of which you spoke and how should I get them to you?

Have you tried assigning the decoupler to an action group, as per the official tutorial on the GitHub wiki? Or right-clicked on the Service Module for the decouple option?

staging=true enables decoupling via spacebar, which I specifically disabled because I didn't want people to accidentally strand their command pod by spamming their spacebar.

Edited by sumghai
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Yeah, I read that suggestion, I just wanted to see if it had any effect - changed it back right away.

I've tried going into action groups, but there's nothing listed that would decouple it. I right-clicked the module in flight and there wasn't any manual decoupling option. I still have the option to install/uninstall umbilical (which is super cool, btw) on the command pod, but no combination of settings seems to give me anything else.

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Yeah, I read that suggestion, I just wanted to see if it had any effect - changed it back right away.

I've tried going into action groups, but there's nothing listed that would decouple it. I right-clicked the module in flight and there wasn't any manual decoupling option. I still have the option to install/uninstall umbilical (which is super cool, btw) on the command pod, but no combination of settings seems to give me anything else.

That leaves one other possibility.

Have you installed the AnimatedDecouplers plugin by Starwaster?

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That definitely doesn't sound like working as designed - the SDHI IACBM ParaDock is supposed to be compatible with the FusTek 1.25m IACBM.

Let me go check my own setup.

EDIT: I had no problems docking my the SDHI IACBM to the FusTek IACBM. Pictures and/or tests with a stripped-down installation of KSP would be most helpful.

Ah crap I thought he was talking about a different part....

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For some reason the pod wobbles ALOT when it has hit the water and the heatshield has inflated. ,Could there be any reasons that it soes so? Have FAR installed, think there is no others that affect physics. Also, I do have the newest versions of the dependencies.

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The node resizer should really be a dependency, attaching the ring to the wrong side of the node(happens too much) also means it can't decouple...

Node Resizer is optional due to the following line of reasoning:

- Most people would use the Service Module in their crafts

- The Avionics Ring is for special cases where people build their own SM from scratch

- Even then, it's not too terribly difficult to snap the ring to the correct stack node on the heatshield

- The plugin is thus more of a convenience tool rather than a vital dependency

For some reason the pod wobbles ALOT when it has hit the water and the heatshield has inflated. ,Could there be any reasons that it soes so? Have FAR installed, think there is no others that affect physics. Also, I do have the newest versions of the dependencies.


All kidding aside, that's most likely due to the quirks of the Klockheed Martian floatation module / plugin itself. Not much I can do about it.

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Node Resizer is optional due to the following line of reasoning:

- Most people would use the Service Module in their crafts

- The Avionics Ring is for special cases where people build their own SM from scratch

- Even then, it's not too terribly difficult to snap the ring to the correct stack node on the heatshield

It embarrasses me to say that for some strange reason, I don't have my own plugin installed and recently found myself unable to decouple my command module! I was forced to do a reentry with the service module still attached.

Sure enough, back at the KSC I discovered that uh... Kerbal Engineers had attached the adapter to the wrong node :blush:

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I'm having the same problem as mentioned earlier in this thread - loading freezes on the docking ports with realchute.dll installed, loading progresses fine without it. Also receiving an error that RealChutes is incompatible with Unity. Anyone had issues with this/found a solution? Both are the newest installs, about to do a search if it's another mod causing the problem.

EDIT: you need more than just the .dll... I had it narrowed down to the dll, plugin data, materials, settings and sounds, may be able to cut out more than that. Might not hurt to update the head post to reflect that when you get a chance, sumghai.

Hope your schoolwork is going/has went well!

Edited by jazzman13
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I'm having the same problem as mentioned earlier in this thread - loading freezes on the docking ports with realchute.dll installed, loading progresses fine without it. Also receiving an error that RealChutes is incompatible with Unity. Anyone had issues with this/found a solution? Both are the newest installs, about to do a search if it's another mod causing the problem.

EDIT: you need more than just the .dll... I had it narrowed down to the dll, plugin data, materials, settings and sounds, may be able to cut out more than that. Might not hurt to update the head post to reflect that when you get a chance, sumghai.

I never stated explicitly that only the DLL was needed - I consider the DLL, materials, settings and sound collectively as the RealChute "plugin".

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I never stated explicitly that only the DLL was needed - I consider the DLL, materials, settings and sound collectively as the RealChute "plugin".

Perhaps you should reformulate the OP, then. On these forums, "plugin" is generally assumed to mean a .dll file. It would probably be easier for everybody if you changed the wording to say something like "RealChute Addon" instead.

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Perhaps you should reformulate the OP, then. On these forums, "plugin" is generally assumed to mean a .dll file. It would probably be easier for everybody if you changed the wording to say something like "RealChute Addon" instead.

I'll look into it the next time I do a release.

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A note about 0.90.0 compatibility

I'm planning on getting a maintenance release out sometime next week or the week after. I can't promise a more concrete date due to some IRL I need to do on short notice, in addition to finishing my Master's Degree.

Thank you for your understanding.

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A note about 0.90.0 compatibility

I'm planning on getting a maintenance release out sometime next week or the week after. I can't promise a more concrete date due to some IRL I need to do on short notice, in addition to finishing my Master's Degree.

Thank you for your understanding.

Cool mod, nice to hear you will update it for .90 :) Understand that you need some time to do it though ;)

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Any news about the new AnimatedDecoupler plugin?

You can check progress on that front here. With that being said, he has not uploaded it yet, and even if he had, we'd still need to wait for Sumghai to recompile and update SDHI. So, fiddle with .25 or build up your .90 on other fronts and hangout with the rest of us. :D

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