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Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.4.7 - Pipes as fuel lines and even fewer explosions!


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now theres a thought - detachable surface mounts - we could then bring up the box and the mount then move it over to the ship. I actually forgot to bring some boxes with me so it might be handy to do this. A bit of ModuleManager coding should do the trick. I'll post it when I get a chance at home.

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Thank you AntiMatter001 and 5thHorseMan

I thing id the case of 5thHorseMan told. The part to attach things. I gonna try that.

AntiMatter001, i already did the swap thing too. No works for me.


Than you both. Nice to see this community that everyone help's each other.

Thank you again.


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  Climberfx said:
I tried all the sort of thing, but still won't work, even with the part to attach.

Now the menu is different.

But still no attach button.


Oh no! Wrong square thing! Sorry about that.

Since I posted, I've had a chance to play and I looked up the name but thought you didn't need it. It's the Container Bay Type A/B.

And you should really test these things on the ground before sending them up into orbit. You're making me feel bad! :)

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Hey Guys.

I'm currently running into a problem and suspect that KAS is the cause. I have a setup of 3 different Object standing on the mun (sry for the dark picture) that have certain KAS winches attached to the ground and are partially interlinked with pipes.

Now my problem was that when i set up this configuration (It's a mobile Kethane/Fuel Factory), it worked really well. I had High FPS and so on and no real problems whatsoever. But then i needed additional pipe endpoints and decided to get them from a little munbase a few km away. So i fly one Kerbal the in EVA and to get the stuff from the base and get out of the physics loading distance for the Kethane Factory. I grab the pipe endpoint from the munbase and make my way back. I come into the physic loading distance of the Kethane Factory and there it Begins. really heavy lag of about 1 frame per 10 seconds or even slower. I am in this current situation unable to controll and finish the Kethane factory since the FPS drops so heavy. Every other Vessel in my Universe works fine except that Factory. Can somebody pls help me since i have put a lot of effort and work into that base and don't want to loose it.

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  BombastixderTeutone said:
Hey Guys.

I'm currently running into a problem and suspect that KAS is the cause. I have a setup of 3 different Object standing on the mun (sry for the dark picture) that have certain KAS winches attached to the ground and are partially interlinked with pipes.

Now my problem was that when i set up this configuration (It's a mobile Kethane/Fuel Factory), it worked really well. I had High FPS and so on and no real problems whatsoever. But then i needed additional pipe endpoints and decided to get them from a little munbase a few km away. So i fly one Kerbal the in EVA and to get the stuff from the base and get out of the physics loading distance for the Kethane Factory. I grab the pipe endpoint from the munbase and make my way back. I come into the physic loading distance of the Kethane Factory and there it Begins. really heavy lag of about 1 frame per 10 seconds or even slower. I am in this current situation unable to controll and finish the Kethane factory since the FPS drops so heavy. Every other Vessel in my Universe works fine except that Factory. Can somebody pls help me since i have put a lot of effort and work into that base and don't want to loose it.

hmmm it happens to me sometimes but i'm not sure of a solution... try instead of sending the kerbal back (because it might try load the Mun base and factory) go to the space map and switch to the factory if it still lags then i suggest getting a small mun rover (at your Mun base with kerbal) and strapping a seat onto it then first move out of the loading area (with kerbal and part on said rover) of the mun base then move back to your factory.

this may not work but it's worth a try.

Edited by AntiMatter001
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last weekend I spent a long time stabilizing my Orbital yard with KAS struts. During EVA Bill placed 24 strut endpoints and connected them. It worked perfectly and the station was no longer shaking itself apart as soon as I turned on the SAS.

Now, a few days later I come back and guess what. The end points are still there but all the struts are gone. Please don't tell me I have to reconnect them each and every single time when I come back.

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  Tex_NL said:
last weekend I spent a long time stabilizing my Orbital yard with KAS struts. During EVA Bill placed 24 strut endpoints and connected them. It worked perfectly and the station was no longer shaking itself apart as soon as I turned on the SAS.

Now, a few days later I come back and guess what. The end points are still there but all the struts are gone. Please don't tell me I have to reconnect them each and every single time when I come back.

Are/were you using an outdated version of Kerbal Joint Replacement?

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  5thHorseman said:
Oh no! Wrong square thing! Sorry about that.

Since I posted, I've had a chance to play and I looked up the name but thought you didn't need it. It's the Container Bay Type A/B.

And you should really test these things on the ground before sending them up into orbit. You're making me feel bad! :)

Thanks again 5thHorseMan. But that part can't be detached and attached again on orbit. :( so i will need to send a mission with that part on the module i need to aggregate on the station. Things good a little complicated. My old stations don't have it now.

Would be great if that part could be attached like the others do...


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  Climberfx said:
Thanks again 5thHorseMan. But that part can't be detached and attached again on orbit. :( so i will need to send a mission with that part on the module i need to aggregate on the station. Things good a little complicated. My old stations don't have it now.

Would be great if that part could be attached like the others do...

I agree. Do you have modulemanager installed? Most people do. Create a config file right in your gamedata folder and put this in it:

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.18)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize = 8
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False

...and it should then be grabbable. Note: I guessed at the specific values so it may look weird when it's on your Kerbal's back (and it's oddly shaped so it'll probably look weird anyway) but it'll still be grabbable and placeable. I did not test it and can't for about a half hour but I don't see why it wouldn't work. Extremely similar code works for goo containers and the large radial RCS fuel tank.

EDIT: I tested it and it's clunky but it does work. You're probably better off bringing up a container bay module :)

Edited by 5thHorseman
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  5thHorseman said:
I agree. Do you have modulemanager installed? Most people do. Create a config file right in your gamedata folder and put this in it:

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.18)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize = 8
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False

...and it should then be grabbable. Note: I guessed at the specific values so it may look weird when it's on your Kerbal's back (and it's oddly shaped so it'll probably look weird anyway) but it'll still be grabbable and placeable. I did not test it and can't for about a half hour but I don't see why it wouldn't work. Extremely similar code works for goo containers and the large radial RCS fuel tank.

EDIT: I tested it and it's clunky but it does work. You're probably better off bringing up a container bay module :)

That works, but you are right. It attack on surfaces but not in the right z position, and some times got inclined, not right.

Maybe i do a little modules using docking ports and having multiple connections on it.

Thank you again! :)

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  Climberfx said:
That works, but you are right. It attack on surfaces but not in the right z position, and some times got inclined, not right.

Maybe i do a little modules using docking ports and having multiple connections on it.

Thank you again! :)

I think the evaPartDir entry changes the x,y,z axis of the part but don't quote me on that. I want to be able to attach these to my ships too - never even occurred to me that I could set this up (even did some of these for other radial parts and it never occurred to me to do this too!)

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  hfbs said:
You can rotate things while attaching them using B/N, Alt + B/N and Right Alt + B/N. Each one rotates it round a different axis.

The problem with the container bays isn't rotation. They're sunk into the thing you attach them on about half way. They still function, but they look funny.

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Well, i manage with this little "probe" to aggregate the bags function to every space station i want.

Here the part already on station


Here the rocket i use to get orbit, with service module on the extreme, and two parts in the middle, one for Mun Space Lab Station, and other to Kerbin Space Lab Station.


Here the Module docking on probes to begin rendezvous and docking maneuver on stations.


obs. The probe modules have they own computer and rcs system, so it can dock by itself.

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  hfbs said:
Ohhh i see what you mean now. Something to do with the collision mesh, I don't have the smarts to fix that.

They (used to) do that in the VAB too - there are two connecting nodes - one to connect the container rack to the part and another to connect it to the container itself - if you use them in the VAB you'll notice that sometimes you can move the rack further in to the tank etc and it looks strange there - I'm wondering if when using the MM code its not choosing the right connection node when you select attach.

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  5thHorseman said:
I agree. Do you have modulemanager installed? Most people do. Create a config file right in your gamedata folder and put this in it:

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.18)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize = 8
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False

...and it should then be grabbable. Note: I guessed at the specific values so it may look weird when it's on your Kerbal's back (and it's oddly shaped so it'll probably look weird anyway) but it'll still be grabbable and placeable. I did not test it and can't for about a half hour but I don't see why it wouldn't work. Extremely similar code works for goo containers and the large radial RCS fuel tank.

EDIT: I tested it and it's clunky but it does work. You're probably better off bringing up a container bay module :)

i suggest fiddling around with the values till one comes out right...

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  AntiMatter001 said:
i suggest fiddling around with the values till one comes out right...

The problem is, there are no values to fiddle with. the evaPartPos changes how it looks on the Kerbal. The evaPartDir changes what direction the part goes. The rest of them are simple binary options that have nothing to do with which node attaches to the surface.

I suppose I could fiddle with the original part file but honestly, it would take hours of making a single change and then reloading the game* and then seeing it did nothing and making another change and reloading the game* and then seeing that it did something but not the right thing. And I have never ever needed this. I'd rather recycle the container and just attach its contents to the hull than go through that :D

*Don't suggest I reload assets in the debug menu. It for some reason breaks the entire "attach" mechanic. Once I reload I can't attach ANYTHING until I've restarted the game, so there is no way to test anything that changes the way things attach except to restart the game.

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  5thHorseman said:
The problem is, there are no values to fiddle with. the evaPartPos changes how it looks on the Kerbal. The evaPartDir changes what direction the part goes. The rest of them are simple binary options that have nothing to do with which node attaches to the surface.

I suppose I could fiddle with the original part file but honestly, it would take hours of making a single change and then reloading the game* and then seeing it did nothing and making another change and reloading the game* and then seeing that it did something but not the right thing. And I have never ever needed this. I'd rather recycle the container and just attach its contents to the hull than go through that :D

*Don't suggest I reload assets in the debug menu. It for some reason breaks the entire "attach" mechanic. Once I reload I can't attach ANYTHING until I've restarted the game, so there is no way to test anything that changes the way things attach except to restart the game.

There's more settings to play with in the modules these might help:


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Is it possible for a Kerbal to grab one object while attached to another, like a tether for example? I'd love to try this mod out, but I suck and EVA maneuvering, and it really seems best utilized up in orbit.

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