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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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@Starwaster: thanks dude, you're awesome.

maybe. Maybe not. Testing something now to change the inflatables behavior when FAR is installed but I suspect that FAR ISNT seeing the changed geometry when the shield inflates. Which afaik, it's supposed to. If it doesn't then there's nothing I can do.

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Round 1 of testing. What I did was apply a patch to remove certain parts of the inflatable shield's modules if FAR was installed. Those modules are the ones that change drag based on the state of animation. What I'm seeing is that cd, BC and reference area don't always correspond with what I expect to see. Reference area seems to increase like it should but cd increases when the shield is deflated rather than when it's deflated, which doesn't make sense. Terminal velocity and BC don't change at all. Net result is that there's no apparent change in drag. I suspect that it's more an issue with the shield's animation, which as I've alluded to in the past has issues that confuse modules trying to read its state. DRE seems to read it ok but maybe I need to re-evaluate that too.

I've also indicated in the past that people might want to use the ADEPT deployable shield would be a better choice than DRE's own inflatable. You can get it here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/98178-NASA-Adaptable-Deployable-Entry-Placement-Technology-(ADEPT)-by-OLDD-(26-04-14). I don't have a patch for it yet though. (the patch that strips it of its drag altering modules when animating)

If you want to test the patch that I made for DRE's inflatable, here it is: Edit your DeadlyReentry.cfg file and paste this at the bottom:



Here, I just whipped up one for the ADEPT shield (which really is a high quality product BTW. Not sure if I remembered to link to it in the OP..... if I haven't I soon will)

I'm going to test this myself in a bit but I have to go do a thing.


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Ok, so testing with the ADEPT shield shows that FAR does properly recognize that it has animated. cd increases and decreases as the shield is deployed or retracted. Reference area though... increases for the retracted state and decreases for the deployed state. I thought reference area was supposed to be the cross section perpendicular to the velocity vector so that doesn't make sense to me. I guess FAR is measuring it along the long axis without regard to orientation? I dunno, but whatever, it looks to me like it's working the way it should.

Not sure it matters but I replaced the references to the advanced animator with the stock generic animator on my install for the ADEPT. I don't think it does...

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Starwaster: the changes to the chutes themselves are a tad annoying. The semi-deployment minimum pressure is probably fine, but 2300m for full deployment? 500m is painful enough even with 4x warp.

Also, it would be nice to be able to disable the chute warning message.

Otherwise, recent DRE is quite nice: I really like that most of my service modules now start exploding rather than just flying out of physics range :) (makes Jeb very happy and the others jump).

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Hello, Is there any way to remove the parachute warning messages? They are getting pretty annoying filling the screen and lagging the game :(

They're not supposed to fill the screen, try the latest beta. That should fix it.

@Taniwha: Thanks for the feedback. I was using Apollo as a guideline for deployment. You can tweak deployment settings in the VAB. (or maybe even in flight.... however (un)realistic that is)

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I have the latest Beta, the thing is I use stage recovery mod, So for example the solid fuel boosters have a parachute each, so before I decouple I get like 8 Messages on the screen saying parachutes may fail. It gets pretty annoying, I suggest an option to remove the warnings mate :(

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I have the latest Beta, the thing is I use stage recovery mod, So for example the solid fuel boosters have a parachute each, so before I decouple I get like 8 Messages on the screen saying parachutes may fail. It gets pretty annoying, I suggest an option to remove the warnings mate :(

Unable to duplicate your problem.

Latest beta, 8 chutes:


Dunno why you would be seeing 8 messages. Try downloading again?

That fix might not have made it into the last push... if not it will definitely be in the next. I'll have to think about allowing the outright disabling of the message because right now it means fewer support complaints about chutes not working/buggy chutes/ chutes overheating even though the part was at -69,105 Celsius.

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Pushed latest updates. This will probably be the last beta. Next update will be official.


  • ModuleManager 2.5.3 compatibility change: Moved difficulty and settings related files to DeadlyReentry/Plugins/PluginData (EasySettings.cfg, DefaultSettings.cfg, HardSettings.cfg and Custom.cfg)
  • Added virtual keyword to ModuleAeroReentry.Start()
  • Added override keyword to ModuleHeatShield.Start()
  • Fixed FixAeroFX() fixes. (was not properly calling coroutine)
  • Moved crew/chute warning messages to ReentryPhysics
  • Updated ModuleManager file to 2.5.3

(to-do: move per-planet atmospheric data to ReentryPhysics; right now it's calculating that on every part instead of being static on ReentryPhysics. If you don't know what that means don't worry)

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Oh I thought I had the latest version I didn`t my bad, you were right only one warning now ;)

I think I'd only released it as a drop-in update via Dropbox. The official beta with that fix didn't go live until just now. (plus some other minor things)

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I'm getting no Ablation on any setting using 6.3.3.

200Km Ap Per set at 27Km, temps reach about 600C. I get the full F/X but no ablation at all on the heatshield using normal setting. Setting to hard makes no difference as well as setting the shockwave exponent to 1.12.

Here is a pic at about 35Km


And the output file:


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After more investigating if I set the shockwave exponent within the debug console I definitely get the increased heating but not if I modify the Default config with the value and set in game menu to normal. Don't know if that helps or not. In addition I get almost no heat with the hard setting using the alternate density calc setting, not sure if this is enabled or not yet.

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I'm getting no Ablation on any setting using 6.3.3.

200Km Ap Per set at 27Km, temps reach about 600C. I get the full F/X but no ablation at all on the heatshield using normal setting. Setting to hard makes no difference as well as setting the shockwave exponent to 1.12.

Here is a pic at about 35Km


And the output file:


Wow, your screen is cluttered

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I found a problem with difficulty settings not being properly saved or loaded, but it's not anything that would stop your heat shield from working. Ablation is working just fine on my end.

I'll have to take a look at your log and see if that turns anything up.

It might help to see a look at your DRE debug screen so I can see the settings.

Also, what shield is that and where did you download it?

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May I suggest removing the "don't open chutes" message? It isn't very readable anyway (especially in the clouds: light green on white... yeah). Can you overlay staging icons? Changing them in flight is possible, but RealChute (and the game itself) already does that, so there might be a conflict. Overlaying it with read cross/triangle/crossed circle or exclamation sign, if possible, would look much better.

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