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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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  NathanKell said:
That seems very strange indeed.

Have you tried just replacing the RSS dll with the new one?

What do you mean by the new RSS dll? The one from v7.1?

  NathanKell said:
If all else fails, v7 should be fine. It has an error with AFG, but if you're seeing atmosphere, it's all fine.


In all this, I accidentally overwrote my only copy of 7.0. I can't find a zip on my HD for v7.0, so I think I think I actually patched a pre-release 7.0 together from v6.2 and the publically available files on your github. I'll try to re-create it, else I might need to ask you for a 7.0 DL link.

EDIT: Can't seem to re-crate it. Do you have the v7.0 dll file backed up anywhere?

Edited by hydropos
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  MegaUZI said:
Is it normal that every single celestial object has its orbit inclinated over 30° ?

Yes, it's such that Earth has the correct axial tilt. It isn't possible to do axial tilt so Nathan set Earth's inclination to its axial tilt and the rest of the planets are just relative to the ecliptic.

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I seem to have a problem with the normal maps for the planets:


Those are not city lights on the dark side of the planet.

The southern Andes mountains seem to think they're in sunlight right now. Those mountains are large, but not large enough to catch sunlight when the sun is 20 degrees below the horizon :P

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I'm trying to restore Moho's atmosphere to pre-0.18 values with RSS.

This is my config (atmosphereMultiplier = 1 so the atmosphere should be more noticeable and temperatureCurve values are just placeholders):

atmosphereMultiplier = 1
atmosphereScaleHeight = 2
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 27640
useLegacyAtmosphere = True
// The units are km, °C, dK / dkm, next dK / dkm.
key = 0. 500. -10000. -20.
key = 10. 300. -20. -17.0068027211
key = 27.64 0. -17.0068027211 0.
waveLength = 0.49, 0.5, 0.53, 1.0
innerRadius = 247500 // 0.99
outerRadius = 312500 // 1.025

However it does not seem to work.

Pressure is always 0 (barometer displays "IN VACUM").

Temperature on the ground is 0° instead of 500°.

Temperature at 10 km is 0.45° instead of 300°.

How can I make it work? This is the first time I'm trying to make something with RSS. Any help will be appreciated.

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  shrx said:
I'm trying to restore Moho's atmosphere to pre-0.18 values with RSS.

This is my config (atmosphereMultiplier = 1 so the atmosphere should be more noticeable and temperatureCurve values are just placeholders):

However it does not seem to work.

Pressure is always 0 (barometer displays "IN VACUM").

Temperature on the ground is 0° instead of 500°.

Temperature at 10 km is 0.45° instead of 300°.

How can I make it work? This is the first time I'm trying to make something with RSS. Any help will be appreciated.

Add atmopshere = true and it'll have one. AFG doesn't seem to do anything though. Also your settings are pretty cray, 0.324atm at 2.2km. I think AFG needs to be in PQS in order to work, however the in-game menu also doesn't do anything so I don't know how that works. Did Moho have a visible atmosphere? Wasn't it just there to overheat your engines?

Can someone explain how exactly atm/km and km/atm are calculated? It's obviously not actually just divided since 0/1 and 1/0 don't give -0.11 whatever.

Edited by AndreyATGB
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Thanks I'll try with your suggestions.

atm/km is actually (atm2-atm1)/(km2-km1) between points 1 and 2.

I don't think the atmosphere was visible, is AtmosphereFromGround{} just for visuals?

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  shrx said:
Thanks I'll try with your suggestions.

atm/km is actually (atm2-atm1)/(km2-km1) between points 1 and 2.

I don't think the atmosphere was visible, is AtmosphereFromGround{} just for visuals?

Yeah, it's used to change color and height.

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OK, this is the updated cfg:

atmosphere = true
useLegacyAtmosphere = true
atmosphereMultiplier = 0.005
atmosphereScaleHeight = 2
maxAtmosphereAltitude = 27640
// The units are km, °C, dK / dkm, next dK / dkm.
key = 0. 500. 0. -20.
key = 10. 300. -20. -17.0068027211
key = 27.64 0. -17.0068027211 0.

Pressure now works correctly, but temperature still doesn't work as it should.

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  MegaUZI said:
Is there a way to undo this (I know it will make the game slightly unrealistic but the inclination of every single planet makes the game really disorienting)

Go to the realsolarsystem.cfg and adjust the inclination for each planet to be 0.

// Target body name: Mercury (199)
// Center body name: Sun (10)
// Center-site name: BODY CENTER
semiMajorAxis = 57908973645.88802
eccentricity = 0.2056187266319207
inclination = [B]28.60252108855048 [/B] <--------- This one, turn this into 0 for all planets
meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 318.2162077814089
LAN = 10.86541167564728
argumentOfPeriapsis = 66.90371044151551
orbitColor = 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0

That should give you a flat solar system. It won't be very realistic though, you won't have to worry about inclination changes anymore.

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I have a 'slight' problem with RSS... I followed all instructions and yet :





I'm in .24.2, and this behavior is very odd, considering it was working just fine in .24. I'm using the stock config and the 2048 texture pack. I have redownloaded RSS but the problem still prevails. Eeloo and Dres are their stock colors and at their stock distances, and all the moons of Jupiter (except one) are inside of it. Also, Minmus is at its stock distance from Earth.

EDIT: I downloaded and installed the PlanetFactory config and it seems to resolve this, must be the 'stock' config.

Edited by General Rarity
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Ok, built and tested a 1/10 sized RSS config (same planets as the Real Solar System but scaled down to 10%). Other than some problems with landing on Pol and Bop, it should work fine (actually better than the last one). I kept the atmospheres the same as in RSS, so Laythe/Titan might seem a little weird.


Put into the KSP/GameData/RealSolarSystem/ folder. Be sure to take the old RealSolarSystem.cfg file out of the folder first. If you have both it won't work.

Edited by metaphor
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Can somebody explain this? Is this a bug or what?


This is what happens when I try to install RSS 7.0 OR 7.1. I've tried every texture pack in every folder (GameData, RealSolarSystem, PluginData, etc.) Nothing works. The solar system is scaled up to the real life one, but all the planet textures are Kerbal stock, and Earth's texture is just all black.

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  ColdFire979 said:
Can somebody explain this? Is this a bug or what?


This is what happens when I try to install RSS 7.0 OR 7.1. I've tried every texture pack in every folder (GameData, RealSolarSystem, PluginData, etc.) Nothing works. The solar system is scaled up to the real life one, but all the planet textures are Kerbal stock, and Earth's texture is just all black.

Really sounds like a texture problem to me. Are you sure you put the textures in the correct folder? (Gamedata/RealSolarSystem/plugins/plugindata/*YourTexturesHere*)

It should look like this:


Edited by Ralathon
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Your problem: you have a RealSolarSystem_v7 folder in GameData. You need to extract the *contents* of the zip (RealSolarSystem, CustomBiomes, CustomAsteroids) into GameData.

So drag everything in the RealSolarSystem_v7 folder out into GameData, then delete the now-empty RealSolarSystem_v7 folder.

Apparently OS unzipping methods suck now, and generate extra folders. I'll make the install easier in future.

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Um. Since thus far it seems to work for most people, I'm not sure what a hotfix would even fix?

Now that those files, at least, do look to be installed correctly, please follow the issue reporting steps:

1. Describe the problem

2. Reproduction steps.

3. Cause the problem. Quit KSP (if it hasn't crashed). Upload your entire output log (NOT ksp.log) to dropbox or something.

Windows: KSP_win\KSP_Data\output_log.txt OR KSP_win64\KSP_x64_DATA\output_log.txt (depending on which used)

Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log ( Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log )

Linux: ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal\ Space\ Program/Player.log


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shrx: Bodies without an existing atmosphere won't have an AtmosphereFromGround created for them. Kopernicus will do that, I think, if not now, soon.

Regarding the temperatureCurve: not sure why it's not loading. I'll check.

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Feature Request: Could we have the RemoteTech2 config (for base stations) included in the pack or linked to in the OP in the future? Or would you rather see this as a Realism Overhaul thing?

I don't know if there are any configs for DMagic's science.

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Could anyone give me a hint what amount of delta-v would be reasonable for a proper circularization at the end of the ascent?

I'm still playing aroung and don't know if I'm getting it right. Right now my first stage burns out at around 150km with an Apoapsis of 320km. I then start circularizing around two minutes before Apoapsis (w/ Mechjeb) but it needs nearly 3000m/s delta-v (second stage is big enough for that). Is that a decent amount or is my ascent too steep? I already got reentry effects on my ascent (TWR 1.4 on takeoff, 4800 delta-v, 1000 ms/s at 40°, 1500m/s at 38000m).

Thank you!

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