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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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Consider this thread back on topic. The side conversation that you do not see above never happened, and if it did, it was somewhere else where it was on topic (which is where it should be continued please, not here

So MM eh? Awesome! More nyancats pls. 

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I'm not sure this is even possible in MM and assuming it is I don't have the slightest idea how to do it, but; how can I change the "Manufacturer" for all parts, as seen in the VAB/SPH editor, so that they match the name of the mod folder (within GameData folder) the parts are contained in? For example, any parts from MechJeb would have a Manufacturer of "MechJeb2" and any parts from B9 Aerospace would have Manufacturer of "B9_Aerospace".

EDIT: Nevermind, I found this mod called PartInfo


Edited by Gorby1
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after I updated a long list of mods in ckan suddenly all mks parts got reset to default setting on swappable modules

and after I noiticed that some kpbs ls parts are not working at all(no ls options just autostrut and aim camera options)

also vessels in vab have warnings that "missing part modules"

this is the list of mods I have installed:

  Reveal hidden contents

but I can't find "output_log.txt" in the location it should be
i really hope this bug sounds familiar to someone here so I can fix it

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  On 2/21/2019 at 12:14 AM, alien_wind said:

after I updated a long list of mods in ckan suddenly all mks parts got reset to default setting on swappable modules

and after I noiticed that some kpbs ls parts are not working at all(no ls options just autostrut and aim camera options)

also vessels in vab have warnings that "missing part modules"

this is the list of mods I have installed:

  Reveal hidden contents

but I can't find "output_log.txt" in the location it should be
i really hope this bug sounds familiar to someone here so I can fix it


In the last update breaking update were done

There was a worning this will happen


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  On 2/22/2019 at 12:54 AM, GrandProtectorDark said:

Am I missing something  or some special day, or why are there nyancats on my loading screen,without there being any broken or incompatible mods?


Sarbian thinks he's funny. He kind of is, but the only mod that ticks me off more is the virus that is AVC/MiniAVC.

The only two hard-coded days I could find in the source for the current version were today and April 1.

Come to think of it, I'm not running anything that requires Module Manager. Time to uninstall.

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  On 2/22/2019 at 6:43 AM, danielboro said:

In the last update breaking update were done

There was a worning this will happen



well I updates through ckan
I don't think it has warnings there

but it's all good 
I guess the usi modules just got updated
and other mods need to update to return normal functions
too bad for old vessels and simple patch fix most of what didn't work

  On 2/22/2019 at 11:36 AM, airtrafficcontroller said:

Hey Sarbian, just see the casts and came to ask, is it your birthday or something like that?

If it is, congrats man!


Luckly i'm not allergic.


yea I'm curious too
I freaked out a bit myself when the good ol' start screen started spitting out cats on rainbows(first instinct: VIRUSSSS) :sticktongue:

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  On 2/22/2019 at 11:36 AM, airtrafficcontroller said:

Hey Sarbian, just see the casts and came to ask, is it your birthday or something like that?

If it is, congrats man!


Luckly i'm not allergic.




Nowadays birthdays are a reminder that Star wars came out a while ago ;)

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  On 2/22/2019 at 12:54 AM, GrandProtectorDark said:

Am I missing something  or some special day, or why are there nyancats on my loading screen,without there being any broken or incompatible mods?


And so it begins. Again.


  On 2/22/2019 at 11:20 AM, sarbian said:

Post like that just make me want to add new days when the cats shows up



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Hello, so I have the mods Mk2Expansion, Mk3Expansion, NearFutureElectrical, and KerbalAtomics

The Mk2Expansion and Mk3Expansion mods both introduce Nuclear Reactor parts, and as such they have a NearFutureElectrical patch that turns them into FissionReactors, however I would like to modify the ratio of INPUT_RESOURCE and OUTPUT_RESOURCE for the Reactor, as right now one has a core life of over 70 years and the other over 233 years.. Which seems excessive.. This is the patch that comes with the mod to add fission reactor modules to the reactors.

@mass = 2.0
@description = A stripped down experimental fission reactor intended for use aboard aerospace assets that produces up to 500kW of electric power. Comes with integrated radiators.
!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter] {}
!MODULE[ModuleOverheatDisplay] {}
        name = ModuleUpdateOverride
        name = FissionReactor
        StartActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_StartActionName
        StopActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_StopActionName
        ToggleActionName = #LOC_NFElectrical_ModuleFissionReactor_Action_ToggleActionName
	        HeatGeneration = 45000
        NominalTemperature = 800
        CriticalTemperature = 1300
        CoreDamageRate = 0.01
	        EngineerLevelForRepair = 5
        MaxRepairPercent = 75
        MaxTempForRepair = 330
	        OverheatAnimation = Reactor_Heat
        FuelName = EnrichedUranium
	        // Heating
        UseSpecializationBonus = false
        AutoShutdown = true
        DefaultShutoffTemp = 0.90
        GeneratesHeat = false
            key = 0 0
            ResourceName = EnrichedUranium
            Ratio = 0.000000126785
            FlowMode = NO_FLOW
            ResourceName = DepletedFuel
            Ratio = 0.000000126785
            DumpExcess = false
            FlowMode = NO_FLOW
	    !MODULE[ModuleCoreHeat] {}
        name = ModuleCoreHeatNoCatchup
        CoreTempGoal = 800                
        CoreToPartRatio = 0.1                
        CoreTempGoalAdjustment = 0            
        CoreEnergyMultiplier = 0.1            
        HeatRadiantMultiplier = 0.05        
        CoolingRadiantMultiplier = 0        
        HeatTransferMultiplier = 0            
        CoolantTransferMultiplier = 0.01    
        radiatorCoolingFactor = 1            
        radiatorHeatingFactor = 0.01        
        MaxCalculationWarp = 1000            
        CoreShutdownTemp =  4500                    
        MaxCoolant = 900
        name = FissionGenerator
        PowerGeneration = 500
        HeatUsed = 800
	    !RESOURCE[ElectricCharge] {}
         name = ElectricCharge
         amount = 600
         maxAmount = 600
    !RESOURCE[DepletedFuel] {}
         name = DepletedFuel
         amount = 0
         maxAmount = 90
    !RESOURCE[EnrichedUranium] {}
         name = EnrichedUranium
         amount = 90
         maxAmount = 90
        name = RadioactiveStorageContainer
        DangerousFuel = DepletedFuel
        SafeFuel = EnrichedUranium
        // What enginer level is needed to transfer the safe fuel
        EngineerLevelForSafe = 1
        // What enginer level is needed to transfer the dangerous fuel
        EngineerLevelForDangerous = 3
        // Max temp for transferring fuel into or out of the part
        MaxTempForTransfer = 400
        // kW of heat per unit of waste
        HeatFluxPerWasteUnit = 5

And this is what I'm trying to do with an MM patch.

            @Ratio = 0.0000013889
            @Ratio = 0.0000013889

When I checked the MM Log it says this

	[LOG 2019-02-25 22:04:38.324] Applying update Mk2Expansion/Patches/Mk2X_NFE_Functionality/@PART[M2X_Pluto]:NEEDS[NearFutureElectrical]:NEEDS[!KSPIntegration]:FOR[Mk2Expansion] to Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/Pluto/part.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-02-25 22:04:38.372] Applying update Mk2Expansion/Patches/Mk2X_NFE_Functionality/@PART[M2X_AtomicJet]:NEEDS[NearFutureElectrical]:NEEDS[!KSPIntegration]:FOR[Mk2Expansion] to Mk2Expansion/Parts/Engines/Rontgen/part.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-02-25 22:04:38.372] Applying update Mk2Expansion/Patches/Mk2X_NFE_Functionality/@PART[M2X_Reactor]:NEEDS[NearFutureElectrical]:NEEDS[!KSPIntegration]:FOR[Mk2Expansion] to Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/Reactor/part.cfg/PART
[LOG 2019-02-25 22:04:38.372] :AFTER[MK2EXPANSION] pass
[LOG 2019-02-25 22:04:38.372] Applying update Mk2Expansion/Patches/Mk2X_NFE_Functionality_Patch/@PART[M2X_Reactor]:NEEDS[NearFutureElectrical]:AFTER[Mk2Expansion] to Mk2Expansion/Parts/Utility/Reactor/part.cfg/PART

Which I assumed meant my patch had been applied, but when I go in game it had not been applied as the numbers hadn't changed (currently showing as 0.00/day when it should be showing around 0.03/day). When I checked the MM Config Cache it confirmed my suspicions as the values for the reactor parts stored in the cache had not been changed.

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

The only way I've found to successfully apply my numbers is by modifying the original patch that comes with the mod, but if the mod ever updates and changes the MM Config then I would have to update that again so I'd like to just use my own MM Patch that I can just drop into the folder.

EDIT: Also just checked and my patch is the very last patch mentioned in the MM log to modify these parts, which makes me believe more that it's a Syntax error.. I've tried everything I can think of to modify the values, but the best I've come up with is adding a duplicate of INPUT_RESOURCE and OUTPUT_RESOURCE which had the values I specified (Which still didn't work btw).. But still I've yet to be able to modify (or delete) the ones that already exist.

I even tried just using !INPUT_RESOURCE and !OUTPUT_RESOURCE and then re-adding my own ones from scratch, and that's what resulted in the duplication mentioned above.. Hence the original modules didn't get deleted.

EDIT: Does it have to do with the fact that I'm trying to patch a patch? Because the default part doesn't have the FissionReactor Module .. That's added in a patch and then I'm trying to modify that patch with another patch.

Edited by CoriW
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  On 2/26/2019 at 6:16 AM, blowfish said:

@CoriW @INPUT_RESOURCE[EnrichedUranium] looks for an INPUT_RESOURCE with name = EnrichedUranium, it knows nothing about ResourceName.  You probably want @INPUT_RESOURCE:HAS[#ResourceName[EnrichedUranium]]


Huh now that you say that it seems so obvious .. That shows my inexperience with MM Patching Syntax. Thanks so much that worked like a charm!

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I'm writing a patch that modifies a significant number of blocks. It references each of them by name because I don't want to affect blocks in other mods with similar names, so using wildcards is not an option. I also have a significant list of mods this patch will not support. I have to apply it to every top level entry (PART in my case). Is it possible to specify a common need block for multiple entries or the whole file? I've read documentation on module manager and looked through a few mods that do similar things, but I have not found anything like this. Is it possible?

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I'm a complete noob when it comes to MM patching, therefore I'll bother you here regarding my issue. In short, I'm trying to apply a few MM patches to science labs in order to add most of the science experiments to them, both stock and modded (for 2 reasons: one, in kerbalism the labs aren't that useful, so carrying one around is usually a waste of DV, and two, saving on part count, because having 3-4 disposable landers each packed with 30-ish science instruments bloats the part count like crazy, and performance takes a massive hit).  Another reason would be to add specific experiments to specific probe cores to give them a unique purpose, because at the moment I have like 30 probe cores doing the same exact thing.

I've done that, it's fairly straightforward, but the problem is that my patches add all the ingame experiments at once without respecting the tech tree unlocks. My question is regarding the progression: is it possible to unlock experiments following the tech tree? E.g. if i take a tech tree node, and that node unlocks a part with an experiment, I'd like it to be added as a module to the part, but not before. I attempted simply adding "techrequired=x" inside each module, but it's not as easy as I hoped.

I've looked into part upgrades, but i haven't seen anywhere in the mods i use for someone to add a module to a part with an upgrade, it's just a change of basic stats, so I'm at a loss here as well.

Much appreciated, thank you.



EDIT: Apparently my google skills need some improving.

For those curious, 


Edited by SilverState
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