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What are your limits?


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Lets see here

Spaceplanes that do anything more than barely reach a stable orbit.

Carrying large (other than just your basic lander/probe) payloads interplanetary.

Rendezvous and Docking without using up most of most/all of my rcs.

Interplanetary landing and return (with one exception I landed on Ike and made it home.

Now a few things that I can do well.

Im pretty good at making aircraft (with the exception of ssto spaceplanes)

Landing on the moon or minmus and returning is routine.

Polar aircraft flights are routine. I have even flown around Kerbin (Landed at ksc literally on fumes(prior to MK3 parts))

Staring mindlessly at the VAB/SPH screen deciding what to build.

Creating pointless craft that are intended/expected not to work.

Spending more time reading the forums than playing the game.

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I actually have a graphic description, so yeah, this is my limit:


When the Kraken decided to visit that L3 O'Neill colony during assembly to see what was up with the new KSP version, I was so fed up with the lag that I just said "never again", and let it be an offer to placate it. Mind you, this was built in a career save, so the evil squid ate a good chunk of Funds there. :(

Rune. Yeah, 1k parts joined by dozens of docking ports is not something you want to play around, at least with my humble so-two-tears-ago i5.

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So far, it's been the MK.3 parts. They're just so dang heavy! My engineering dream is to have a MK.3 SSTO that can carry at least an orange tank to orbit. Giant rockets have been chewing away at my budget, and I need something heavy-hitting and re-usable if I want to get anything done. Mk.3's seem to be the way to go, but I just can't get my prototypes off the ground.

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Docking and any interplanetary missions (I landed a tiny probe on Eve (no return) and a rover on Duna, but past that...)

SSTO spaceplanes are for some reason really easy for me. I just make a generally Aeris 4a type wingframe, add canards, fiddle with everything, get the CoM-CoL stuff straightened out, and launch. Several of my SSTOs, on the first try, got to orbit and landed back at the runway. Fuel is almost never an issue. Maybe I'm just really good at flying SSTO ascent profiles.

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Trying new things. I swear, docking, life support, planes (FAR), rovers, massive lifters, etc. are easy, but it's been a year since I've got this game and I've only sent Kerbals to Duna (other than Minmus and the Mun, obviously). It might be because of the fact that I usually spend my time doing stupid stuff like this instead:


and this:

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Edited by mythbusters844
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1) Like many others, jet&rocket VTOL SSTO's are very difficult to make and balance well even with robotic parts.

2) Gravity assists - I've tried but it's neary impossible to gain some dV doing it manually. I'd need some program for it and afaik MJ isn't capable of that.

3) Some contracts like sending a station for 12 kerbals with lab and the whole thing on wheels in one go to Moho are rather hard, especially with FAR which makes launching things with the large wheels interesting.

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I have no time or patience for doing anything interplanetary. It's not that I can't do the transfers, I'm pretty sure I would be fine with that... It's just that I have ZERO patience for building the actual rocket. If I wanted to go to the Mun or Minmus I've gotten to the point I can pretty much just strap a bunch of rockets and fueltanks onto a capsule and I'll be good, but all of the other stuff that comes with building interplanetary-capable vessels is just a little too tedious for me.

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SSTO jets.

I can build them, and get them to orbit, but every one I ever make only ever just gets to orbit, with practically no more fuel for anything else. Every now and then, I decide to build an SSTO to go to Laythe, and fail miserably. I've even watched tutorials on it, and still suck. But give me a rocket, and I can go anywhere!

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Game-wise, SSTO's spaceplanes. For every SSTO spaceplane I've flown into orbit and made it back to kerbin safely, there are 20+ spaceplanes I've built that have ran into various problems (too heavy, failed to take off, wrong ascent profile, ran out of fuel on the way to orbit, not enough fuel to deorbit, death spin during re-entry).

"Welcome to the world of SSTO spaceplanes, where solving a problem on your aircraft gives you another another problem to solve, and solving that problem caused by the problem you've previously solved gives you ANOTHER problem! Hope you'll stay long enough until you finally build something that works."

Technical-wise, computer specs. Like what my sig says, RAM and computer power is the ultimate limit.

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Rovers. Not an inability to build them, an unwillingness to drive them. Every time I take a rover somewhere I end up driving it for ten minutes before giving up and just flying to the destination instead.

Yeah, that's familiar

like the idea of rovers, just not in practice

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Getting myself to do a really long mission which lasts game years, especially when it's manned.

For some reason, committing to a month-long (in game time) mission within the Kerbal SOI and its moons, for example to satisfy multiple contracts, even involving transfer windows to go between moons, is perfectly fine, but as soon as it it's around the Kerbol system and involves launch windows and trips lasting game months or years, I find it much harder to go ahead and do it. All this even though in real time it's not much more as one can just accelerate time a bit more.

I suspect it's a mix of me having a tendency to do a lot of small things within the Kerbin system in parallel with my longer range missions, as well as a perception that the cost of a screwup in a longer range mission is much higher in terms of time and frustration.

For example, a recent mission to Jool where a single transit vehicle was taking 3 probes in, planned to be an easy peasy aerobreaking of the transit vehicle into Jool orbit and then decoupling the probes and sending them their merry way, ended up as a complex juggling act as the transit vehicle had ever so slightly less dV than needed and I had to decouple all probes and send them individually for aerobreaking in different ways and places so that they didn't arrive in Jool's atmosphere all at the same time, thus taking several hours of real time (and me figuring out what's the best Laythe PE for aerobreaking from a trip directly from Kerbal and the best way to transit from Laythe orbit to Pol) rather than maybe a 20 minute task.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Planes(SSTOs included) and docking. Landing is a pain and I usually spend way more dV, but I can place crafts on the min without too many solar panels breaking (minmus is too easy, I usually need to wait for it to stop bouncing first. No I haven't tried it outside of kerbains SOI yet). I can even encounter and orbit other planets and have made a million meter orbit around kerbol

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Progetting spaceplanes is my limit. I know how to fly them safely with Far and Dre, but I can just copy spaceplanes built from other people. At this moment that's my only limit. I'm good at docking, and no problem with interplanetary travel.

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