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BSC: Albatross 3 - And the winner is...

BSC: Albatross 3  

  1. 1. BSC: Albatross 3

    • antbin - Ahlbetossed 4b
    • Ekku Zakku - Ensoku
    • GusTurbo - Albatross 18
    • mcirish3 - Condor
    • Octagon - Diamond Flyer
    • Sirine - The Albatross

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Okay the more I see of this challenge the more I like it! The best part is getting to test all the crazy designs, so much fun. For example earlier today I made a comment about how hard (impossible) it is to build something that will survive 4x time warp especially if you start giving it control input, but the Klobal Flyer does amazingly well!!! I did eventually get it to break but at 8km altitude and 4x time warp I had to wail on it to break it. It was super impressive! Hope you guys are having as much fun with mine!

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  Xeldrak said:
At the same time I thinks it's funny that while asking for more rules you ignore the few the there are. Instead of answering the question I've put to you, you avoid them. This is supposed to be a fun challenge where each one of us can promote their plane in a friendly atmosphere and where we can discuss them and learn from each other. Instead you seem to try to dance around the rules where you can and mock the original intent of he challenge.

@Xeldrak: This part of the challenge I could do without. While Sirine might have been trolling because you were a bit curt to him when he asked for more specific rules his design honestly seems quite a bit more appropriate for this challenge than some of the others submitted. Yet he's the one who gets yelled at. At least he had the thought to be funny in submitting a non-optimal plane, others have simply thrown up hugely fast, high altitude, air-hogging fighters.

@Sirine: I get the feeling that English is not your first language if so bravo for sticking around such a subjective challenge. Might I suggest posting what objective criteria you will give your vote based upon. Then you could build the best design to those criteria, test all the others to that criteria and then award your vote to the best. Yes others might vote differently but everyone submitting a design would have at least one objective goal to try for in order to win your vote! Try not to hassle Xeldrak he is doing a great, and time consuming, job running these challenges and we want to keep it fun for him!

@gm537: I know I might be sticking my nose where it don't belongs so know that I only mean to help keep this challenge fun for everyone involved and this snafu seemed to be endangering that. Hopefully this helps you consider the other's point of view a bit and encourages you to keep building Better Stock Craft!

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@gm537: Thanks for understanding. I'm from the "Far East". My goal for the design, fit in the name of "Albatross 3" replacement. And a flyable plane that simulate "Albatross" at very best. The original "Albatross 3", has this description :

"The Albatross 3 is a low-speed, long-range aircraft, capable of stable sustained flight for hours on end.

Its very long wings will flex quite a bit, but the flight operations handbook says that's "most likely normal".

It also recommends always using rudder and ailerons combined to turn it."

I just follow and build a "replacement" that fit into this description.

@Xeldrak: I'm sorry for offended you somehow.

@Sirine: Due to the cultural differences, I been warn by moderator twice and receiving an official warning letter from KSP forum, that I don't really understand what happened or what did I did wrong. Summary, the more quiet I be, the more tranquil I be.

Edited by Sirine
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  FallingIntoBlack said:

@vetrox: You made an ornithopter in KSP?

HAHA Yeh I guess i kinda Did. Its something to do with the length of the craft and how it bends. The Front bends more than the back and the sas tries to compensate for it all at once. So its starts falpping around wildly! Nothing a few cleverly placed struts didnt fix (I think the extra struts look quite cool) but I did think the flappy ornithopter style was quite funny


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So here are my thoughts on the challenges of this, uh, challenge:

Drag Model: In Real Life, high aspect ratio wings help increase lift whilst minimizing drag at subsonic speeds. Since KSP has a wonky drag model, aspect ratios don't really matter. Therefore, the more wings one puts on, the higher the lift AND drag get on the craft, at a linear rate I might add.

Engines/Intake: There are few reasons to not use RAM air intakes with Turbojets in most if not all cases.

Challenge: We are asked to build a long range, low altitude, slow plane. In my experience, you can only have any two of these.

As with the last challenge, this challenge is making me think in ways I haven't before and so I am loving it :D

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Having flown the Albatross, KermaJet engineers decided to go a different route entirely. Instead of improving the vehicle as-is, a completely new craft was designed, with a radical configuration, that still maintains the abilities of the Albatross. More fuel, more power, higher operational ceiling, and predictable handling.

This is the KermaJet KJ200 Type T (Download)

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Unlike the previous BSC Challenge vehicles, the KJ200 Type T uses both fuel lines and strut braces to improve rigidity and flight balance.

The instruments provided with this craft are tied to hotkeys, making science collection less tedius.

Also of note, while the plane can spin out if it flames out, as long as SAS is enabled and the pilot reacts quickly with the throttle, the plane will not exceed 50 degrees of yaw.

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Not completely satisfied with the requirements, KermaJet Engineers have produced a modified version of the KJ200, the Type F. This version uses Turbofan engines, for improved lower altitude fuel economy and performance. A slight rebalance of the control systems was necesssary, so the Type F may pitch and bank slightly faster than the Type T.

This is the KermaJet KJ200 Type F (Download)

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My entry:

A long range "diamond wing" plane. Capable of full circumnavigation. With a cruising altitude of 30 Km at 1700 m/s. Also has a excelent low altitude performance. This is the...

P.S.: Engines at Command Group 1.

Link: https://skydrive.live.com/redir?resid=130942DBDAE1E68E!183

Diamond Flyer:













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Ladies and Gentlekerbs, may I present to you the Albatross Mk 4

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44 Parts

Flight ceiling of ~12km at full power

Take off/landing speed of ~75m/s

Top speed ~400m/s

Will not over pitch, even on takeoff.

Roll requires very minimal yaw force to counteract the small amount of wobble that accompanies it.

Can perform a variety of acrobatic maneuvers, albeit slower than those zippy little fighter jet types.

This sucker is also capable of recovery from a full (simulated) stall.

Can perform a completely unpowered landing, including runway alignment and altitude adjustments, even with full fuel tanks.

My inspiration came from Scaled Composites' Global Flyer and White Knight aircraft, as well as the Albatross 3 of course.

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