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[1.1.x] Space Shuttle Engines (2016-07-03)


Which parts of the pack do you use?  

117 members have voted

  1. 1. Which parts of the pack do you use?

    • X2 Engine
    • BB engines
    • Aerospike
    • Attachment points
    • Auto Stagers
    • Fuel Controllers
    • Radio Controller
    • Tank System
    • OMS system

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Heart = Broken. My latest series episodes have essentially been "Ode to dtobi's Magic Engines". Thank you, and best of luck! I started from Day One wanting a real Space Shuttle for KSP that I don't just snap together from a kit (KSO is awesome, and back in the day the old Buran was all we had, but I'm a tinkerer at heart) and that I could tune for FAR and Deadly Reentry flight. Your mods made this a reality and I want to give the most sincere thanks. My latest Shuttle that my series has started revolving around lately is the culmination of about a year's worth of development and testing, but it would have never got to orbit without these wonderful engines.

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Hi dtobi,

I hope you still folow this thread.

Normaly i was just downloading Mods from here and stayed silent over the time.

I liked your mod very much. But after i wanted to install your mod yesterday again for 0.25 i saw that you discountinued your work so I registerd for the Forums to contact you.

I'm interested in continuing your work.

But because my KSP moding experience is very limited I would prefer looking at the source Code before i make my final desicion.

I have plenty of experience in Programming in C# so it shoudln't be a big problem to work me into your Code and decide if i want to continue your work.

It would be nice if you can contact me for further informations.

just to be save that you recive this message i will write you a pm too.

Greetings Shnoo

Edited by Shnoo
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It's a shame, this is one of my favorite mods for KSP. I usually always have this, and B9. Love making radial shuttles and i've even used this to make POT shuttles.

I would also be happy to help with this mod. But only have time to really play with config files. It's actually one of the things i've been thinking of doing anyway, as to modify them to fit the stock tree a bit more. Shnoo if you are able to take it over let me know and i'd love to help where I can!!

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OK. Sorry that this takes so long. I had a horribly busy week at work. I'll have time to distribute everything tomorrow, I think. It seems there are volunteers for all mods, which is absolutely great.

This is a great community!

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OK. Sorry that this takes so long. I had a horribly busy week at work. I'll have time to distribute everything tomorrow, I think. It seems there are volunteers for all mods, which is absolutely great.

This is a great community!

That sounds really good, hope they will honor your work.

Wish you all the best for your next steps.

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Hi dtobi. I would love to continue the SSE's. Let me know how you think of it :-)

Thanks for all you have done, I have used the SSE's a lot!

*Edit: Oh never mind, I missed Shnoo's post. But is it possible for me to get the OMS engines so I can rotate the model a little to fit them in with the space shuttle model I'm working on right now?


Edited by Jeast
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  • 2 weeks later...

I had an exchange with dtobi about the gimbal module but I did not get a final word. Now his PM box is full, so I can't ask him anything more. I'll wait mid week for a reply and if I don't get anything I'll most likely work on a new gimbal myself...

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It would be a shame and for me big loss if this high polished mod (not only visual but mostly in my opinion technical) would not be, in the way of keeping it up with ksp versions, maintanined up to date...

Edit: the same goes for the parts...

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