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The Daily Kerbal: First Edition


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<p><strong><img alt="image" src="http://media.tumblr.com/029295276005d87285b9343b52aa5b9c/tumblr_inline_mviej2stwy1rr2wit.png"/></strong></p>

<p><strong>We are thrilled to bring you the first edition of the Daily Kerbal. Although today is techincally Video Wednesday, we want to start off with this week’s devnotes.</strong></p>


<p><strong>Felipe (HarvesteR)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> Many Improvements done to Science Experiments and Transmission. Transmitting data does not allow you to max out a subject anymore as the science gain for transmission decays to 0% as repeated data is sent. Also, removing the data from an experiment module for transmission will render some experiment modules unusable. You can still reset and discard an experiment freely, as long as you don’t remove the data from it. </span></p>

<p>EVAs are now able to pick up data from data containers, which include not just experiments but also pods and even other EVAs. Also added some more info and progress bars to the science dialog, to give a better sense of how the data will be turned into science. Just now working on the new Lab module, which will let you take collected data and analyze it, increasing its transmission yield. Lots of work as you can probably imagine, but all this should make the gathering of science much more interesting, and eliminate most of the ‘grindy’ strategies for making quick science.</p>


<p><strong>Chad (C7)</strong><span><strong>: *</strong>This week I worked with Ted and the QA team to test and fix the speed refactor and Unity engine upgrade branches. I managed to find and fixed a few long standing bugs while I was at it. After that was sorted out, I returned to working on modules again. Currently I’m upgrading and refactoring them to support our planned changes in 0.23. </span></p>


<p><strong>Jim (Romfarer)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> This week i designed the new gui addition for the Research & Development building. The bar has been set high and if everything goes after the plan, there will be a list with science reports, sorting options including the planets in the game and some other options. Wernher Von Kerman may make an appearance in there as well.</span></p>


<p><strong>Daniel (danRosas)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> Finished animating a little something, now rendering and post-producing at the same time, while waiting for audio design completion.</span></p>


<p><span><strong>Alex (aLeXmOrA): </strong></span><span>Working on a KSP Educational project. Setting all the databases and stuff we’re going to use in the system that will manage educational copies.</span></p>


<p><strong>Marco (Samsonart): </strong><span>Started out with the educational version of KSP, working on the log in module.</span></p>


<p><strong>Rob (N3X15)</strong><span><strong>:</strong> *Still waiting for authorization. Fixed more bugs with Spaceport 2, worked on user control panel features a bit. Other than that, the usual fixing of servers.</span></p>


<p><strong>Mike (Mu): </strong><span>Finished off the SpeedRefactor (performance boost) branch and got it ready to merge into the main branch. Since then I’ve been designing the new user interface for parts and modules to use in the VAB, SPH and flight scenes. This will give us and mod makers more options to create more interesting interfaces and enables the fabled ‘tweekables’ in the editor scenes.</span></p>


<p><strong>Ted (Ted): </strong><span>Over the past week, together with the QA Team, I’ve been helping test the Unity 4.2.2 Upgrade and Mike’s SpeedRefactor/Performance Branch. Post-update tends to be a tad quiet on the QA side, but the Devs are hard at work so I’ve thankfully got things to test!</span></p>


<p><strong>Miguel (Maxmaps): </strong><span>Planning the project so far! Travel! Hotels! A tamed lion! (One of those may not be actually factual) as well as reviewing blogs and doing some social media supervision and interviewing candidates for our CM position. </span></p>

<p><span><br/><strong>Bob (Calisker): </strong></span><span>Working on a speaking engagement, which would be pretty cool, as well as getting some early information about update 0.23 together with the help of Felipe, of course. Also, helped out with this </span><a href="http://www.holdtheline.com/threads/interview-with-squad-kerbal-space-program.6461/"><span>interview</span></a><span> and happy to see it posted. </span></p>

Edited by KasperVld
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Yaay! I was hoping these would come to the forums!

I'm excited to get new news every day, and also to stop having to wade through all the "where's the weekly" posts on Tuesdays :) Hopefully, people will never feel quite so needy for news. Well, maybe on Mondays.

Love the changes to Science (Transmission shouldn't be able to return all data, even if it does take 100 transmissions, and yay for Kerbals being able to transfer experiments!) and the idea of "tweakables" intrigues the heck out of me.

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Will HarversteR's work be featured in a separate update (0.22.1) or will we have to wate until 0.23?

Considering there don't seem to be any game-breaking bugs in 0.22, I doubt there will be a 0.22.1 patch. So, we'll have to wait for 0.23.


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Considering there don't seem to be any game-breaking bugs in 0.22, I doubt there will be a 0.22.1 patch. So, we'll have to wait for 0.23.


Dammit ...

I wanted a real challenging science mode, but simply spamming the surface of the mun with small propes feels too easy!

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* "Over the past week, together with the QA Team, I’ve been helping test the Unity 4.2.2 Upgrade and Mike’s SpeedRefactor/Performance Branch. Post-update tends to be a tad quiet on the QA side, but the Devs are hard at work so I’ve thankfully got things to test!" = Does this mean a possible transition to 64-bit support?!

* Jim - can't wait to see the new R&D building :)

I can't overstate how much I love this game!

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Dammit ...

I wanted a real challenging science mode, but simply spamming the surface of the mun with small propes feels too easy!

want real chellenge? try real solar system mod! http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55145-0-22-WIP-Alpha-Real-Solar-System-%28Kerbin-Earth-rescale-etc%29-v2-1

thats what i waited for long time!

devs, you should add it as hardcore career mode :wink: or make your own one... would be really great!

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Does this mean a possible transition to 64-bit support?!

Possibly, but I wouldn't count on it. There was at least one Unity x64-win bug fixed between the version of Unity used in 0.22 and the version being evaluated by the devs that all by itself would guarantee that Squad couldn't produce a stable 64-bit client, but there's no promise that that was the only bug (or all bugs if there was more than one) that exists of that category, and that's not even taking into account the possibility that there's a bug in Squad's code that would have to be found and fixed before a 64-bit windows client could be created.

Squad has discussed this in the past and stated that their emphasis is on memory optimizations that would benefit all users rather than hammering out the bugs in the 64-bit windows client that would benefit only a subset of users.

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Transmission shouldn't be able to return all data, even if it does take 100 transmissions...

Oh I dunno. I'd get rather bored if I have to keep sending the same science can out to the same place umpteen times. Or infuriated if every craft had to be a CPU-killing behemoth in order to get a manned return mission with enough on-board science modules to expose at least one to every moon or planet the mission goes past. Possibly bored or infuriated enough to get into C#, figure out how the plugin API works and somehow patch the old behaviour back in.

It's one of the reasons that I never did get a player HQ in Terran Conflict, and THE reason I don't play WoW.

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Oh I dunno. I'd get rather bored if I have to keep sending the same science can out to the same place umpteen times. Or infuriated if every craft had to be a CPU-killing behemoth in order to get a manned return mission with enough on-board science modules to expose at least one to every moon or planet the mission goes past. Possibly bored or infuriated enough to get into C#, figure out how the plugin API works and somehow patch the old behaviour back in.

It's one of the reasons that I never did get a player HQ in Terran Conflict, and THE reason I don't play WoW.

Well IMO you also shouldn't (and don't) have to get ALL the science from EVERY (or ANY) planet/biome.

I'm literally* swimming in science points and while I send a few duplicate reports when it's easy, I've completely avoided "spamming science" and I've never really felt like I was grinding. And in my career mode I JUST took my FIRST readings from outside of Kerbin's SOI. With just the science bay. Because I didn't bother putting anything else on the craft.

*Read: Figuratively

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I agree with 5thHorseman here. It just doesn't make sense that the mini-lab stuffed onto a probe is as effective as the labs on Kerbin. I don't think it would get grindy - you don't have to empty every planet/mun of science to unlock all parts, anyway.

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