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[1.0.x (partial)] Atmospheric Sound Enhancement v2.2 (2015-05-05)


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  • 2 weeks later...
That's the same issue that ASE has with some stock parts. If it gets fixed for one it'll be fixed for the other. I made some progress on that front, but it's still quite buggy.

Here I am browsing this thread, seeing if I want to use it in my game, and here we have people commenting on RealPlume (Presumably smokescreen?) compatibility. Anything I can do to help out?

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RealPlume uses the features of the newer ModuleEngineFX (rather than the obsolete ModuleEngines). ASE needs to be rewritten to support ModuleEngineFX.

ASE's effects are implemented via AudioFilters. The issue is that Unity (4 at least, there have been some big changes in sound for 5) doesn't support AudioFilters on GameObjects that have more than one AudioSource. The EffectsNodes that ModuleEngineFX uses to provide its particle effects and sounds store the sounds in a single GameObject.

I have been re-writing the audio effects system to create a new GameObject for each sound a part contains and was getting good results in certain scenarios, but I ran into issues with stock KSP interfering with the system at as-yet unpredictable times, stopping the effects from working. At this point, development is trying to catch all the cases that break it and figuring out their cause. I'll push the current code to the dev branch later today so you can have a look at it.

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RealPlume uses the features of the newer ModuleEngineFX (rather than the obsolete ModuleEngines). ASE needs to be rewritten to support ModuleEngineFX.

ASE's effects are implemented via AudioFilters. The issue is that Unity (4 at least, there have been some big changes in sound for 5) doesn't support AudioFilters on GameObjects that have more than one AudioSource. The EffectsNodes that ModuleEngineFX uses to provide its particle effects and sounds store the sounds in a single GameObject.

I have been re-writing the audio effects system to create a new GameObject for each sound a part contains and was getting good results in certain scenarios, but I ran into issues with stock KSP interfering with the system at as-yet unpredictable times, stopping the effects from working. At this point, development is trying to catch all the cases that break it and figuring out their cause. I'll push the current code to the dev branch later today so you can have a look at it.

Cool, as an additional data point for ya, I'm the RealPlume dev, if there's anything on that end I can help with too, let me know.

Also, I'll have a look at how smokescreen handles sound, see if maybe there are any shortcuts you could take.

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RealPlume uses the features of the newer ModuleEngineFX (rather than the obsolete ModuleEngines). ASE needs to be rewritten to support ModuleEngineFX.

ASE's effects are implemented via AudioFilters. The issue is that Unity (4 at least, there have been some big changes in sound for 5) doesn't support AudioFilters on GameObjects that have more than one AudioSource. The EffectsNodes that ModuleEngineFX uses to provide its particle effects and sounds store the sounds in a single GameObject.

I have been re-writing the audio effects system to create a new GameObject for each sound a part contains and was getting good results in certain scenarios, but I ran into issues with stock KSP interfering with the system at as-yet unpredictable times, stopping the effects from working. At this point, development is trying to catch all the cases that break it and figuring out their cause. I'll push the current code to the dev branch later today so you can have a look at it.

This is great to hear, thank you for your work!

EDIT: Hey again, sorry, but any way those of us desperate for some audio lovin' could get our hands on a "Bug-Containing Highly Experimental Pre-Alpha Early Access Tech Demo Preview"? ;D << I need to include this 'TM' on my RVE page :P

Edited by pingopete
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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 21/03/2016 at 0:25 PM, theend3r said:

Any chance of this being updated again? ;.;

With the coming 1.1 release moving us to Unity 5, I'd like to see if this has become any easier now. I'll have eight other mods to update before that however, so there won't be much happening for the moment.


The AudioMixer is a new feature of Unity 5 allowing complex routing of the audio data from AudioSource’s to mix groups where effects can be applied. One key difference from the Audio Filter components is that audio filters get instantiated per AudioSource and therefore are more costly in terms of CPU if a game has a large number of AudioSources with filters or if a script simply creates many instances of a GameObject containing . With the mixer it is now possible to set up a group with the same effects and simply routing the audio from the AudioSource through the shared effects resulting in lower CPU usage.

This is good news for ASE, lower CPU usage and possibly an easier implementation.

Edited by pizzaoverhead
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On 3/31/2016 at 1:45 AM, pizzaoverhead said:

With the coming 1.1 release moving us to Unity 5, I'd like to see if this has become any easier now. I'll have eight other mods to update before that however, so there won't be much happening for the moment.

Good to hear! ASE is exactly the sort of thing I'd like to have in my game, I'd definitely love to see an updated version of it in the future. Thanks for your hard work!

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On 3/31/2016 at 4:45 AM, pizzaoverhead said:

With the coming 1.1 release moving us to Unity 5, I'd like to see if this has become any easier now. I'll have eight other mods to update before that however, so there won't be much happening for the moment.

i'm just happy this is still being worked on. it's been part of my mod build for sometime and i can't imagine playing without it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Minor detail. Wether you're in a plane or chasing it, you don't actually hear the sonic boom due to your relative speed. I remember this from an interview with Andy Green, who first broke the sound barrier in a land vehicle back in '97 or so. His entire crew heard the sonic boom when he broke the record, but he didn't.

Edited by Tricky14
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13 hours ago, Tricky14 said:

Minor detail. Wether you're in a plane or chasing it, you don't actually hear the sonic boom due to your relative speed. I remember this from an interview with Andy Green, who first broke the sound barrier in a land vehicle back in '97 or so. His entire crew heard the sonic boom when he broke the record, but he didn't.

Do you have a source for chase planes not being able to hear a nearby plane's sonic boom? This thread says they would be able:


You don't hear your own shock inside, but anyone else in contact worth the shock wave should hear it, including chase cameras. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎2016‎-‎04‎-‎22 at 7:18 PM, pizzaoverhead said:
On ‎2016‎-‎04‎-‎22 at 6:03 AM, Tricky14 said:

Minor detail. Wether you're in a plane or chasing it, you don't actually hear the sonic boom due to your relative speed. I remember this from an interview with Andy Green, who first broke the sound barrier in a land vehicle back in '97 or so. His entire crew heard the sonic boom when he broke the record, but he didn't.

Do you have a source for chase planes not being able to hear a nearby plane's sonic boom? This thread says they would be able:


You don't hear your own shock inside, but anyone else in contact worth the shock wave should hear it, including chase cameras. 

I think he was trying to say that if a chase plane is within the lead plane's shock cone (and presumably creating its own sonic shockfront) then another craft following close enough dead astern wouldn't be able to hear the lead craft's shockwave.  Either that, or he was referring to positioning of the game camera, so the same effect.

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Sorry, forgot to reply.

What MisterFister said. Even behind a craft you would still travel the length of the shockwave in a fraction of a milisecond. You'd feel something maybe, I'm not at liberty to guess. I doubt you would hear it, there just wouldn't be enough time. You need high speed cameras to even capture the thing. It's classic gameplay vs realism though. You might simply *want* people to be able to hear something, because you're not going to want to stand on the surface while flying planes.

The source was in one of the many videos I saw of Adam Green on the Bloodhound SSC or the Thrust SSC. It'd take hours to figure out which one.

What if you just.. wrote something that actually adds relative doppler effect to every sound? That'd do.. something?

Edited by Tricky14
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 31/03/2016 at 9:45 AM, pizzaoverhead said:

With the coming 1.1 release moving us to Unity 5, I'd like to see if this has become any easier now. I'll have eight other mods to update before that however, so there won't be much happening for the moment.

This is good news for ASE, lower CPU usage and possibly an easier implementation.

On further investigation, it looks like using the new Unity sound system requires components that aren't available to modders at this point, so I'm falling back to the method I was using previously. Before this, there are a few of my other mods in the queue for updates before I can continue on this one. The current queue is Soundtrack Editor (no update since 2014, major release nearly finished), then RCS Sounds/CollisionFX (bugs), followed by Atmospheric Sound Enhancement/FreeIVA/KerbTrack (major development needed), excluding any critical bugs that come up in the meantime.

On 22/04/2016 at 11:03 AM, Tricky14 said:

Minor detail. Wether you're in a plane or chasing it, you don't actually hear the sonic boom due to your relative speed. I remember this from an interview with Andy Green, who first broke the sound barrier in a land vehicle back in '97 or so. His entire crew heard the sonic boom when he broke the record, but he didn't.

On 10/05/2016 at 8:19 AM, Tricky14 said:

Sorry, forgot to reply.

What MisterFister said. Even behind a craft you would still travel the length of the shockwave in a fraction of a milisecond. You'd feel something maybe, I'm not at liberty to guess. I doubt you would hear it, there just wouldn't be enough time. You need high speed cameras to even capture the thing. It's classic gameplay vs realism though. You might simply *want* people to be able to hear something, because you're not going to want to stand on the surface while flying planes.

The source was in one of the many videos I saw of Adam Green on the Bloodhound SSC or the Thrust SSC. It'd take hours to figure out which one.

What if you just.. wrote something that actually adds relative doppler effect to every sound? That'd do.. something?

Thanks for your explanation. I've done some more reading and think I have a better handle on what should be happening now. As I understand it, the sound is the pressure difference as the wavefront advances as an N-wave (pictured), so if you're sitting on the wave, you'll just be experiencing a higher atmospheric pressure. Rather than gathering the sound produced by the vessel itself, the sonic boom should be a fixed sound clip whose frequency is changed based on the relative velocity of the listener. So doppler shift it is! I have a few ideas for this, so we'll see where they lead.



On 04/06/2016 at 7:10 PM, EpicSpaceTroll139 said:

Hmmm... I have made some turboprops with blade tips that are very close to the speed of sound. If I make one with blade tips that go supersonic, and I use this mod, will I be able to create an extremely loud noise like the XF-84H Thunderscreech (most kerbal name ever haha)?

ASE doesn't know anything about propellers or the tip speeds of their blades, so someone would have to specifically write an addon to do this. The tools to make it extremely loud are already there though :)

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That's sounds about right. I recently came across some actual cockpit footage of several sonic booms. You see the camera shake a bit, but the camera doesn't seem to be able to pick up on any special sounds.


You could of course also just add sounds of things shaking in the cockpit. Maybe a slight screen shake.


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4 hours ago, pizzaoverhead said:

doesn't know anything about propellers or the tip speeds of their blades, so someone would have to specifically write an addon to do this. The tools to make it extremely loud are already there though :)

What I mean is that the propellers are made out of stock parts, like Azimech's turboprops.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/20/2016 at 9:12 PM, pizzaoverhead said:

On further investigation, it looks like using the new Unity sound system requires components that aren't available to modders at this point, so I'm falling back to the method I was using previously. Before this, there are a few of my other mods in the queue for updates before I can continue on this one. The current queue is Soundtrack Editor (no update since 2014, major release nearly finished), then RCS Sounds/CollisionFX (bugs), followed by Atmospheric Sound Enhancement/FreeIVA/KerbTrack (major development needed), excluding any critical bugs that come up in the meantime.

WooHoo This is one of the coolest mods ever, I absolutely love it. Especially the silenced/muffled space, it really gives ksp that exploring into the depths, alone in empty space kinda feel. I don't understand why there isn't a whole bunch of fans and talk in this thread. Thanks @pizzaoverhead for creating and checking back in on this mod, I think you've done a really great job with it. It is very cool, honestly I've been checking this thread everyday, and have been to scared to say anything because I don't want to upset or sound silly to anyone, but stuff it, I'm not trying to pressure you or anything, just showing my appreciation. Cheers.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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