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PorkWorks dev thread [Habitat Pack] [SpaceplanePlus]


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  Captain Sierra said:
I personally have never had the need for them. Nice to have tho.

Indeed. I have placed a number of them at the aft end of my SSTO, and the abort action group is used to deploy all of them in the event of a tumble. All that drag back there is almost as good as having a drag chute!

I also tied 3 of those airbrakes to an action group and toggle them during final approach to dissipate excess speed and to reduce the landing run (not that I really need it, since I typically touch down at about 30 m/s)

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  Captain Sierra said:
I personally have never had the need for them. Nice to have tho.

I guess that's really up to Porkjet.

Of course, but my superfast jet plane have to waste more than 500 m/s to land safely, to do so, engine off, I glide for 10-20 kms and it make quite hard to land on a precise spot like a runway.

It's maybe partially linked to some kind of infinite glide bug (delta wing might create too much lift), as it's weight about 7 tons but can glide like a paper plane, with not so much wide wings :huh:.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
Of course, but my superfast jet plane have to waste more than 500 m/s to land safely, to do so, engine off, I glide for 10-20 kms and it make quite hard to land on a precise spot like a runway.

It's maybe partially linked to some kind of infinite glide bug (delta wing might create too much lift), as it's weight about 7 tons but can glide like a paper plane, with not so much wide wings :huh:.

Lifting body. You have about 3 times as much lift as you do wing area. Keep that in mind. There's a reason there are pictures of some pretty fat designs that actually fly gracefully.

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  Captain Sierra said:
Okay, so I took inventory of what I feel like I'm fundamentally missing when building with this pack and here's where it stands. In order to feel complete, we (read: I) need the following:

  • High performance surface mounted radial intake (matching heat tiles as I find myself wanting them on the ventral side rather than the dorsal side)
  • SAS unit
  • Really flat Mk2-1.25m adapter (half meter or less, I can pound out a quick model for this myself)
  • Monoprop tank (I already pounded out a model for this, needs texturing)

That makes the pack fully playable without any future maintenance (IMO). To make it mostly complete, I would also go for the following:

  • inline docking port (so I don't have to make my own with small bays and other parts)
  • inline battery (not super necessary, but good to have)
  • ventral opening bay (because building bombers is fun :P)
  • B9 style landing gear (because the stock ones sometimes don't give enough clearance and don't look as pretty)
  • mk2 structural tail connector
  • inline cockpit (purely for completeness here)
  • varied cargo bays such as some mounting laterally (sidesaddle plane bays) and some mounting on their heat tiles (for non-plane freighters)
  • canards, tail fins, and winglets

I think that's everything.

Porkjet, I pounded out a monoprop tank model that should theoretically hold 100-120 units of monoprop (won't know until I see it in game). I still need to UV wrap it to a texture sheer (one of yours that I tweaked some colors on). It's derived straight from your models so it's guaranteed compatibility. What file format do you want it in?

I'm curious why you want him to basically duplicate the entire B9 pack?

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  Starwaster said:
Does this really require a new part? Just put a ModuleDecoupler on the cockpit.....

I can see places where a decoupler would be useful, but these are non-plane applications for the parts. Also doing that to the cockpit may result in certain undesirable things. I'd say best left to personal preference.

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  Spanier said:
BecausemB9 isnt "stockalike" and mostly broken.

B9 isn't broken at all. It's working fine with 0.23.5.

Edit: I also like the style. In fact there's one mod that's attempting to "B9ify" the stock parts. :)

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  Starwaster said:
CRAP! B9 is broken?!??

Dang, I guess I better uninstall it then. And it seemed like it was working for Porkjet-1 so well too :(

Yeah, I thought B9 was working fine. All my planes and ships seemed fine. All the engines and landing gear seemed fine. Everything -appears- to be working with no issues, but if Spanier says it's broken I guess I should uninstall it too...

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  mdapol said:
Yeah, I thought B9 was working fine. All my planes and ships seemed fine. All the engines and landing gear seemed fine. Everything -appears- to be working with no issues, but if Spanier says it's broken I guess I should uninstall it too...

It's not broken. It's deprecated. B9 appears to be receiving no official maintenance and is currently kept operational by a series of community fixes. The pack works . . . for now. There is no promise that it will keep working as any future update could break mods beyond the point of community repair.

Also, I'm not asking Porkjet to make B9, I'm asking him to make what is realistically needed for a complete mk2 spaceplane kit. B9 already does a good job of this (well, sort of; certain fuselage styles seem to be missing certain things and what not) with multiple different shape profiles other than mk2.

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God DANGIT Porkjet! I'm in the middle of a no-mods-purge, and you just HAVE to come along with some beautiful parts. Gah, and now I'll have to enjoy them too...

(Seriously though, these are awesome parts. Will DL soon.)

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  Captain Sierra said:
It's not broken. It's deprecated. B9 appears to be receiving no official maintenance and is currently kept operational by a series of community fixes. The pack works . . . for now. There is no promise that it will keep working as any future update could break mods beyond the point of community repair.

Also, I'm not asking Porkjet to make B9, I'm asking him to make what is realistically needed for a complete mk2 spaceplane kit. B9 already does a good job of this (well, sort of; certain fuselage styles seem to be missing certain things and what not) with multiple different shape profiles other than mk2.

The vast majority of it is just parts. The only way that will break irreparably is if Squad also breaks their own parts.

The few bits of B9 that are dependent on any plugins can already be replaced either by stock PartModules (the Saber engines work fine with MultiModeEngine) or have alternate plugins available to pick up the slack.

The sky's not in danger of falling. Chicken Little... is safe.

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  Captain Sierra said:
I can see places where a decoupler would be useful, but these are non-plane applications for the parts. Also doing that to the cockpit may result in certain undesirable things. I'd say best left to personal preference.

I was thinking as an abort option for SSTOs (with FAR, it can be quite hard to abort when your plane is suddenly disintegrating) and of course for asymmetrically launched reusable reentry gliders.

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I just tried the Mk2 parts and am very impressed at their quality - excellent modelling, clean lines and creamy textures. The cargo bays are superb - the way they open on placement, beckons me to stuff a probe or small station part in. Need editor extensions to turn off docking port surface attach to get it central.

I'll concur with the call for a half-length fuselage tank. I'd like a Mk1-to-Mk2 air intake piece too - I hate those ear-trumpet stock radial intakes.

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Hi guys, New version of habitat pack out!

I gave the old Pa550 a new look and made the bottom cap much smaller so that you can attach 2.5m parts flush, even 3.75 parts look not so bad, leaving only a small gap


Also a new part for mounting habitats for bases. Has a small space underneeth where you can attach stuff, like a battery or even an small engine.


You can use this for small landers too, quite handy.

Also, unfortunetely I couldn't include the ladder on the FLAT habitat that I promised. I have it finished and working great, ecxept that now I have the most frustrating 'hatch obstructed' bug on it and I can't bloody fix it, no matter what I do, its ridiculous. SO that has to wait and I don't know if I'll ever fix it as I lost all motivation to work on that damn thing.

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  Porkjet said:
Also, unfortunately I couldn't include the ladder on the FLAT habitat that I promised. I have it finished and working great, except that now I have the most frustrating 'hatch obstructed' bug on it and I can't bloody fix it, no matter what I do, its ridiculous. SO that has to wait and I don't know if I'll ever fix it as I lost all motivation to work on that damn thing.

Would it be possible to release it as a separate download? It's possible someone in the community might be able to find a solution. It's worth a shot at the very least. :)

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  Porkjet said:
Hi guys, New version of habitat pack out!

I gave the old Pa550 a new look and made the bottom cap much smaller so that you can attach 2.5m parts flush, even 3.75 parts look not so bad, leaving only a small gap


Also a new part for mounting habitats for bases. Has a small space underneeth where you can attach stuff, like a battery or even an small engine.


You can use this for small landers too, quite handy.

Also, unfortunetely I couldn't include the ladder on the FLAT habitat that I promised. I have it finished and working great, ecxept that now I have the most frustrating 'hatch obstructed' bug on it and I can't bloody fix it, no matter what I do, its ridiculous. SO that has to wait and I don't know if I'll ever fix it as I lost all motivation to work on that damn thing.

I have an idea. Compile the ladder as a separate model; don't touch the FLAT further.

Then incorporate the ladder into the HAB via its PART{} config and add in the necessary animation module.

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  Porkjet said:

Also, unfortunetely I couldn't include the ladder on the FLAT habitat that I promised. I have it finished and working great, ecxept that now I have the most frustrating 'hatch obstructed' bug on it and I can't bloody fix it, no matter what I do, its ridiculous. SO that has to wait and I don't know if I'll ever fix it as I lost all motivation to work on that damn thing.

There are some tips here, it may help you.

(especially size of the hatch box, orientation and location)

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  Porkjet said:
Hi guys, New version of habitat pack out!

I gave the old Pa550 a new look and made the bottom cap much smaller so that you can attach 2.5m parts flush, even 3.75 parts look not so bad, leaving only a small gap


Also a new part for mounting habitats for bases. Has a small space underneeth where you can attach stuff, like a battery or even an small engine.


You can use this for small landers too, quite handy.

Also, unfortunetely I couldn't include the ladder on the FLAT habitat that I promised. I have it finished and working great, ecxept that now I have the most frustrating 'hatch obstructed' bug on it and I can't bloody fix it, no matter what I do, its ridiculous. SO that has to wait and I don't know if I'll ever fix it as I lost all motivation to work on that damn thing.

Awesome! Going to try it now! One question about the spaceplane pack: Is the cockpit suppose to be a probe/unmanned? :)

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