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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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RealChute is a complete rework of the stock parachute module to fix a few of its inconveniences and get more realistic results out of parachutes!


Issues that do not follow the bug reporting format will be ignored. NO LOGS, NO SUPPORT.

Download - GitHub | Available on CKAN
Dependencies: ClickThroughBlocker | ToolbarController
Special thanks to @Starwaster for the KSP 1.4 compatibility update!
ModuleManager patches for stock/ReStock are included in the GitHub download, and included by default on CKAN

Issues that do not follow the bug reporting format will be ignored. NO LOGS, NO SUPPORT.


NOTICE: I'm no longer developing this version, no new features are going in, only compatibility updates will be pushed out. I'm also not officially supporting this mod anymore, but plenty of people can help you, and I may pop in once in a while. My focus is on RealChute 2, which is coming Soon


  • Gradual deployment: Chutes gradually deploy, increasing realism and decreasing deployment shock.
  • New Deployment Conditions: Chutes deploy in conditions ranging from Eve's crushing clouds to Duna's silken veil. Parachutes deploy either according to atmospheric density or altitude and will not deploy when not intended to; e.g. in space or on the pad. Autocuts can be set for a certain altitude per chute to cut some chutes while other deploy!
  • Parachutes on Ground: Parachutes will not autocut upon nearly stopping mid-air or touching the ground, enabling drag chutes for planes!
  • Parachutes Return to Staging: Parachutes can be restaged again and again without restrictions!
  • Drag Chute: Drag chutes deploy at low altitude to slow landing airplanes.
  • Full Customization: Parachutes' values can be edited, and modders can add the plugin to their packs.
  • Combo Chute: Deploys a drogue and next a main chute.
  • Custom parts: sumghai gave this pack its own parts!
  • Vessel Hangs from Chute: Even nose chutes!
  • Editor window: Edit parachutes from the editor for any shape, size, or characteristics!
  • Presets: Quickly edit parachutes by saving configurations into presets and loading them quickly later!

Thanks to Duxwing for rewriting this part


Video by 7499275 showcasing the mod :)


October 20th, 2024
-Fixed editor category icon being affected by texture resolution setting
-Added support for specifying max canopy diameter directly in PARACHUTE node
-Added compatibility and custom categories for VABOrganizer

June 2nd, 2024
-Fixed SafeState still not being properly visible to kOS
-AutoArm setting now defaults to true
-Changed way presets are loaded to avoid them being overwritten by mod updates
-Changed presets to use proper size nodes, not legacy sizes

May 29th, 2024
-Fixed issue where the full deployment animation would not play and the drag not lerp properly

May 29th, 2024
-Added in-place canopy resizing
-Updated ModuleManager patches for stock
-Stock patches now default to triple canopies for the Mk16 Parachute (large cone)
-Added ModuleManager patches specific to ReStock
-ReStock patches makes use of in-place resizing to dynamically scale chutes without replacing the models
-Fixed bug on procedural parts without TextureLibrary
-Added missing linebreak in RealChuteModule part info
-Fixed low-altitude deployments skipping the pre-deployment animation
-Added ModuleCargoPart to all RealChute parts

May 26th, 2024
-Fixed settings window close button not closing the window
-Bumped down minimum KSP version to 1.12.3

May 25th, 2024
-Moved parachute editor window out of the action groups editor
-Added Part Action Window to open the parachute editor directly
-Added config option for parachutes to deploy even if shielded from airflow
-Made deployment safe state accessible to kOS
-Fixed small GameEvent delegate memory leak
-Fixed parachutes ignoring staging input lock and deploying anyway
-Added ClickThroughBlocker dependency
-Added ToolbarController dependency

June 24th, 2021
-Recompiled for KSP 1.12.0
-Fixed repacking issues with Localized non-english installs
-Made the UI follow the global UI scale

January 21st, 2021
-Updated version filter to not include versions prior to 1.11, recompiled as such

January 18th, 2021
-Recompiled for KSP 1.11

August 1st 2020
-Recompiled for KSP 1.10.1
-Added DragCube handling for different sizes and when the cap is blown off
-Parachutes smoothly move towards the drag vector rather than instantly
-Parachutes now look for both horizontal and vertical velocities before cutting
-Fixed issue where parachutes would sometimes break due to aero forces underwater
-Compatibility back to KSP 1.8 has been enabled
-Legacy MM patches removed

March 18th 2020
-Recompiled for KSP 1.9

October 16th 2019
-Recompiled for KSP 1.8

April 13th 2019
-Recompiled for KSP 1.7

January 27th 2019
-Fix for advanced inventory cross sectional bug. (Adds missing bulkheadProfiles field)

December 21st 2018
-Recompiled for KSP 1.6

October 16th 2018
-Recompiled for 1.5

October 15th 2018
-Fixed localization issue with KSP 1.4.5 (Parachute category and chute parts not showing up in VAB)

August 25th 2018
-Recompiled for KSP 1.4.5

March 20th 2018
-Recompiled for KSP 1.4.1
-Has been tested to run on KSP 1.4.0 with no issues detected.

November 30th 2017
-Compatibility for KSP 1.3.1
-Fixed issue with editor window
-Implemented increments for in flight window sliders
-Solution-wise code cleanup/optimizations

June 1st 2017
-RealChute 1.3 compatibility update
-Recompiled and fixed missing parameters
-Updated to CompatibilityChecker 6
-Fixed custom filters not showing in the editor
-Fixed settings button appearing in flight

March 25th, 2017
-FAR compatibility update. Addresses changes to FARAeroUtil.GetCurrentDensity()
-Bring RC chutes in line with stock contract changes. (hopefully prevent impossible chute contracts from being generated by the contract system)

October 14th, 2016
v 1.4.2.
-Use part.addForceAtPosition instead of calling rigidbody functions (1.2 specific compatibility changes)
-Updated versioning in RealChute.version and assembly property files
-Fixed mispelled field name in compatibility checker (_version)
-Fixed toolbar button showing up in Flight. (broke in 1.2)

April 30th 2016
-Recompiled for KSP 1.1.2 to prevent nasty PopupDialog exceptions

April 29th 2016
-Fixed bug related to reloading the database through ModuleManager
-Added an OnActive override, potentially fixing a few contract oddities
-Removed deprecated MM configs

April 19th 2016
-Removed IPartSizeModifier support (no longer needed)
-Added search tags to parts
-Compiled for the latest version of KSP 1.1

April 16th 2016
-New NyanMode™
-Fixed plugin loading problems from IPartMassModifier and IPartCostModifier
-Added IPartSizeModifier support
-Refactored and cleaned the codebase through ReSharper

April 2nd 2016
-No longer purveys the Nyan. Leaving that to Sarbian.
-Issue in the editor with part mass modifying is fixed in the game and the subsequent hack has been removed
-Fixed PopupDialog anchor issues

April 1st 2016
-Fixed some slight GUI issues
-Fixed redundancy in editor part mass update (correction, awaits new KSP build)
-Added a new custom parachute deployment sound
-Slightly modified parachute canopies textures
-Created an 1.0.5 port of all the newer changes (backward ports FTW)

March 29th 2016
-Updated to Unity 5
-Updated KSP references
-Fixed issues with part mass editing
-Temporarily removed Win64 lock (testing stability)
-Built on Win x64

February 4th 2016
-Fixed an issue with parachutes not having a staging icon when on the same part as one disabling the icon

December 2nd 2015 (second take)
-Reuploaded with the correct binaries, not the RealChute 2 ones, won't crash anymore. Sorry.

December 2nd 2015
-Fixed a bug with early reentry giving chutes an exagerated amount of heat (thanks to Starwaster!)

November 10th 2015
-Updated chute heat/aero failures to new changes
-Added indicator for chute deployment safety through the staging icon's background
-Now using MM 2.6.13
-Compiled to KSP v1.0.5

May 2nd 2014
-Updated flags to DDS files, thanks to sumghai again
-Slight bugfix to parachute heating, they now heat, much, much, MUCH faster, as they should.
-Fixed a bug with minimum deployment pressure being in kPa, allowing deployment way too early

May 1st 2015
-Parachutes can now burn up during reentry shock heating, each material has it's own characteristics
-Added a MM node for the new stock radial drogue
-Updated all parachute max temperature values
-sumghai converted all the part textures to DDS for faster loading

April 28th 2015
-Fixed the breeding problem with the AppLauncher button
-Fixed the ConfigNode persistence issues with ModuleManager
-Fixed the DragCubes weight problem of the stock Module
-Bundled ModuleManager v2.6.1

April 27th 2015
*KSP 1.0 compatibility update*
-Updated aerodynamics reference to correctly get new atmospheric values.
-Fixed a few GUI issues all around

April 2nd 2015
-Removed all this tasty bacon. Wasn't the best parachute.
-Improved enum parsing/tostring, will serve in the future

April 1st 2015
-Optimized toastiness
-The amount of snacks has increased by 401%!
-Now with brand new flavour!

March 12th 2015
-Massive optimization of every line of code in RealChute. Literally. Everything.
-Massive optimizations of all the GUIs and of the editor window.
-Presets no longer save the target body, so you can easily apply any preset to any body
-FAR compatibility fixed, previous versions would not correctly use the fetched values
-You can now select if only engineers can repack parachutes in career mode
-You can also select the minimum level required for engineers to repair parachutes in career mode (0 to 5)
-Complying with the last two changes, fixed the bug with engineer levels and repacking in career mode
-Stock parachutes have been removed from the Utility tab and now only appear in the Parachutes tab
-Did I say massive optimization?

December 27th 2014
-Reverted the editor GUI changes which caused CoM bugs in flight
-Fixed a bug where stock chutes would not apply parachute model changes correctly
-Only lvl 1+ engineers can repack chutes anymore

December 26th 2014
-Fixed compatibility issue with FAR
-Added a right click menu to modify the size of the parachute case if the action groups are not available yet
-Added a setting which automatically adjusts the size of the canopy while changing case size through right click menu
-New editor RealChute icon by sumghai!
-RealChute logo updated to be clearer in the filter by manufacturer tab
-Moved parachute specific GUI to it's own object
-Fixed a bug where the combo chute would have two main sized chutes
-Updated to ModuleManager 2.5.6
-RealChute parts are now only visible in the "Parachutes" category
-Fixed a bug where RealChute contracts would not display the RealChute/Wenkel logos correctly

December 17th 2014
-KSP 0.90 compatibility update
-Added a parachutes filtering tab in the "filter by function" category
-Changed the default RealChute icon in the "filter by module" section to the RealChute icon
-Added a parachute count field in the general part stats section
-Changed the RealChute default module name in the module info section
-Made so that RealChute parts will be invisible if the mod is incompatible with the current KSP version

November 16th 2014
-Fixed the bugs related to stock chutes
-Fixed the bug related to parachutes not deploying on first staging action
-Fixed the bug where you could no longer repack if a loading sequence took place ater deployment
-Fixed the numerous bugs with quicksaving/quickloading when parachutes are deployed
-Made part GUI display logic more fluid
-Small optimizations to the editor GUI

October 9th 2014
-Probably fixed the bug when loading crafts

October 8th 2014 (take two)
-Win64bit detecting changed to prevent it to be disabled
-Fixed typo in the SovietPack MM config
-Fixed potential bug with the AppLauncher button
-Corrected the Agents.cfg file to have the correct URLs to the logos and prevent dumb stock bug

October 8th 2014
-Updated to new license

October 7th 2014
-Fixed the bug where parachutes would disappear during quicksave/quickload process
-Fixed repack bug after reloading a craft with expanded chutes
-The SpaceCenter icon is now added to the stock Applauncher
-RealChute is now part of Wenkel Corporation
-Wenkel Corporation and RealChute flags
-Wenkel Corporation and RealChute are new agencies
-Entry cost reviewed for all chutes
-Added an option to target a specific landing altitude
-Now using a new timer device which follows game time
-Said timer sets parachute deployment correctly through time.
-Upgraded to CompatibilityChecker v4, RealChute is disabled on Windows 64bit installs
-ModuleTestSubject added to parachutes
-Now uses ModuleManager 2.5.0
-Moved the editor GUI to a separate object.

August 6th 2014
-Updated correctly all ModuleManager files
-Added ModuleManager support to Tantares and the KP0110 pod
-Now uses ModuleManager 2.2.1
-Optimized FAR code to not fetch the method each frame
-Optimized the rescaling code once more, radially attached parts should behave better
-All .png files crushed in size without quality loss thanks to dak180
-SpaceCenter icon will no longer be shown over the Astronaut Complex, RnD Building, or Mission Control views
-CompatibilityChecker now checks for KSP 0.24.1 or higher for  procedural part cost
-All ModuleManager files are now package with the rest of the mod, only the needed nodes are loaded

July 27th 2014
-Implemented procedural cost for all RealChute parts based on canopy diameter and case size
-Refactored a lot of GUI labels to render more efficiently
-Fixed the nasty bug where parts with only a RealChuteModule would not animate
-Fixed bug where minPressure would not persist through scenes
-Tweaked case masses to make more sense, they were quite heavy in the past

July 22nd 2014 (take two)
-Hopefully last fix to the symmetry bug

July 22nd 2014
-Fixed a bug with symmetry parts (once more)
-Fixed a bug where you could not repack chutes which did not all deploy.

July 21th 2014
-Fixed a bug where stock chutes with RealChute configuration would break upon reload
-Added a way to remove the Action Groups GUI from the ProceduralChute if needed

July 20th 2014
-Fixed bug where the stack chute would never work at all
-Fixed bug where crafts with symmetry parts would have a CoM offset bug and not function properly upon reload if the stats had not been applied to counterparts
-Fixed stock parts MM configs to work properly with this update
-SpaceCenter RealChute icon can now be hid by pressing 'h'

July 18th 2014
-v0.24 compatibility, built to work on Windows x64
-Completely changed the way multiple chutes on a part are handled¸
-Very large part of the code refactored, once again
-Options from the RealChute_Settings.cfg file are now available to be tweaked from the SpaceCenter, icon gracefully offered by sumghai
-Parachutes are now contained into PARACHUTE{} nodes inside PART configs
-The plugin can now handle an indefinite amount of parachutes on a single part
-Various small bugfixes
-Now uses ModuleManager v2.2.0

April 27th 2014 (take two)
-Fixed a problem with parts having no size node

April 27th 2014
-Extensive code refactoring in both PartModules to clean up a little (no, a lot really)
-Augmented FAR support: when FAR is installed, RealChute will now fetch it's density values
-New size nodes allow changing the attach nodes size when cycling through the different selections
-Presets are now a thing: You can create them, apply them, delete them, but not eat them
-A wide selection of presets are included by default to mimick all the past chutes and allow for quick parachute modification
-Stock chutes will now use the RealChute canopies, and will have procedural size according to their diameter
-Better support for the settings file
-Cleaned the editor GUI a little
-Now uses ModuleManager v2.0.3

April 18th 2014
-Fixed the bug with secondary chutes not deploying
-Maximum deployment height/pressure now depend on target planet
-Added automatic deployment on ground contact with intend of usage for drag chutes
-Added possibility to compute parachute diameter from empty ship mass
-Applying stats to symmetry parts will now copy over all the fields.
-Added descriptions to materials
-Size cycling swapped to be more intuitive
-April fools prank can be reenabled through the RealChute_Settings.cfg

April 1st 2014 (third try)
-Refixed target speed range for drogue chutes

April 1st 2014 (serious edition)
-Removed the Arpil Fool's prank
-Bumped drogue target speed to 5000m/s
-Fixed potential division by zero bug
-New part descriptions, graciously offered by Duxwing

April 1st 2014
-Fixed the tiny chutes appearing in the editor
-Fixed the last bugs with parachute texture/canopy model not updating correctly
-Fixed symmetry counterparts not having the right deployed/predeployed diameter
-Added procedural diameter to canopies other than RealChute parts
-Fixed pressure/altitude deployment not switching on secondary chutes
-Fixed secondary canopy texture selector not displaying the one said in the module config on first initiation
-Parachute type can now be declared into the module node (main, drogue, drag)
-Removed all legacy parts from the tech tree to avoid confusion
-Moved the cone simple chute to the start TechNode
-KSP v0.23.5 (ARM) compatibility

March 7th 2014
-Fixed the very small bug where the popup announcing the application worked would not resize after a warning
-Added a display of the current RealChute version on both the editor window and the info window
-Did some very minor code wise improvements around

March 5th 2014
-Fixed material of the second parachute not updating with his window but with the winodw of the main material
-Similarly to the above, fixed the window of the seconda material showing stats about the main material
-Fixed texture of the second parachute not updating whatsoever
-Fixed symmetry counterparts not ever keeping their size
-Fixed a bug where the "mustGoDown" clause would actually never update for the parachute
-Various tweaks to GUI display (mainly the decimals shown by materials drag coefficient)

March 3rd 2014
-Fixed size not remaining in flight properly
-Fixed symmetry counterparts not having the right predpeloyed diameter
-Sorted some problems with the correct updating of part GUI

March 2nd 2014 (take 2)
-Fixed a bug where some fields in the editor window would not update
-Fixed a bug where everything using MM would flat out not work
-Fixed staging activating even from other vessels

March 2nd 2014
-New editor window which allows tweakaing of parachutes far more easily than stock tweakables
-Said window is accessible in the VAB/SPH through the action group editor panel, by selecting a RealChute part
-Texture, canopy models, and part size can be edited with this window, and only four parts are now necessary
-Old parts are still included to preserve compatibility but are not visible in the editor
-Added a field to prevent parachutes to be tweakable if necessary
-When a texture library is defined, the parachutes will automatically resize to the right diameter

-New info window in flight allows seeing the stats of the current parachute
-Predeployment altitude/pressures and deployment altitudes can now be generally tweaked from this window in flight
-When parachutes fail to deploy, their icon will blink red and a message whill show indicating a short reason why
-Parachutes do no need to be moved in a new stage to allow redeployment through staging
-For those who do not like the deployment logic, behaviour can be changed to arm on staging automatically by changing the value in RealChute_Settings.cfg
-Fixed a bug where when coming quickloading or coming back to a flight prevented from repacking correctly

Drag calculator (.exe)
-Repassed the code and added the ability to select the drag coefficient by material

-Heavy code repass to fix and optimize multiple things
-The plugin now uses CompatibilityChecker by Majiir to verify if the KSP version is compatible with the plugin

January 9th 2014
-Fixed the stack main chutes animation problem

January 8th 2014
-Fixed a bug where single parachutes would still not arm propoerly
-Fixed stack main chute configs to have the right canopies so they actually work
-Fixed a problem with staging reset bugging the staging list
-Changed the default drag values of parts to 0.32 to actually match the real stock values
-Changed altitude detection to a faster, safer system
-Hopefully, the change above to altitude detection fixes parachutes deploying too early

January 7th 2014
-Fixed a bug where dual chutes would not arm
-Changed default predeployment altitudes to 30km for drogues and 25km for mains
-Changed predeployment on drags to 100m and full deployment to 50m
-Switched triple canopies to single canopies on the stack 1.25m main chutes
-Fixed forced orientation so that it actually follows vessel orientation
-Fixed forced orientation remaining even if only one parachute is deployed.
-Small tweaks to attachement notes on stack chutes (thanks to eggrobin)
-Fixed caps being inverted on stack chutes (thanks to eggrobin again for making me notice)
-Changed behaviour or repacked chutes, if not in the last stage, they might not need to be moved to e reactivated.
-Moved the random deployment timer to OnStart() for future MechJeb implementation
-Various tweaks to the tweakables UI controllers
-Fixed a bug where dual chutes with the same material would show "empty" as a second material
-Fixed a bug where full deployment shortly after deployment would result in the animations skipping
-Fixed an annoying and unreliable bug where parachutes would make your craft spin out of control by making the force applied to the part once more

December 18th 2013 (take two)
-Fixed the bug where dual parachutes would take mass forever
-Fixed a bug with combo chutes having ridiculous starting weight
-Finally fixed the bug with the FASA and Bargain Rocket parachutes, they will now animate properly (big thanks to sirkut)
-All the ModuleManager files are now included with the main download, remove those you don't want.

December 18th 2013
KSP 0.23 compatibility update!
-Added combo chutes which contain both a drogue and a main for soft landings in one part
-Added the ability to define a second material for the second parachute
-Added the ability to force the parachutes partially in one direction, thus eliminating clipping chutes on dual parts!
-The force is now applied on the whole vessel, so no more weird hangings if the part origin is weird
-Tweakables! Nearly every value that can be changed in the editor can now be. This is only until I set the editor window up on my side.
-Fixed a bug with parachutes facing downwards on reentry
-Added a random deployment delay for parachutes! They will now take between 0 and 1 second to deploy. This is chose randomly for every parachute
-Every parachute now has random "movement noise" different from every other parachutes currently active
-Said random noise will now appear to be much smoother than before
-Usage of the new EFFECTS node has permited to get rid of FXGroups and to remove all those nasty .wav files all around!

Decemer 7th 2013
-Fixed a bug with the mustGoDown/timer clauses
-Fixed a bug with dual chutes not cutting properly
-Fixed yet another bug with predeployment of main chutes always having the same drag
-Added an "reverseOrientation" clause in case a modeller builds the parachute transform the wrong way
-Parachutes no create drag from the very area where they originate from. This means a chute on the side will hang realistically without a CoM offset
-Rescaled all the parachutes to have the real size in game. If you find this too big, tell me on the forum and I'll revise them (note, this is not procedural yet, if you change the part yourself, you need to change the scale)
-Fixed a bug with the calculator when calculating the diameter of multiple chutes
-Added a sound on repack, thanks to ymir9 once again

December 4th 2013
-Completely removed stock drag dependancy. The parachutes now calculate drag according to real drag equations
-Given the above, the drag parachutes generate is irrelevant of the mass of the part and now depends of the diameter of the parachute
-Parachutes are now made of different materials, defined in cfg files
-Parachute canopies now weight something which depends on which material they are made of and what is it's area density
-Optimization of the code by about 300 lines as the module is pretty much complete
-New parts with the pack, thanks to sumghai! You can now select between many different parachutes for the job you want to accomplish
-It is now possible to arm a parachute to deploy as soon as it can through action group or part GUI
-Minimal deployment can now be defined by altitude or pressure
-Added FXGroups to parachute cut and repack, and providing a cut sound with the parachutes, offered by ymir9!
-A small program made to help calculating parachute diameters is also included with the download!

November 24th 2013
-Fixed a bug where single parachutes don't show the right icon colours
-Fixed the weird glitchiness of the parachute's orientation in some occasions
-Fixed parachutes not working if not on the current active vessel

November 23rd 2013
-Added a compatibility mode for a second parachute on the same part! Can only be used if the parachute has a a
second set of parachute transform/animation
-Reworked deployment code from the ground up to allow the above feature

November 16th 2013
-Fixed the issue where deploying the parachute below the full deployment height would play the second animations faster
-Added sounds on both predeployment and deployment
-Added a deployment timer that will show a countdown on the flight screen
-Added a clause that the ship must go downards to deploy and that will show status on the flight screen
-Fixed a few remaining deployment bugs
-Changed the behaviour of the part GUI to only show when the action is available

November 13th 2013
-Hotfix of a few deployment bugs that could cause weird unresponsive parachutes
-Added a "cutAlt" feature to automatically cut a parachute below a certain altitude.

November 12th 2013
-Initial release



caseMass: mass of the case of the parachute (what you would normally put at "mass = xx" (put it there too though))
timer: time before deployment after the part has been activated in seconds
mustGoDown: whether or not the craft has to be going downwards to deploy (true/false)
cutSpeed: speed at which the parachute will automatically cut when on the ground in m/s
spareChutes: amount of times a parachute can be repacked (set to -1 if you want to repack it as much as you want)
reverseOrientation: check this to true if the transform was built backwards, else don't put this in at all

//Main parachute
  material: what material the parachute is made out (must be initiated in a MATERIAL{} node)
  preDeployedDiameter: diameter of the parachute when predeployed
  deployedDiameter: diameter of the parachute when deployed
  minIsPressure: whether the value in "minDeployment" is pressure or altitude (true/false)
  minDeployment: minimum altitude or at which the parachute predeploy (if minIsPressure = false)
  minPressure: minimum pressure at which the parachute will predeploy (if minIsPressure = true)
  deploymentAlt: altitude at which the parachute will fully deploy
  cutAlt: altitude at which the parachute will automatically cut (set this to -1 if you don't want an autocut at a certain altitude)
  preDeploymentSpeed: time required to predeploy the parachute in seconds (affects how fast it decelerates)
  deploymentSpeed: time required to deploy the parachute in seconds (affects how fast it decelerates)
  preDeploymentAnimation: name of the predeployment animation (from the model)
  deploymentAnimation: name of the deployment animation (from the model)
  parachuteName: name of the canopy of the parachute (from the model)
  capName: name of the protective cap of the parachute (from the model)
  forcedOrientation: angle to angle the cute at from the center of the part (greater than 0, lower than 90)
  ignoreShielded: if the parachute should deploy even if it is shielded from airstream
  referenceDiameter: the reference cross-sectional diameter of the canopy when fully deployed
  maxDiameter: the maximum deployed diameter of the canopy
  canopyCount: the amount of visible canopies on the model
//Add as many PARACHUTE{} nodes as you want parachutes on the part

textureLibrary: name of the texture library to get textures and models from
type: type of parachute this is refered as in the texture library
currentCase: current parachute case texture (from the texture library)
currentCanopies: current canopy texture for the main chute (from the texture library)
currentCanopyModels: current canopy texture for the main chute (from texture library)
currentTypes: current type of the main chute (Main, Drogue, Drag), defaulted to Main
isTweakable: if the Action Groups GUI appears
//Size nodes
  size: rescaling vector for the part (x, y, z)
  caseMass: case mass for this size
  sizeID: generic ID for this size. Can be whatever you want, but know that presets will use this to find the right size.
  topNode: position of the top node at this size
  topNodeSize: size of the top AttachNode at this size
  bottomNode: position of the bottom node at this size
  bottomNodeSize sixe of the bottom AttachNode at this size
//Add as many as you want sizes for your part

--Texture library--
  name: name of the library

     name: name of this case texture
     types: types of parachute this texture can apply to (separate each by a comma)
     textureURL: string url of the texture from the GameData folder

     name: name of this canopy texture
     textureURL: string url of the texture from the GameData folder

     name: name of this canopy model
     diameter: diameter of a single canopy at (1, 1, 1)
     count: number of visible canopies on this model
     maxDiam: max deployed diameter possible for this model
        modelURL: string url of the model from the GameData folder
        transformName: name of the parachute transform
        preDepAnim: name of the predeployment animation
        depAnim: name of the deployment animation
     //Add as many of those as you want this type of chute to have, models must have different transform names

--Material node--
  name: name of the material (string name you put in the PartModule)
  description: short description of the material
  areaDensity: density of the material in t/m²
  dragCoefficient: drag coefficient of this material (recommended to not go below 0.5 and above 2)
  maxTemp: maximum temperature of the material (will autocut past this temperature)
  specificHeat: the specific heat of this temperature, in J/kg*K
  emissivity: the emissivity constant of this material (usually between 0.5 and 1.5)

--Effects node--
  rcpredeploy  //name of the predeployment effect
        channel = Ship
        clip = sound_parachute_deploy
        volume = 1
  rcdeploy  //name of the deployment effect
        channel = Ship
        clip = sound_parachute_single
        volume = 1
  rccut  //name of the cut effect
        channel = Ship
        clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_cut
        volume = 1
  rcrepack  //name of the repack effect
        channel = Ship
        clip = RealChute/Sounds/sound_parachute_repack
        volume = 1



And now finally, if you want to donate a little something to support for all the coffee and the nights I spent on this, you are very welcome, and it would make my day my year.


FAQ (if you ask a question that is here, I'm not answering you.):

  • Q: How/Where do I edit and customize parachutes?
    A: This option is no longer in the action groups tab! To edit the parachutes, simply right click the parachute in the editor, and click "Show Parachute Editor"
  • Q: This panel is too complicated, isn't there a simpler way to do this?
    A: If you don't want to use the editor panel, you really don't have to. There is a preset system that allows you to select the parachute's type (main, droge, drag, or combo), it's size (0.625m - 2.5m for cones/stacks, small - large for radials), and apply it to your current chute. You don't even have to complicate your life.
  • Q: When I'm pressing apply, it's telling me that the craft is too heavy for the parachute. What do I do?
    A: Make sure the the only parts attached to the craft when you press apply are the parts that you want to land. Detach your launcher or any other fluff before pressing apply. The parachute is calculated with the weight of all the parts currently attached to the craft. You can also toggle dry/wet mass in the editor to help, but it defaults at dry.
  • Q: What is this "parachutes used" field in the editor window?
    A: This is the amount of parachutes deployed at the same time to land your parachute. This option will spread the load of your craft throughout all the parachutes used, effectively lowering the size of each. Be careful: a triple canopy is only a visual effect, it's only one chute. Stach chutes, on the other side, are two chutes (one comes out on each side). This is why this field does not say parts; a part can have multiple chutes on it (like the stacks and the combos). This is why a cone chute with a triple canopy would put one in parachutes used, and a stack chute would put two. Four radial chutes in symmetry would use four. Basically, you just put in the amount of individual active chutes at the same time, regardless of what the canopies look like.
  • Q: Why does the Engineer's Report say there are no chutes on the craft when I clearly put some?
    A: The Engineer's Report looks for stock chutes. I haven't implemented a check for RealChute yet. Be patient.
  • Q: Does this work on Windows 64bit builds of KSP?
    A: As of KSP 1.1, yes. However, this is absolutely not something that is sure never to change. If the Winx64 builds of the game return to being unstable, buggy messes, you bet that the lock will absolutely return, and I reserve the right to bring it back at any moment I see fit, and at my discretion, and mine only. But, with the current look of things, I do not anticipate the need to do this in any foreseeable future. You have, however, been warned.
  • Q: Do the parachutes hold on at 4x physical time warp?
    A: Depending on how fast you are coming down and which chute you are using, yes. Most often they will hold on just fine, but I really can't guarantee they will. However be careful, the chutes fully deployed added to high physical timewarp values can lead to bad stuff, you've been warned.
  • Q: Is this FAR compatible?
    A: FAR has it's own built-in implementation of RealChute, added by me, providing basic RealChute-esque behaviour, minus all the fluff. If you want the in game editor and all the additional features RealChute provides, install this, it'll override the version built into far.
  • Q: Can you make a ModuleManager file for *insert mod here*?
    A: I currently don't have much time to work on configs for mods, but if you make one and are 100% sure it works, send it to me, I'll see about including it.
  • Q: I'm trying to add a secondary parachute to a part but it's not working! A: It's not working because you can't add a secondary parachute to any part. It needs a second parachute transform, a second set of parachute animations, etc. A modeller needs to make a part that has two parachute to allow it.
  • Q: What is your favourite pie flavour?
    A: I love cherry and blueberry pie tbh.

Special thanks to UbioZur, r4m0n, Sarbian, Cilph, sirkut, taniwha, NathanKell, ferram4, toadicus and the rest of #kspmodders for helping this mod happen :)

The cut and repack sounds were graciously given by ymir9, big thanks to him!

Very special thanks to @sumghai for those awesome parts, as well as the logos, icons, and flags!! :D

GitHub repository (source)


You are free to copy, fork, and modify RealChute as you see fit. However, redistribution is only permitted for unmodified versions of RealChute, and under attribution clause. If you want to distribute a modified version of RealChute, be it code, textures, configs, or any other asset and piece of work, you must get my explicit permission on the matter through a private channel, and must also distribute it through the attribution clause, and must make it clear to anyone using your modification of my work that they must report any problem related to this usage to you, and not to me. This clause expires if I happen to be inactive (no connection) for a period of 90 days on the official KSP forums. In that case, the license reverts back to CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 INTL.


Edited by stupid_chris
v1.4.9.5 update
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Both the current and proposed features are very promising - I'm tempted to upgrade the chutes in my Service Module pack to make use of your plugin soon :)

Feel free to do so, this is why this plugin is here!

I like this. These little things make KSP better by a lot :)

Much thanks, I was quite annoyed by those pesky parachutes ^^

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That looks great!

I know there have been two radial drogues released (recolors of the stock radial) and you might want to talk to their authors. One of them added a ton of new parachute textures, too, and so you should definitely contact her/him.

AH: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31754-0-20-Fun-with-Parachutes-May-26

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That looks great!

I know there have been two radial drogues released (recolors of the stock radial) and you might want to talk to their authors. One of them added a ton of new parachute textures, too, and so you should definitely contact her/him.

AH: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31754-0-20-Fun-with-Parachutes-May-26

Aye, I remember that one. Though I'm already talking to a modeler to give parts for this mod, I'm terrible with whatever is texture/modeling/phgotoshop/gimp

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Very nice, hopefully no more getting my lander ripped in half when the chute deploys in Eve's thick atmosphere.

This is a question not a request.

Is it possible to model a steerable parafoil that trades some of it's downward vertical speed for forward motion in a simple plugin, or is it something that would take a lot of coding?


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First impressions so far from an add-on author attempting to adapt his work to use this new PartModule.

I'm still trying to tune my parachute parameters properly, but the good news is that the deployment does not conflict with the deploy-on-splashdown Floatation Device test plugin you gave me, unlike the doubled-up stock chutes. Now, as soon as the buoyancy code works...:D

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Can we also have the other way around for deployment rules?

That is:

Stock has deployment by pressure and inflate by true altitude

Mod has deployment and inflate both by true altitude.

Is there a way to have both deployment and inflate based of pressure? (I know this would make eve boring but I am not debating that now and it can e resolved with smaller chutes anyway)

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If this is a "realistic parachutes" mod, shouldn't you have them spread apart rather than clip into eachother, and to tangle or fail to inflate if they cannot do so?

That's something which always bothered me, that you could put forty chutes right next to eachother and it'd work fine.

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But that results from the general problem that parts of the same vessel don't collide with each other, which allows other stupid things like folding something into another part with IR. I think that either all parts should collide (which they propably don't do because it would eat the framerate), or none of them, because behaviour needs to be predictable more than it needs to be realistic.

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