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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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17 hours ago, Starwaster said:

This mod only coverts stock parts. It does not automagically convert any part using the stock ModuleParachute module. 

I learned something new today. My statement still stands though, I have yet to come across a popular mod that doesn't use this.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The New 1.7 Update has seemed to break this mod for me making it unusable.


The parachutes tab is now gone in the VAB/ SPH and when finding the chutes under misc and attaching them to craft they do not show in the staging tabs anymore.

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2 hours ago, Kilo60 said:

The New 1.7 Update has seemed to break this mod for me making it unusable.


The parachutes tab is now gone in the VAB/ SPH and when finding the chutes under misc and attaching them to craft they do not show in the staging tabs anymore.

Well, considering that the max KSP version for the latest version of RealChutes is v1.6.9 I'm not entirely surprised.  Since KSP 1.7 was released only today and the volunteer mod authors need time to review their mods, I would suggest staying on KSP 1.6.1 so that RC remains usable for you.

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6 hours ago, Kilo60 said:

Guess I have to revert as it auto updated!

Is there anyway to just add the stock chutes back into the game or use another parachute mod that is current?

For future reference, you should always keep a pristine KSP game install.  I download/update from Steam and immediately copy that KSP directory to a clean, non-updatable folder.  I then copy from that clean version as often as needed for different mod sets, playtests and troubleshooting.  Play those copies only; I never mod the Steam target or the clean copy.  This allows for auto-updates, keeps a clean copy of the working KSP version for your game play, and maintains your current game(s) untouched by updates.

Stock chutes should reappear if you remove the Real Chutes mod.  How are you managing your mods?  Are you manually installing them or using CKAN?

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56 minutes ago, Brigadier said:

For future reference, you should always keep a pristine KSP game install.  I download/update from Steam and immediately copy that KSP directory to a clean, non-updatable folder.  I then copy from that clean version as often as needed for different mod sets, playtests and troubleshooting.  Play those copies only; I never mod the Steam target or the clean copy.  This allows for auto-updates, keeps a clean copy of the working KSP version for your game play, and maintains your current game(s) untouched by updates.

Stock chutes should reappear if you remove the Real Chutes mod.  How are you managing your mods?  Are you manually installing them or using CKAN?

Good Idea!!!  Installing from CKAN mostly.


Reinstalled base KSP to latest release and reloaded all my mods from a backup Gamedata folder.  I now have the Stock chutes back but have still no damn chute Icon in VAB/ SPH.


Also, almost all of my craft files used the RealChute parachutes and none will now load due to missing part "RC.Radial".


I had no idea RC embedded itself so deeply into the stock game.


So frustrated!!!

Edited by Kilo60
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1 hour ago, Kilo60 said:

Good Idea!!!  Installing from CKAN mostly.


Reinstalled base KSP to latest release and reloaded all my mods from a backup Gamedata folder.  I now have the Stock chutes back but have still no damn chute Icon in VAB/ SPH.


Also, almost all of my craft files used the RealChute parachutes and none will now load due to missing part "RC.Radial".


I had no idea RC embedded itself so deeply into the stock game.


So frustrated!!!

You need to reinstall KSP 1.6 using Steam's beta tab (right click the game from your library to see the tab). RealChutes will then start working again after reinstalling all mods.

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4 hours ago, Kilo60 said:

Also, almost all of my craft files used the RealChute parachutes and none will now load due to missing part "RC.Radial".

I had no idea RC embedded itself so deeply into the stock game.

So frustrated!!!

I completely understand the frustration but the same behaviour would be seen after uninstalling any parts mod you've used to build a craft.  As as safety precaution, KSP will not load a vessel if it contains parts it doesn't recognize.

My apologies.  I should have thought my suggestion through a little more since removing a parts mod was going to have this consequence.  My advice was incomplete; that's my fault.

I agree with @Eridanabout reinstalling 1.6.1.

The other steps you can take to reduce the frustration:

  1. Never be in a rush to to update.  I know in your case it was automatic but, if you use Steam, you can turn that feature off.
  2. Read the forum topics for all of your mods to see when they are cleared for the next version before you decide to update KSP.  CKAN can help with this process.
  3. Backup your game, either by creating a named save from within the game (Alt-F5) or using a mod, such as S.A.V.E.
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On 4/11/2019 at 4:31 AM, Kilo60 said:

The New 1.7 Update has seemed to break this mod for me making it unusable.


The parachutes tab is now gone in the VAB/ SPH and when finding the chutes under misc and attaching them to craft they do not show in the staging tabs anymore.

Same here.

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On 4/10/2019 at 10:31 PM, Kilo60 said:

The New 1.7 Update has seemed to break this mod for me making it unusable.


The parachutes tab is now gone in the VAB/ SPH and when finding the chutes under misc and attaching them to craft they do not show in the staging tabs anymore.


17 hours ago, Redacted said:

Same here.

Both of you should know by now that you should at least post a log file.  

Saying that something is broken without anything else is rather useless


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Following up on this, if you try to use this mod in 1.7, a very obvious message is displayed telling you that an incompatible mod is detected, and lists this mod.

I just looked at the code, and the mod is deliberately disabled in anything other than a 1.6 game

You will have to wait for an updated release

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I've written mods for 3 games in the last 10 years... I know very well how frustrating it is for both users and devs during that transition which happens when the game code is updated and breaks some mods. 


For my part I kept the game file, upgraded, and lost 80% of my satellites/rockets/habitats which I'm assuming is a case of 'bad solar flare activity' Most of my stuff had the real shutes on it... all of those vehicles got deleted. But now the space program has gotten back on its feet and with some luck, all the kerbals will be recovered with new vehicles. The only sad part is the 500 days of transit lost to distant planets as a result of this catastrophe. Still, we can't' plan for everything - sometimes the universe aka STEAM throws us a curveball and we just have to run with it.


Cheers guys!

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26 minutes ago, smart013 said:

Thanx for the fast update, but for me in my actual career all attached chutes are missing the right click option to "arm" or "deploy", and trying to activate them via staging doesnt work either. 

Try creating a new save,  see what happens with that

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Ok, seems that in my save the newly created and launched rockets have working chutes (inkl. "arm" and "deploy") and the ones that were launched before the update didnt. The same with a completely new save of course. Any possibility to get these preexisting chutes working? The only thing clickable is "Toggle info", and this info looks normal. Thanx again.

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2 hours ago, smart013 said:

Ok, seems that in my save the newly created and launched rockets have working chutes (inkl. "arm" and "deploy") and the ones that were launched before the update didnt. The same with a completely new save of course. Any possibility to get these preexisting chutes working? The only thing clickable is "Toggle info", and this info looks normal. Thanx again.

It should be fairly easy to check what's wrong on existing ships - try opening the save, or you can try uploading your save if you're not comfortable.

I had a similar issue before 1.7, when using ReStock for the first time, where I first opened a save that had RealChute modules without RealChutes, then opened it again with the mod. The modules were configured wrongly and needed to be manually set through the text editor.

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Ok, some editing of the savefiles revealed that some pre-update chutes (in orbit) now miss this part of code in the vesseldata:

						material = Nylon
						preDeployedDiameter = 1.25
						deployedDiameter = 30
						minIsPressure = False
						capOff = False
						minDeployment = 30000
						minPressure = 0.00999999978
						deploymentAlt = 700
						cutAlt = -1
						preDeploymentSpeed = 2
						deploymentSpeed = 6
						time = 0
						parachuteName = RC_canopy
						baseParachuteName = RC_canopy
						capName = cap
						preDeploymentAnimation = RC_chute_semi_deploy
						deploymentAnimation = RC_chute_full_deploy
						forcedOrientation = 0
						depState = STOWED

After inserting it by hand (a chore with vessels that have dozens of them) it at least shows the right-click options.

As if it now works, we'll see :-)

Update: yes it works.

But, a further question, since there is some mention about "spare chutes" in the info: when i arm a chute too early and it cuts / gets destroyed, shouldnt there be 4 spare chutes to activate / arm later in the descent? Never happened to me. Maybe these spare chutes are something different than i thought?

Edited by smart013
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11 hours ago, smart013 said:

Ok, some editing of the savefiles revealed that some pre-update chutes (in orbit) now miss this part of code in the vesseldata:ince there is some mention about "spare chutes" in the info: when i arm a chute too early and it cuts / gets destroyed, shouldnt there be 4 spare chutes to activate / arm later in the descent? Never happened to me. Maybe these spare chutes are something different than i thought?

I believe, after the chute gets cut, (either manually by right click, destroyed by speed, or after landing) that an engineer can repack it.

THAT'S where the 4 spare chutes come into play. They can be repacked 4 times before there are no spares left.


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36 minutes ago, Kilo60 said:

Does this mod put chute packs on all Kerbal backs?


I would like to remove them when on the Mun surface.  Looks silly when they are still wearing backpacks in zero atmospheres lol....

The personal chutes are added by stock game since KSP 1.5, if I remember correctly.

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