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[0.23.5] Realism Overhaul: ROv5.2 + Modlist for RSS 6/30/14


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Ok, this is a PSA / REQUEST

I'm about to (finally) release the next update to RO.

So please, if you know of a rescale / realism-izing patch, and you want it to be in RO, TELL ME NOW. Preferably with a link. If you just want a link to it in the 2nd post without it being in RO itself, that's cool too.

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Ok, this is a PSA / REQUEST

I'm about to (finally) release the next update to RO.

So please, if you know of a rescale / realism-izing patch, and you want it to be in RO, TELL ME NOW. Preferably with a link. If you just want a link to it in the 2nd post without it being in RO itself, that's cool too.

Would you be able to rescale sumghai's parts to 5 meters? And possibly add a file referencing the Mk1-2, adding a duplicate part scaled to 5m? :)

If you don't have the time to do it hopefully I'll teach myself how to use Module Manager patches. :wink:

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What's your attitude towards ModuleenginesFX ? What compatibility issue will there be, if let's say we use wildcard to convert everything to mefx

The ModuleHybridEngine doesn't support MEFX yet so for SABRE there is some issue.

HotRocket modifies the SABRE from HydraEngineController to MultiModeEngine (introduced in KSP v0.23), which supports MEFX only. And it defines the MEFX sections as well, with stock propellant types inside.

RF modifies the SABRE from HydraEngineController to ModuleHybridEngine, which modify the propellant and other parameters in the original ME modules.

I'm not quite clear about what AJE has done to SABRE though, haven't checked the cfg.

Hence the incompatibility issue comes.

Edited by HoneyFox
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Woopert, what size are sumghai's modules now (in RO)? Also, MM is not bad at all. Easy to learn. Check out for example the patch to those parts.

advice_dawg, this is a request for stuff that's done that should be included, not a request for ideas for what to make... that said IIRC Dragon01 was working on them at one point.

camlost: RF supports them from v5 on, doing that should be fine (well, wait a few hours for RF v5.1). Next RftSEngines will do that for all supported engines and rely on SmokeScreen.

Also, I need to put AJE in post 2... ;)

Edit: as HoneyFox says I don't support RF configurable Multimode engines using Squad's module. But SABREs don't really need MEC, since thrust correction isunnecessary and they don't support multiple fuel configs per mode. You can use RF resources for them without MEC or MHE.

Edited by NathanKell
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@HoneyFox, if MEFX is used then there's no point in using ModuleHybridEngine. Basically two MEFXs and one switch module. That's exactly what Hotrocket does hence AJE does. Also there's no compatibility issue. Previously I missed a "}" in SABRE M cfg and caused a bug.

@Nathan, Good to know, MEFX is the future.

Edited by camlost
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For anyone who is interested, HERE is my Realism Overhaul for RemoteTech2. To use, simply put the cfg in your Gamedata folder, and delete the AIES RT2 cfg if you have it.

Make sure you have the following settings in your RemoteTech_Settings.cfg:

ConsumptionMultiplier = 1

RangeMultiplier = 1

RangeModelType = Root

MultipleAntennaMultiplier = somewhere between 0.25 and 1. Experiment to see what works best for you.

I also suggest increasing your ground station omni range, but whether or not, and by how much is up to you.

If you add this to an existing save, you may find that some of your probes/satellites are no longer in range, or don't have enough power, so I recommend only using it on a new save.

Many thanks to NathanKell and RedAV8R for helping me put this together.

Edited by brooklyn666
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@HoneyFox, if MEFX is used then there's no point in using ModuleHybridEngine. Basically two MEFXs and one switch module. That's exactly what Hotrocket does hence AJE does. Also there's no compatibility issue. Previously I missed a "}" in SABRE M cfg and caused a bug.

@Nathan, Good to know, MEFX is the future.

Need to mind you that AJE's folder has "A" as its initial character, which means any MM cfg inside that folder will be processed before others like in "MP_Hazari" (HotRockets) or "RealFuels", etc unless you use ":Final" in your cfg while others don't.

RF's MM cfg of engines is still using ME instead of MEFX for SABRE and other engines (or perhaps there's a newer version that fixed this?), which means the propellants got used are still stock ones and that's the problem some other guy have met yesterday night.

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camlost: the issue with using multiple engine modules (and a switcher, yours or MultiModeEngine), is that RF doesn't support that (for thrust correction or mixture switching or funky throttle behavior). That's why you should still be using ModuleHybridEngine (for, say, multi-mode NTR) if you *do* need RF engine-modifying functionality.

However, as regards *your* bailiwick, you basically don't (you're doing it yourself), so it's no problem.

Also, as HoneyFox says, it's a big problem that your configs are run before literally any other config ever. Especially since you're mentioning it requires HotRockets but your changes will be clobbered by HotRockets. ;)

brooklyn666: sure. Or do you want me to just include it in RO itself?

HoneyFox: RF's cfg uses its own module for SABREs, though I will pull support for them and direct everyone to AJE. Oh, that reminds me.

camlost, does AJE do anything to the SABRE/RAPIER/whatever in closed-cycle mode, or do you only update the open-cycle ModuleEnginesFX?

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First, i was aware of the compatibility issue about cfg and i used FINAL all along.

Here's what happens when you have aje correctly installed and load up sabre. B9 uses hydraenginecontroller, hotrocket deletes that and add two mefx and one multimodeengine, rf adds mhe ,finally aje deletes mhe and two mefx, adds two new mefx with hydrogen and all. AJE doesn't update the closed-cycle one.

Edited by camlost
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Kind of offtopic, But if there was a way to add a camera shake for IVA's that scaled with atmosphere density or something, it would be the cherry on top of this mod combo. Not sure how to avoid a constant camera shake for planes though. Probably why it hasn't been done yet =P

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@NathanKell: First of all, thanks for your fantastic work. And also looking forward to the next RO release. I have a problem though. I installed RO with RftS engines and changed my ExsurgentEngineering.dll to the one linked to a couple of pages earlier. Gimbaling doesn't work on any of the engines, except for Dtobis engines which uses his gimbal plugin. Any ideas what could cause this? I'm about to test without the tweakable gimbal plugin in my tweakable everything folder.

Edit: Ehrrrm, deleting the TweakableGimbal folder solved the problem. :blush:

Edited by ThorBeorn
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Speaking of SABREs, I'm working on a Skylon replica and it looks like there are no RO changes to the SABRE B9 M to make it closer to an actual (projected) Skylon SABRE? Could we get closer numbers to the actual engine (B9 has lower ISP, Thrust, and I think they are too light but I can't find weight stats, only extrapolating from known TWR)? Note I haven't tried AJE yet and don't know if it changes performance closer to the real engine.

I'd also request a HGR Soyjuice -> Real Soyuz rescale/adapatation (unless you're waiting for a final release) and the Porkworks Habs.

Edited by curiousepic
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I just did a quick search on the SABRE engine for the Skylon. It is a VERY powerful engine, with a 14:1 TWR which is MASSIVE seeing as most jet engines have a 5:1 at best. The listed ISP that I have found is between 400-500 in closed cycle/rocket mode and 3300-3800 in air breathing mode. The problems I have been finding is the exact mass of the engine. But the power of the engine is pretty consistent most of the sources I have found say it is around 1900kn at sea level and over 2900 in a vacuum. I would love an accurate model of the SABRE myself, I think it would be awesome. The only thing I really want to change is the RAPIER to perhaps the other engine projects, the RB545 or ATREX.

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Woopert, what size are sumghai's modules now (in RO)? Also, MM is not bad at all. Easy to learn. Check out for example the patch to those parts.

advice_dawg, this is a request for stuff that's done that should be included, not a request for ideas for what to make... that said IIRC Dragon01 was working on them at one point.

camlost: RF supports them from v5 on, doing that should be fine (well, wait a few hours for RF v5.1). Next RftSEngines will do that for all supported engines and rely on SmokeScreen.

Also, I need to put AJE in post 2... ;)

Edit: as HoneyFox says I don't support RF configurable Multimode engines using Squad's module. But SABREs don't really need MEC, since thrust correction isunnecessary and they don't support multiple fuel configs per mode. You can use RF resources for them without MEC or MHE.

Currently it's 4 meters to fit the Mk1-2. I'll do my best to learn MM to help out, knowing that is it's easy to learn is a good thing. :)

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Can you be more specific about your problem? Does the game load normally otherwise? Did you delete anything from your GameData folder? (Especially the squad folder).

I kept all the folders, it's just that only one part appears, the "WAC corporal experiments"

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