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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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Odd because the VAB shows it being unmanned.

Yes, but... there are two different numbers relating to crew in a config, and the number you're looking at there is the "minimumCrew = 0", meaning the command module will work unmanned. However, the config also has "CrewCapacity = 2", meaning it normally takes two crew, even though it doesn't require any. There are similar situations with some stock parts (e.g. the Mk1-2 command pod takes three crew, but only requires one). When the game fills your primary command pod, it fills it to capacity, not simply to the minimum.

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I was just brainstorming ideas for a rocket-part-constructor-thing replacement, and i had an idea.

Couldn't we just use the new mobile lab as one?

it would add some much needed functionality to it, especially if your playing in sandbox.

I'm gonna mod mine myself but i thought i would share the idea.

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I find that if I quicksave first, the pylons and pipes never explode. As soon as I forget to quicksave, everything explodes. So fight Murphy with Murphy. Quicksave before every connection.

Hmm, I think I did do that almost by accident once or twice.... Can't think whether it exploded on me or not. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for future. :)

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I don't know if this is already in here, or even possible, but i'd like to see a sort of recycling feature, where you can take existing parts, or even entire craft, and melt them down into metal. or convert it to ore. either integrated with the smelter, or an entire new part, I would imagine. make for a far less wasteful means for disposing of craft that are no longer needed, compared to parking or deorbiting.

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Commissar: something like the recycling bins, perhaps? They currently recycle to parts but will recycle to metal in the next version.

Converting to ore... leave your rocket in the rain for a few thousand years ;)

well, the only reason I said ore was because the parts would probably be shredded before being melted down, and adding another resource that is effectively the same as ore just seems like unneeded complexity.

but yeah, I just had no idea what was actually in this mod, as the wiki has literally nothing... but anyhow, that is awesome. once I install this, I can actually do something useful with my empty tankers, rather than deorbiting them.

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Alright, after a bit of time sorting out the problems I was having, I've created a module manager file for those that were interested.

What this does is take out some of the more difficult to deal with parts and adds their functions to Kethane items. Chances are you already have Module Manager 1.5.6 installed. All you need to do is create a file named ModuleManager.cfg or something more to your liking in your GameData directory, and put the code provided below into it. That's it.

These are the changes I've made:

Small Converter: added ore to metal conversion, nerfed the rate conversion due to the converter requiring less power to operate. (No metal to rocket parts here, you'll need the larger version to complete that task.)

Large Converter: added ore to metal conversion, added metal to rocket parts conversion, nerfed the conversion rate due to the converter requiring less power to operate.

Small and Large Drill: Added ore extraction. Will extract either ore, kethane, or both depending on whats under your drills.

Fold Out Launchpad: Removed crew capacity, seemed to be a legacy config that should be removed. Launchpad already had remote probe capacity so doesn't need crew.

The following items have been removed, as they were before, or are now redundant:

All hexcans

Both augers


Ore and Metal Bins


Rocket Builder

Both smelters

I personally also changed the orbital dock and recycle bin to a less brightly colored gray I took from a stock part. To do this yourself, download this pic:


and use it to overwrite these two files:

...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\EtraplanetaryLaunchpads\Parts\OrbitalDock\Metal.png

...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\EtraplanetaryLaunchpads\Parts\RecycleBin\recycle.png

Name = Ore

Name = Ore

name = KethaneConverter
Ore = 1.742
ElectricCharge = 7.5
Metal = 0.699431

name = KethaneConverter
HeatProduction = 600
Ore = 3.4840
ElectricCharge = 10
Metal = 0.699431

name = KethaneConverter
HeatProduction = 600
Metal = 3
ElectricCharge = 10
RocketParts = 0.9

Name = Ore
Rate = 0.25

Name = Ore
Rate = 1.25

@CrewCapacity = 0

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

@category = -1

EDIT: One quirk I've noticed. In career mode the "removed" parts still show up in the research tree. This is because I didn't actually remove them, I just hid them in a nonexistent part folder so they don't show up and crowd up your VAB. Doesn't effect game play.

Second Edit: I missed the sensors. Just updated the config above...you'll need to change it on your end, and then the Kethane sensors will detect ore. Sorry.

Third Edit: 5th Horseman pointed out I was being lazy and accidently left out the hiding of parts in the VAB in my last edit...hahah...hopefully this will be the last edited edit!

Edited by Vladthemad
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I have an issue. The landing pad 2 says it is unmanned and yet every time it steals two of my kerbals away from me. Is this normal and how do I get them back out?

I think it's something left over in the configs currently. The fact that there are also left over internals that don't function properly add to that theory. The launch pad is already set up as a probe, and doesn't need the Kerbals to operate. You can either do as skykooler stated and always remove them or go into the config file and change it.

Under ...\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\EtraplanetaryLaunchpads\Parts\launchpad2 you'll find the part.cfg. Open it, and find the line that says "CrewCapacity = 2" and change it to 0. Problem solved...no more forgetting to pull jeb out before you fly it to the Mun!

Hmm, I think I did do that almost by accident once or twice.... Can't think whether it exploded on me or not. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for future. :)

I noticed that type of stuff is usually a clipping issue. Are your anchors on a flatish area? I never actually had this problem except with the last EL version where my ships would spawn, clip through the launch pad and ground, explode and send everything into the sky. The only time this didn't happen was when I'd use anchors...of course sometimes the explosion took out the pad... :/ Yay for bug fixing updates!!!

Edited by Vladthemad
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Nicely done, and just in time for me to start my Extraplanetary endeavors!

Let me know if there are any issues. I tested it...slightly. :) For the most part the settings were just stolen from my modified config files and shifted into this config. I monkeyed with it at the space center, just didn't bother taking anything off planet and trying it out yet. I was afraid if I did, I'd start playing instead of testing, and you'd have to wait another week before I came back to the forums. Hah!

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If I want to change the model of the part that creates rocket parts out of metal, which config do I need to look in?

I've gone through all the (for me) likely configs, but the formatting in Notepad (possibly fixed with another editor, but I have none) makes it highly confusing to check what the part actually does.

EDIT: Also, why are some of the containers pre-filled with ore, metal and parts? That kind of removes the incentive of actually mining and refining. EDIT+: I'm hoping that creating a container filled with parts costs more parts than you get, but still. For any dock above Kerbin, it's easier to just create new ships with the pre-filled containers.

Edited by Melfice
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If I want to change the model of the part that creates rocket parts out of metal, which config do I need to look in?

I've gone through all the (for me) likely configs, but the formatting in Notepad (possibly fixed with another editor, but I have none) makes it highly confusing to check what the part actually does.

EDIT: Also, why are some of the containers pre-filled with ore, metal and parts? That kind of removes the incentive of actually mining and refining. EDIT+: I'm hoping that creating a container filled with parts costs more parts than you get, but still. For any dock above Kerbin, it's easier to just create new ships with the pre-filled containers.

To build an ore can with ore in it, you need the rocket parts needed to build the can and the ore to put in it, just like if you're building a fuel tank you need the fuel on site to put in it. Unless you're launching from Kerbin then it's all free like everything else in the game.

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To build an ore can with ore in it, you need the rocket parts needed to build the can and the ore to put in it, just like if you're building a fuel tank you need the fuel on site to put in it. Unless you're launching from Kerbin then it's all free like everything else in the game.

Makes sense. Thanks.

EDIT: Also I finally found the config.

Turns out, the Rocket Builder doesn't build rockets, but parts to make rockets with. Sheesh.

Edited by Melfice
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Turns out, the Rocket Builder doesn't build rockets, but parts to make rockets with. Sheesh.

BTW, is there any alternative part to make rocket parts? Don't have anything agaisnt this one, but it looks kinda strange in orbital wharves.

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BTW, is there any alternative part to make rocket parts? Don't have anything agaisnt this one, but it looks kinda strange in orbital wharves.

That's (sort of) why I was looking for the Parts Workshop config in the first place.

Not so much because it'd stand out in space docks (I don't intend to have the workshop in space), but because it is very annoying to place properly on the surface of planets.

I copied the stock science lab, and changed its config to function as a Workshop.

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I've gone through all the (for me) likely configs, but the formatting in Notepad (possibly fixed with another editor, but I have none) makes it highly confusing to check what the part actually does.

You'll have to get one. I hear notepad++ deals with unix style line endings (\n). For whatever reason, notepad deals with only dos (\r\n) and mac (\r) line endings. As to why the files are in unix format: I use Linux.

EDIT: Also, why are some of the containers pre-filled with ore, metal and parts? That kind of removes the incentive of actually mining and refining. EDIT+: I'm hoping that creating a container filled with parts costs more parts than you get, but still. For any dock above Kerbin, it's easier to just create new ships with the pre-filled containers.

This was covered nicely by others, but just want to add: EL is more about the building than the mining, at least for now. Also the next version of EL will allow the player to force resource usage even if Kethane is not present. Without Kethane, mining is impossible so there needs to be a way to re-supply bases.

BTW, is there any alternative part to make rocket parts? Don't have anything agaisnt this one, but it looks kinda strange in orbital wharves.

Not at this stage, but it's easy enough to copy the config over to a part that does fit better in your station.

I copied the stock science lab, and changed its config to function as a Workshop.

The science lab is ok-ish for the workshop, but I think it will work better for the manned workshop that will be in the next release of EL. Without at least one of those, nothing will get built :) (note: no reason the science lab can't do all three jobs: science, workshop, parts converter)

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Well, until the next version of EL, my edit will have to do.

Glad to see new models are coming at least. The current workshop really is a pain in the arse to work with.

Can you please post you cfg content for that thing? I've copies 2 files for science lab, renamed them to match builder's files, edited cfg, but seems I missed something because now game can't load with that edited part =\

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The build resources window doesn't go away if you click the EL button in 00toolbar, and it defaults to open, would prefer if it defaulted to closed, and was shown/hidden by the button, oh and it would be nice if it remembered it's position, it keeps re-opening in the middle of the screen.

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While it currently defaults to open (actually, still will), toolbar support was added specifically for hiding the build resources display. I have already added position/state saving for the next release (at the thread of dire consequences inflicted by Greys should I not).

My work on progressive builds is coming along nicely, so I think the next release won't be too far off.

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If I want to change the model of the part that creates rocket parts out of metal, which config do I need to look in?

I've gone through all the (for me) likely configs, but the formatting in Notepad (possibly fixed with another editor, but I have none) makes it highly confusing to check what the part actually does.

EDIT: Also, why are some of the containers pre-filled with ore, metal and parts? That kind of removes the incentive of actually mining and refining. EDIT+: I'm hoping that creating a container filled with parts costs more parts than you get, but still. For any dock above Kerbin, it's easier to just create new ships with the pre-filled containers.

Can you please post you cfg content for that thing? I've copies 2 files for science lab, renamed them to match builder's files, edited cfg, but seems I missed something because now game can't load with that edited part =\

Literally two pages back I posted a config for Module Manager (which I believe Kethane comes with, so if you're mining with Kethane you aren't adding anything but a config) that will add the functionality to Kethane converters as well as hide the extra parts if you'd like.

Regarding the "full" containers...also remember, not ALL building is done planetside. What if you have an orbital dock, and you want to get parts up to it? Either they start full, or they start empty...it's a mixed bag in my opinion. Eventually you'll either try to fly parts up when you didn't mean to, or you'll fly up empty containers when you meant to ship parts. :)

As far as editing files, it's rather easy to be honest. If you're having issues with notepad, I'd suggest wordpad as it seems to recognize the linux carriage returns.

Edited by Vladthemad
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Love the recycler. My orbital construction station is currently over 100T dry mass and only maybe 20T of that was sent up as the prebuilt station core and raw metal. Everything else is from recycling fuel supply and crew ships.

Quick question though. Does the collider code have a sanity check to see if the vessel hitting the recycler is the same one the recycler is attached to? Will I accidentally divide by zero if part of my station (like a manipulator arm) touches the recycler and it tries to eat itself ouroboros style?

Also, when a recycler eats a ship, is the crew transfered in like resources?

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Literally two pages back I posted a config for Module Manager (which I believe Kethane comes with, so if you're mining with Kethane you aren't adding anything but a config) that will add the functionality to Kethane converters as well as hide the extra parts if you'd like.

You should start a new thread, maybe, or at least create a link to your post in your signature. One of the truisms of forums is buried posts don't get read.

Will I accidentally divide by zero if part of my station (like a manipulator arm) touches the recycler and it tries to eat itself ouroboros style?

I asked just this question many pages ago (see, Vlad?) and was literally told "no Ouroboros here." by the author.

Also, when a recycler eats a ship, is the crew transfered in like resources?

This one I don't know. I'd assume they die and run a test in sandbox mode to find out for sure.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Love the recycler. My orbital construction station is currently over 100T dry mass and only maybe 20T of that was sent up as the prebuilt station core and raw metal. Everything else is from recycling fuel supply and crew ships.

Quick question though. Does the collider code have a sanity check to see if the vessel hitting the recycler is the same one the recycler is attached to? Will I accidentally divide by zero if part of my station (like a manipulator arm) touches the recycler and it tries to eat itself ouroboros style?

Also, when a recycler eats a ship, is the crew transfered in like resources?

Good to hear that the recycler is making life easy :)

Oroboro is something I had thought of while developing the recycling bins, so yes, there is a sanity check to avoid a vessel eating itself.

As of v3.7, boarded kerbals get recycled properly..

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I asked just this question many pages ago (see, Vlad?) and was literally told "no Ouroboros here." by the author.

I skimmed the last 20 pages, but there's a lot to catch up on. I stopped playing KSP for a couple months and lost track of mods.

Good to hear that the recycler is making life easy :)

I wouldn't say easy... Poking the recycler from a kilometer out with 30 tons of vessel, LFO, and cargo is pretty unforgiving. My station should be about 40T heavier and have a lot more spare life support, but I've had to do some repairs.

Oroboro is something I had thought of while developing the recycling bins, so yes, there is a sanity check to avoid a vessel eating itself.

As of v3.7, boarded kerbals get recycled properly..

Good to know, thanks.

By recycled properly, do you mean the kethane "WAITNOSTOP" school of recycling?

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