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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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Taniwha, I'm seeing an exception pop up on scene change, any scene change, something to do with KIS somehow.

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.KIS.KISWrapper.Initialize () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExSettings.OnAwake () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ScenarioModule.Awake () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

Edit: It appears to be due to the absence of KIS, since I didn't have it when I thought I did, heh.

Edited by smjjames
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Enceos: KerbalStats tracks time-based experience, so engineers (even the stupidest) will improve their productivity the longer they spend time in a workshop.

I found some seat_tasks in the KerbalStats folder, what does it do?

I have many mods with pods and cabins, do I need to add something here?

KSExpSeatMap {
SeatTasks {
name = Large_Crewed_Lab
default = Science
SeatTasks {
name = Mark1-2Pod
default = Pilot
LeftSeat = Pilot
RightSeat = Pilot
BottomSeat = Command

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Enceos: KerbalStats collects KSExpSeatMap nodes from all GameData directories (EL's workshop map is in EL's directory), so no need to add the configs there, but yes, that is what you want to copy. Note that for the Mk1-2 pod, the default line is actually redundant as all seats are specified. KS's readme documents it (I must remember to remove the docs for the gender module).

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Enceos: KerbalStats collects KSExpSeatMap nodes from all GameData directories (EL's workshop map is in EL's directory), so no need to add the configs there, but yes, that is what you want to copy. Note that for the Mk1-2 pod, the default line is actually redundant as all seats are specified. KS's readme documents it (I must remember to remove the docs for the gender module).

Do I miss on something if there's no such file for MKS seats? Do Kerbals still gain experience?

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They get Passenger experience :) Pretty useless at this stage, but the experience system tracks tasks (EVA, Passenger, Pilot, ...), situation, and body (so you can have a kerbal that is highly experienced at being a passenger in orbit around Moho). I actually wrote KerbalStats and its experience system specifically for EL (and the gender module for texture replacer), but kept EL's workshop experience out of KS.

Mods can define any experience they want just by listing that experience in KSExpSeatMap{} (yes, that leaves room for problems with typos).

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Doctor Axel: Indeed it should have been called something else :(

I'm pretty certain stock Ore is fully replaceable: just do a whole-word search for "Ore" through the Squad branch of GameData (you'll need to hit the resource definition, and all mention of Ore in the various parts). Similar story for MetalOre, but in the ExtraplantaryLaunchpads branch (and I know you can change it :))

Shiny =) I'm thinking FuelOre. Seems appropriate.

Looking forward to 5.2!

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Awesome job on this mod for KSP 1... , thank you for your efforts.

Is there a size limit to what can be constructed in Orbit or with the "Stakes"? I am attempting to construct a large drill platform and it constantly blows up after construction (Note: I am able to construct small craft without issue). The craft is approximately 10x10 in diameter (wheels sickout further) and weighs approximately 270 tonnes full (yes it's a Rover hehe!), but there are always two components that disintegrate upon finalizing construction, 2x Cupola Pods at the front and back and 2x ISRU converter units on the top platform. I have tried moving the orbital "spawn node" out further to 10m thinking it maybe colliding with something but this has no effect?


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There are no deliberate limits in EL. I can think of two things at this stage: either something is throwing an exception (check your logs), or KSP does not appreciate 270t being thrown around willy-nilly (as the vessel is being built, its mass is added to the pad's mass, when the vessel is finalized, its mass is subtracted (instantaneously) from the pad's mass).

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Man, this is like the 3rd revision of this post before I actually hit "post" :huh:

I've poked around a little into the cfgs of this mod, and as nice as it would be to have Ore get expanded on to the point where you have 1 base you get multiple things out of (like Karbonite), I'm kindof digging (pun intended) having multiple resources for different thing. Ore gets you fuel, MetalOre gets you ships. I haven't actually sunk my teeth into this much practically yet, but do ships spawn with fuel? Can they spawn w/o fuel? It would add another facet to Ore>Fuel.... (EDIT: or even rocket parts requiring Ore to make, beyond the "use Ore to smelt" idea you posted earlier)

In any case, a big thank you for this mod :D

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Man, this is like the 3rd revision of this post before I actually hit "post" :huh:

I've poked around a little into the cfgs of this mod, and as nice as it would be to have Ore get expanded on to the point where you have 1 base you get multiple things out of (like Karbonite), I'm kindof digging (pun intended) having multiple resources for different thing. Ore gets you fuel, MetalOre gets you ships. I haven't actually sunk my teeth into this much practically yet, but do ships spawn with fuel? Can they spawn w/o fuel? It would add another facet to Ore>Fuel.... (EDIT: or even rocket parts requiring Ore to make, beyond the "use Ore to smelt" idea you posted earlier)

In any case, a big thank you for this mod :D

Ships spawn without resources. You have to transfer resources (there is a UI window that pops up that gives you the option to transfer resources from the creating craft to the created one before releasing the build out into the world.

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Man, this is like the 3rd revision of this post before I actually hit "post" :huh:

I've poked around a little into the cfgs of this mod, and as nice as it would be to have Ore get expanded on to the point where you have 1 base you get multiple things out of (like Karbonite), I'm kindof digging (pun intended) having multiple resources for different thing. Ore gets you fuel, MetalOre gets you ships. I haven't actually sunk my teeth into this much practically yet, but do ships spawn with fuel? Can they spawn w/o fuel? It would add another facet to Ore>Fuel.... (EDIT: or even rocket parts requiring Ore to make, beyond the "use Ore to smelt" idea you posted earlier)

In any case, a big thank you for this mod :D

Movable resources are not created, so you will have to fill your tanks manually after creating your craft. The exception are unmovable resources like Ablator or SolidFuel since you can't add them in after creation.

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Ships spawn without resources. You have to transfer resources (there is a UI window that pops up that gives you the option to transfer resources from the creating craft to the created one before releasing the build out into the world.
Movable resources are not created, so you will have to fill your tanks manually after creating your craft. The exception are unmovable resources like Ablator or SolidFuel since you can't add them in after creation.

Simply awesome!

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There are no deliberate limits in EL. I can think of two things at this stage: either something is throwing an exception (check your logs), or KSP does not appreciate 270t being thrown around willy-nilly (as the vessel is being built, its mass is added to the pad's mass, when the vessel is finalized, its mass is subtracted (instantaneously) from the pad's mass).

Thanks for your response. I have done some investigating after you suggested to look into the "Log" file and have discovered that it is a design fault of my craft, the ISRU units were colliding with the side of the chassis causing them to disintegrate when construction was completed. Back to the drawing board... Also discovered that the Tweak Scale Mod causes a considerable amount of errors...


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You have lots of options.

1. use the standard EPL parts and resource workflow. nothing changes

2. Use MKS parts for making rocketparts, which is a different workflow.

3. Use a combination of both. The MKS parts with EPL build functionatlity do basically the same thing just look more MKS'ish

ah, alright, thanks!

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I did a thread search and did not find this anywhere, so I am sorry if this is a repeat question.

When I click the EL button in the toolbar it opens up the menu for Kerbal Alarm Clock instead of the EL GUI. I am having trouble pinning down why this is happening, but it can be easily recreated.


Edited by Smurfalot
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I have released version 5.1.91 of EL (beta for 5.2.0). Links in the first post.

Changes from 5.1.90:

  • Fix NRE in KIS detection code when KIS is not installed.
  • Augers will not extract more MetalOre than the config file allows when sitting on a Kethane MetalOre deposit.

Again, this is a beta version for 5.2.0. There may be bugs in the new features and there is still work to be done on polish (mostly module info for the parts list), and stock depletion zones are not yet supported. However, things do seem to work nicely. Good luck :).

I'm aware KIS 1.1.2 came out before I rolled this release (but I didn't know until after pushing the tag). The survey stakes may break.

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I'm not sure when this started as I didn't see it earlier before I put in the latest KIS, I'm seeing this exception when I launch a ship that has launch clamps on it. It doesn't keep them from working though. Using EL 5.1.91

I included the bit before and after because it seemed useful. It triggers for each launch clamp that is with the ship.

[EL ELC] OnPutToGround qr.lop: [launchClamp1 (Part), 0]

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExtendingLaunchClamp.FindCollider (UnityEngine.Transform xform) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExtendingLaunchClamp.OnPutToGround (.PartHeightQuery qr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
UnityEngine.Component:SendMessage(String, Object, SendMessageOptions)
ShipConstruction:PutShipToGround(ShipConstruct, Transform)

(Filename: Line: -1)

putting ship to ground: 0

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I made an orbital launchpad, it has a workshop and 9k rocket parts, the workshop is filled with 5star engineers. I put it in orbit on minimus and also tried while landed and suborbital, in all cases I have -5.7 productivity rating.

http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/28489817089233907/16A797A4376ADF99CD66FA3ACCE2973F038C56E6/ here's a picture. There's nothing in the OP, the descriptions of the workshop or the launchpad that mentions why this might be the case.

This is in sandbox mode and I used infinite fuel to get to minimus, I just want to learn how to use all the parts in the mods I get before I bring them to career mode. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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I'm not sure when this started as I didn't see it earlier before I put in the latest KIS, I'm seeing this exception when I launch a ship that has launch clamps on it. It doesn't keep them from working though. Using EL 5.1.91

I included the bit before and after because it seemed useful. It triggers for each launch clamp that is with the ship.

[EL ELC] OnPutToGround qr.lop: [launchClamp1 (Part), 0]

(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 56)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExtendingLaunchClamp.FindCollider (UnityEngine.Transform xform) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads.ExtendingLaunchClamp.OnPutToGround (.PartHeightQuery qr) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
UnityEngine.Component:SendMessage(String, Object, SendMessageOptions)
ShipConstruction:PutShipToGround(ShipConstruct, Transform)

(Filename: Line: -1)

putting ship to ground: 0

Ouch. I'll look into this when I get home from work (one hour today :)) along with general KIS 1.1.2 compatibility.

is there plans to release this mod on CKAN again?

I never did in the first place. You'll have to ask the person who put earlier versions on CKAN.

I made an orbital launchpad, it has a workshop and 9k rocket parts, the workshop is filled with 5star engineers. I put it in orbit on minimus and also tried while landed and suborbital, in all cases I have -5.7 productivity rating.

http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/28489817089233907/16A797A4376ADF99CD66FA3ACCE2973F038C56E6/ here's a picture. There's nothing in the OP, the descriptions of the workshop or the launchpad that mentions why this might be the case.

This is in sandbox mode and I used infinite fuel to get to minimus, I just want to learn how to use all the parts in the mods I get before I bring them to career mode. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

It looks like everything is working as designed. Your stupid kerbals outweigh your non-stupid kerbals. Stock experience has no effect in sandbox mode. You have two options:

  1. EVA one kerbal at a time looking for those that cause productivity to go up when they EVA: send them elsewhere.
  2. Install KerbalStats and wait (with a different ship in focus or at the space center). Come back every now and then and check productivity: you should find that it gradually increases and becomes positive (as your kerbals learn their job).

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productivity, The shipyard is running at 2.0 vessle is 19 any idea why the difference is? I added 6 oks workshops to the ship to up the shipyards ability, also is it possible to load kerbals on the shipyard? i have 10 kerbals on the ship.

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