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[1.12.x] KSP Alternate Resource Panel v2.11.0.0 (April 10)


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v2.9.1.0 is now out

Available via Github, spacedock and curse , and here's whats been done:

  • Merged in fix to move settings to PluginData - thanks Kerbas-as-astra
  • Moved some other textures to PluginData
  • Fixed the replace stock functionality \o/

Apologies for the slowness in updates, and will look back at some of the other requests soon

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  • 2 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Rough Draft said:

Think I just found a bug. Tried to create a separator and i clicked move to top of list. ALL resources disappeared. If needed I can provide my mod list. 

Edit: How do I reset this...

It's the same as this one:

Go to "Kerbal Space Program\GameData\TriggerTech\KSPAlternateResourcePanel\PluginData", open "settings.cfg" and find there following code. ID will be different, but it's the first item in ResourceStorage section. Delete this item record and reload the game (F5, F9 during flight works too).

			id = 49
			name = 
			IsSeparator = True
			Visibility = AlwaysOn
			AlarmEnabled = False
			HideWhenEmpty = False
			HideWhenFull = False
			MonitorDirection = Low
			MonitorWarningLevel = 20
			MonitorAlertLevel = 10
			SplitLastStage = True
			ShowReserveLevels = False
			DisplayValueAs = Units


Edit: I opened the issue #88

Edited by maja
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Hi @TriggerAu I get the following NRE on flight scene load:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at KSPAlternateResourcePanel.KSPAlternateResourcePanel.SetAppButtonToTrue () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KSPAlternateResourcePanel.KSPAlternateResourcePanel.RepeatingWorker () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at KSPPluginFramework.MonoBehaviourExtended.RepeatingWorkerWrapper () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

I have the Button Style set to "Replace Stock Resources App" in case that matters. If you need more info, don't hesitate to ask.

Edited by Kobymaru
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  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a way to reposition the ARP once it displays that I'm just not figuring out, rather than a simple binary toggleOn and toggleOff option?  My ONLY complaint about this fantastic little plugin is that it makes clicking on KSC messages and the stock contract window into a real pain.

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On 08/01/2017 at 1:46 PM, MisterFister said:

Is there a way to reposition the ARP once it displays that I'm just not figuring out, rather than a simple binary toggleOn and toggleOff option?  My ONLY complaint about this fantastic little plugin is that it makes clicking on KSC messages and the stock contract window into a real pain.

Man I didnt see this one sorry. By default it locks it in the top left like the normal panel, but if you open the settings, and choose Styling/Visuals section there is a check that lets you lock/unlock the poccition. so you can move it and then lock it so it doesnt get acidentally dragged 


Got fixes out for KAC and TWP, this ones next

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Just FYI. Setting CKAN compatibility to "1.2", installing this (crazy) huge (~170) mod list and loading up this sandbox save and switching to the 200 part stock parts only ship in orbit leads to a heap memory allocation of around 12-15MB/s. OK, this installation is maybe a little to crazy. I know. :) However, removing ARP brings down the heap memory allocation to around 6-8MB/s. I know a 170 mod installation is not the case for which stuff should need to be optimised for, so I just live without ARP and all is OK.
However, maybe you want to have a look at it anyway.

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5 hours ago, Jebs_SY said:


Just FYI. Setting CKAN compatibility to "1.2", installing this (crazy) huge (~170) mod list and loading up this sandbox save and switching to the 200 part stock parts only ship in orbit leads to a heap memory allocation of around 12-15MB/s. OK, this installation is maybe a little to crazy. I know. :) However, removing ARP brings down the heap memory allocation to around 6-8MB/s. I know a 170 mod installation is not the case for which stuff should need to be optimised for, so I just live without ARP and all is OK.
However, maybe you want to have a look at it anyway.

Trying to look at this one yeah with the others, Im sure its gonna be something like foreach loops or some such. Just gotta carve out another chunk o time from that pesky Real Life thing :) Thanks for the info, much appreciated

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/15/2017 at 10:56 AM, Jebs_SY said:


Just FYI. Setting CKAN compatibility to "1.2", installing this (crazy) huge (~170) mod list and loading up this sandbox save and switching to the 200 part stock parts only ship in orbit leads to a heap memory allocation of around 12-15MB/s. OK, this installation is maybe a little to crazy. I know. :) However, removing ARP brings down the heap memory allocation to around 6-8MB/s. I know a 170 mod installation is not the case for which stuff should need to be optimised for, so I just live without ARP and all is OK.
However, maybe you want to have a look at it anyway.

I believe I am getting a crash because of this, as when my game CTD the last line in the log was ARP trying to load some textures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just as information : I tried ARP again on my highly modded install (~180 mods) and it still raises the heap allocation a noticable (doubled) amount:  http://imgur.com/a/o4yk9
Only difference in the two screenshots is, that ARP was removed. Continue playing without ARP for the time being. I just thought, I'll give it another try. o/ :) 


Edited by Jebs_SY
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  • 1 month later...

It would be nice if there were pages to switch between resources:

If you are making crazy stuff with resourceful mods :P

I added so much of them to tanks, that it overflowed :P

Edited by raxo2222
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  • 1 month later...

Hey hey.

I've started playing around with the ARPWrapper, because I'd like to include resource levels from Alternate Resource Panel in my plugin.

So after reading the API access docs I've copied the ARPWrapper file in to my code base, changed the namespace and included it. My Start method looks very similar to the basic check documented, just counting the VesselResources object like this:

        public void Start()

            // Some more initialisation code here

            if (ARPWrapper.APIReady)
                Debug.Log(String.Format("ARPWrapperTest: {0} resources found", ARPWrapper.KSPARP.VesselResources.Count));
            } else {
                Debug.Log("ARPWrapperTest: AlternateResourcePanel not found. Resource providers WILL NOT WORK.");

Whenever I check VesselResources in my Start method like this, though, it always comes back as an empty list. I'm not too familiar with how ARP logs, but the way I read the relevant section of my KSP.log, ARP does seem to have finished initialising all of the relevant objects by the time my code comes to check. The full log of this code running looks like:

[LOG 02:19:10.186] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Attempting to Grab KSPARP Types...
[LOG 02:19:10.198] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Got Assembly Types, grabbing Instance
[LOG 02:19:10.198] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Got Instance, Creating Wrapper Objects
[LOG 02:19:10.199] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Getting APIReady Object
[LOG 02:19:10.199] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Success: True
[LOG 02:19:10.199] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Getting Vessel Resources Object
[LOG 02:19:10.199] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Success: True
[LOG 02:19:10.199] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Getting Last Stage Resources Object
[LOG 02:19:10.199] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Success: True
[LOG 02:19:10.199] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Getting State Change Event
[LOG 02:19:10.200] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Getting Acknowledged Event
[LOG 02:19:10.200] 5/4/2017 2:19:10 AM,KerbalSimPit-ARPWrapper,Getting Acknowledge Method
[LOG 02:19:10.203] ARPWrapperTest: 0 resources found

Of course, I've tried doing the same thing in my Update method, and by then the VesselResources object seems to contain the right information - I can get a count, and iterating it returns all of the expected resources for my vessel.

So, is this a bug? I don't think it's a huge problem for my code, because I should be able to obtain the resource IDs I want, and using them as keys in VesselResources and LastStageResources every Update doesn't sound excessive. But it certainly wasn't expected, and the API docs explicitly use this as an example that should work.

Oh, and one other minor thing, the API docs still link to https://kspalternateresourcepanel.codeplex.com for code samples - that should probably be updated to point to the equivalent github URLs. :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if this has anything to do with the issues mentioned above, but when I got it open in a flight scene and exited and later came into another flight sceene, it just stays there, impossible to close, so stock contracts windows is behind it...

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5 minutes ago, nhnifong said:

Hey there, I'm looking for a way to show resource rates of change to more than 6 decimal places, so I can assess bottlenecks in my MKS base.

Does this mod do that, or can it be configured to do so? Looks like a no but I could be wrong. Thanks.

No it can't - however it's resolution in *time* to full is higher, and might be more helpful.

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