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[WIP] Rerum+ | KSP Add-on For Improving The Look And Feel Of KSP


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Coming To KSP Soon

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Kingofawesome13: Project Manager, Texturing, Coding

Special Thanks To:

the5thHorseman: for letting me use one of his textures!

rbray89: for helping with lots of things!


1-24-14: I finally fixed the issue, all I had to do was take out the sound card. so yeah.

1-20-14: My computer is being a donkey butt, it maybe a conflict between the sound card and the motherboard, which in turn(because I am crap at building computers) makes the whole computer be a derp, all because I plugged in a new set of speakers. So, if you haven't picked up on, I can't do anything to the mod until I fix it.

To Do List:


-Texture Lights: ~60%

-Texture Clouds: 0%

-Texture Aurora: 0%

-Texture Asteroid/meteor: 0%

-Texture(?) Storms: 0%

-Texture(?) GUI: 0%


-Code Lights: 0%

-Code Clouds: 0%

-Code Aurora: 0%-Code Asteroid: 0%

-Code Storms: 0%

-Code GUI: 0%

-Code Telescope: 0 %

-Compile Files: Not Yet Completed

Things That Will Be Featured On Release:

When this mod is released, I will upload a feature video inspired by This Video.

I will also upload a speech video that lists and explains all the features.

I will provide the Install download and the Source Code also, and a license.

The pre-release releases will be the Add-on in Alpha, for when I'm in the middle of adding the features. Beta, for bug testing and compatibility testing. And after that, there will be the final release.


What Will This Add-on Introduce To The Game?

This add-on will introduce:

1. Random Aurora Clouds over Kerbin, Laythe, Eve, Duna, and Jool.

2. City Lights on Kerbin

3. Storms(Such as lightning and hurricanes) on Kerbin, Laythe, Jool(Like that huge storm on Jupiter), Eve, and Duna.

4. Parts for space and ground telescopes that take pictures of planets, nebulae, etc. It will also have infrared and other forms of light spectrums. I will also add art from the community that is chosen on a Google Drive form.

5. Asteroids/Meteors, they can burn up in atmospheres of Kerbin and other planets with atmospheres.

6. A GUI for choosing what features to disable/enable.

Aren't You Biting Off More Than You Can Chew?

Well, they didn't build Rome in a day. Nor, did they build the ISS overnight.

But Doesn't Visual Enhancements Already Have Lights and Clouds?

It Doesn't have the other things though. And it doesn't have a menu to choose which features you want to activate.

I Will Post Other Questions Asked On The Thread Here.

Edited by Kingofawesome13
Added Special Thanks
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Uh, Visual Enhancements already has city lights. And also, the only way to make asteroids/meteors/meteorites burn up in the atmosphere is to create a reentry system, which would be kind of redundant since we already have deadly reentry. Also, the guy doing Visual Enhancements is already doing auroras, though that feature isn't finished yet.

Also, you might want to ask a mod to move this topic to the right forum. This is the Add-on RELEASES forum, and you haven't released anything, or even started to work on it. It belongs in Addon Development.

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Is there a release to showcase? No? Then it goes in Dev.

(Project showcase means *released* project showcase, as has been established for years.)

Kingofawesome13, those are some neat ideas (although, as mentioned, a good number of them are already in Vis Enhancements). Good luck!

Edited by NathanKell
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Is it just me or is he biting of way more than he can chew? No offense, but it seems like he's trying to ride a horse he hasn't tamed yet.

It looks like a list of things he just wants in the game. Like, most plugins I've seen focus on one thing, or expand to other things based on one central idea. None of these things are related to each other, so who really knows.

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There's a lot of negativity in this thread. So what if this mod will add things that are added by other mods? The same goes for plenty of others. So what if it's a lot for a beginner? That's how you learn. I for one will be following the progress of this with interest.

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No DL link, moved to addon development.

Also guys, can we all stay nice here? Would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: ps - no need to make any more threads with the same content, this one should be fine, thanks.

Edited by stupid_chris
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It's usually a better idea to try and work with people trying to accomplish the same things rather than to strike out on your own. This is a community after-all.

That being said, I will gladly help you in any way that I can with regards to how my visual enhancement mod works.

I learned a LOT about unity, KSP, shaders, graphics & rendering while working on this mod. I already know C#/.net VERY well, and it would have taken me much, MUCH, longer to get where I am with my mod had I not known about VS & C#. If I were you, I would start out by learning C#. Learn about the generic storage types (List<>, Dictionary<,>, etc.), c# arrays, accessesor permission keywords, properties (one of the best features of this language IMHO), how C# passes/handles references (may need keyword ref), and good OO programming basics. Once you understand everything I just talked about, then I would look at drafting requirements for a mod.

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It looks like a list of things he just wants in the game. Like, most plugins I've seen focus on one thing, or expand to other things based on one central idea. None of these things are related to each other, so who really knows.

The thing that they all have in similar is that it would add to the look in the game. Thus the name: "Rerum" which is latin for universe. So if you look add it, it's Universe+. Which is "Adding something good to the Kuniverse."

The thing is, VB and C# are very different and take time to learn. You're trying to go into this a little early, you should probably wait a little before announcing this.

Actually, they kind of do. They both are computer programming languages. And I don't really care about that because I discovered a great Dev Kit.

SO, did you managed to acomplish something already from this list?

Any screens?


It's usually a better idea to try and work with people trying to accomplish the same things rather than to strike out on your own. This is a community after-all.

That being said, I will gladly help you in any way that I can with regards to how my visual enhancement mod works.

I learned a LOT about unity, KSP, shaders, graphics & rendering while working on this mod. I already know C#/.net VERY well, and it would have taken me much, MUCH, longer to get where I am with my mod had I not known about VS & C#. If I were you, I would start out by learning C#. Learn about the generic storage types (List<>, Dictionary<,>, etc.), c# arrays, accessesor permission keywords, properties (one of the best features of this language IMHO), how C# passes/handles references (may need keyword ref), and good OO programming basics. Once you understand everything I just talked about, then I would look at drafting requirements for a mod.

I'd love help! I'll PM you my Skype name and you can PM yours back! It would be an honor!

Edited by stupid_chris
do not triple and quadruple post.
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