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Yes, in the same way that: Private Parts, Corporal Punishment, Major Dilema, Captain Obvious, General Ignorance and Admiral Example are in the same military.

If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there to witness it, do you have a Wood Pecker line up to find the guilty party?

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Time is social consensus, and nature doesn't care what hour of the day it is on a specific planet, or how far along one planet is on its orbit around one star. Therefore there is no goal to life, and it is not passing time.

Would "B" be the same as "D" if "D" was the same as "E", but "C" is the same as "E", and "D" is the same as "C"?

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Of course. These are several names of the same letter.

4 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Is there a goal to life or is it just passing time?

There is a goal, and we conceded it.


As "football" means "game for foot" (i.e. for the infantry, peasants, not knights), does "handball" mean "game for henchmen"?

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It stands for 2 Femina Ovis. ( can't be sure if used but femina is female and ovis is sheep, so double ewe)

What is the word?


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The word is a set of letters, consisting of "w", "th", "qu", and random characters.

Why do they call "characters" both humans and letters? Do they believe that the letters are alive?

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Yes. They are alive, they work together to weave stories of wonder, to inform, to provoke emotion. They are patient, waiting for you to come and see their tale. They are truly alive.

What is a good question when all the ones you want to ask are too real and depressing?

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10 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Who is stronger, Slaanesh or Omnissia?

Omnissia. Knowledge beats pleasure.

How come in space, no-one can hear whipped cream?

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Cans of cream don't hear, they get heard.


20 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Knowledge beats pleasure.

Knowledge is pleasure. Mostly.


Was Yoda hiding in Louisiana in ep. V?

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No. Just living. The Emperor had forgotten all about him.



Where do they get all the metal to make Super Star Destroyers?

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Ewoks were refining it from the swamp ore.


The video splashscreen also explains the shape of the star destroyers.
It's like an iron knife, just big.

Was Darth Vader suit made after the SW toys design?


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