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Tortoises are good at going across land, but turtles are better since when they swim they easily reach a quarter the speed of light launching themselves to exact destinations like Proxima Centauri in about 16 years thanks to someone who funneled the entirety of Niagara Falls through a straw.


Could you destroy the moon by funneling Niagra falls through a straw and hitting the moon?

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Depends on the water pressure. I believe if we ask Ikea to make a conically shaped straw long and strong enough, that is it being wide at the base so as to funnel all of Niagra Fall's (well Water Jet now) and narrow on top so as to pressurise the water flowing through with great force into a small jet that has immense force. Through forcing the water out such a tiny nozzle, we should be able to eventually slice the Moon the in half or quarters, minced or even finely chopped up and diced. Of course this is all just a "what if" ...Or is it? *groovy mystery music begins*

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