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Of course.
I was a friend and a meat provider for the survived (after my previous visit) members (actually the only memberess stayed alive, because too beautiful to harm) of Andale family, helped to sell the Little Lamplight little inhabitants (and would do that again, cuz they are jerks) and Tenpenny Tower customers.
Let alone the countless devastations of the latter and many jolly tricks played on the Megaton inhabitants with help of pyrotechnics.

Once I had blown up Megaton, and once helped the ghouls to capture the Tenpenny Tower, just to watch what happens then.
Though, the result looked disgusting, as I always kill the ghouls from humanism misery pure true-human racism.
So, I reverted and never did it again. Just many times made deadly trips for Mr.Tenpenny on his balcony, usually ended with his flight towards his guards standing on the ground.
(Of course to those of them who could stand after a grenade stealthed into their pocket).

I many times attacked the raiders who were peacefully passing by due to my stealth skills (because I prefer to cowardly hide and sneak, sniping the NPC with as long shot as possible, to run away if they see.)

The harmed fauna was just countless. 
Do you think, I feel guilty? No. Irl those mutants would be eaten by wolves.
Why do the Fallout wolf-dogs attack armed people instead of helpless mutants?

And why this all?!
I could just use ~tgm/tcl, and everyone would stay alive.
This bad, cruel world...


Are the Legion and the Casadors absolutely stupid and excessive in Fallout New Vegas?

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Actually, I do.
It isn't as limited and greened-blued as F3.
The barrel and the scope match each other's position and the virtual mark on the screen, and that's very great.
It has calm locations and you can contact with most of humans before shooting them.
F4 looks more rough on my display, idk, why.  The weak mutants as molerats and bloatflies became invisible terminators instead of staying bunnies and candies. The endless ghoul spawners are just an extremely bad taste.
The modded FNV is better for me.

Should KSP have the Delta IX rocket?

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3 hours ago, KSP_linux0191 said:

Why does this forum exsist?

So that you have something to distract you from important stuff you should be doing.

2 minutes ago, Stormpilot said:



Why do I keep fixing things in KSP rather than just playing?

Edited by ColdJ
Stormpilot is a Ninja.
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