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[1.8.x] DMagic Orbital Science: New Science Parts [v1.4.3] [11/2/2019]


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Question: I had a contract that requires a magnetometer scan, laser surface scan, mystery goo, and science jr to be conducted on the surface, can I use the miniature versions for the mystery goo and science jr instead? or would it exactly require the bigger(stock) ones

sorry if I can't test it myself :(

Edited by lyndonguitar
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Question: I had a contract that requires a magnetometer scan, laser surface scan, mystery goo, and science jr to be conducted on the surface, can I use the miniature versions for the mystery goo and science jr instead? or would it exactly require the bigger(stock) ones

sorry if I can't test it myself :(

For my contracts any goo experiment will work. For the stock survey contracts (I think they all have waypoints) you have to use the stock goo pod.

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First thanks for this mod, it is a really good one, that greatly increase gameplay :)

I have a little problem with a contract : It asks me to do a "multispectral scan in low orbit of the sun", but multispectral tool (Multi-Spectral Imaging Platform) seems to be buggy in theses conditions. Both "Log Imaging Data" and "Start Multi-Spectral Scan" does not have any effects. If i click on "Log Imaging Data" in low orbit it does not work, but as soon as i reach high orbit, it automatically do an "imaging data logging". The GUI shows me that this experience is done in high orbit.

Note that this only occurs with the sun (well i have'nt explored all planteoids yet...).

To reproduce: put a "Multi-Spectral Imaging Platform" on a vessel, go to sun low orbit, try action "Log Imaging Data" or "Start Multi-Spectral Scan". I'm sorry i have'nt recorded the log file :(

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Hey Dmagic, really enjoy the mod. I have been using it for the better part of my KSP playtime. Never had any issues, except recently I got a contract with the following parameters. I have put the ship according to Engineer redux into the correct orbit, however no matter what I do I can't get the eccentricity to complete. I have tried fiddling with it as I have lots of fuel, but even right at .54 or just above it doesn't complete. I tried renaming the ship, as well as doing a burn to go suborbital thinking maybe it would reset it. No dice. Not really sure what the issue is, I tried fufilling the contract paramter with 2 similar sattelites, both with all the needed part, Magnometer scan and RPWM. Any idea what the issue is, and the solution?




guid = 6fb44530-f188-411a-b537-924469cbefd6

type = DMMagneticSurveyContract

prestige = 1

seed = -900973067

state = Active

agent = DMagic

deadlineType = Floating

expiryType = Floating

values = 312960,14048160.6445313,169500,186450,169500,0,170,56,3297113.74259709,3003819.02648412,17051979.6710154,0

Mag_Survey_Target = 2



name = DMLongOrbitParameter

state = Incomplete

values = 144000,0,203,160,0

Orbital_Parameter = 2|0.0|3,024,000.0



name = DMOrbitalParameters

state = Complete

disableOnStateChange = False

values = 0,0,0,0,0

Orbital_Parameter = 0|2|c49ba978-401f-49e3-afd7-48df630dc075|0.540




name = DMOrbitalParameters

state = Complete

disableOnStateChange = False

values = 0,0,0,0,0

Orbital_Parameter = 1|2|c49ba978-401f-49e3-afd7-48df630dc075|56.000





name = DMCollectScience

id = collectDMScience

enabled = False

state = Complete

values = 0,0,0,0,0

Science_Subject = 1|Magnetometer Scan|2|16||0




name = DMCollectScience

id = collectDMScience

enabled = False

state = Complete

values = 0,0,0,0,0

Science_Subject = 1|Magnetometer Scan|2|32||0




name = DMCollectScience

id = collectDMScience

enabled = False

state = Complete

values = 0,0,0,0,0

Science_Subject = 1|Radio Plasma Wave Scan|2|16||0




name = DMCollectScience

id = collectDMScience

enabled = False

state = Complete

values = 0,0,0,0,0

Science_Subject = 1|Radio Plasma Wave Scan|2|32||0



Edited by gzac95
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I have put the ship according to Engineer redux into the correct orbit, however no matter what I do I can't get the eccentricity to complete. I have tried fiddling with it as I have lots of fuel, but even right at .54 or just above it doesn't complete.

It's asking for an eccentricity of 0.54, not 0.054, which is what you are at.

I'm just wondering if you have science text for all of the new biomes?

Nope. There are many results for the default pack of Custom Biomes, but they have yet to be converted to the new stock biomes.

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Thanks for your great mod! Standard install in all my games :)

I have a question though - is it possible for your mod to be recognised in stock contracts? That is, I have a contract to place a satellite in a specific orbit with a Material Bay. Adding your US Material Bay to the craft does not fulfill the requirement, so whatever the stock contract is looking for is not triggered. Presumably the same would happen with the Mystery Goo container (haven't had a contract to test this yet).

Would be great if we could use your parts for these contracts instead.


- Micha.

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Thanks for your great mod! Standard install in all my games :)

I have a question though - is it possible for your mod to be recognised in stock contracts? That is, I have a contract to place a satellite in a specific orbit with a Material Bay. Adding your US Material Bay to the craft does not fulfill the requirement, so whatever the stock contract is looking for is not triggered. Presumably the same would happen with the Mystery Goo container (haven't had a contract to test this yet).

Would be great if we could use your parts for these contracts instead.


- Micha.

Well, if it asks for a Materials Bay, you have to put a Materials Bay in orbit and not a US Materials Bay.

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Well, if it asks for a Materials Bay, you have to put a Materials Bay in orbit and not a US Materials Bay.

Well, yes, from the program's perspective. But from a user's perspective it's the experiment, not the specific part implementing that experiment, that's important. At least IMO.

So I'm wondering if it's possible to change the stock config (ModuleManager?) to require (Materials Bay || US Materials Bay || <anything which implements Materials Bay>).

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Thanks for your great mod! Standard install in all my games :)

I have a question though - is it possible for your mod to be recognised in stock contracts? That is, I have a contract to place a satellite in a specific orbit with a Material Bay. Adding your US Material Bay to the craft does not fulfill the requirement, so whatever the stock contract is looking for is not triggered. Presumably the same would happen with the Mystery Goo container (haven't had a contract to test this yet).

Would be great if we could use your parts for these contracts instead.


- Micha.

This is a stock contract thing. It asks for a part by name, not by what module it has. So unless you have a part with the exact same name, it wouldn't work. Can't really do much on this side. I don't know if they have an OR function in there that allow us to modify the contract to accept this part or that part.

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Version is out; get it on Kerbal Stuff.

This adds reports for the new stock biomes. Most are just converted from reports used by the default Custom Biomes pack (all of the Custom Biomes reports are still present if you want to use that), and not every biome is represented, but a lot are.

There are also a few bug fixes, and the resource scanner Module Manager configs have been switched over to Regolth resources; see the first post for the complete change log.

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For my contracts any goo experiment will work. For the stock survey contracts (I think they all have waypoints) you have to use the stock goo pod.

Is there any way (particularly for US part versions) to get some thing other than the stock parts to count, especially for satellite contracts?

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Version is out; get it on Kerbal Stuff.

This adds reports for the new stock biomes. Most are just converted from reports used by the default Custom Biomes pack (all of the Custom Biomes reports are still present if you want to use that), and not every biome is represented, but a lot are.

There are also a few bug fixes, and the resource scanner Module Manager configs have been switched over to Regolth resources; see the first post for the complete change log.

Woohoo!! Update, thanks.

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Chapter 1: Radio and Plasma Wave Science

Chapter 2: Magnetometer

Chapter 3: Telescopes and Imaging Systems

Chapter 4: Laser Ablation

Chapter 5: Core Drill and Biological Experiments

Chapter 6: Neutron Reflections and Subsurface Water

Chapter 7X-Ray Diffraction and Surface Composition

The Exobiology Core Drill (also confusing referred to as the ExoKerbol Core Drill or the BioDrill in various different locations) has two primary inspirations: The biological experiments conducted by the Viking landers on Mars and the core drill experiment planned for the ExoMars rover.

Viking Biological Experiments

The Viking landers carried an instrument suite designed to analyze the soil of Mars for any traces of organic compounds and any signs on-going biological activity. The samples consisted of loose soil scooped up by a robotic arm that was then delivered to a sealed container in the lander. Three primary biological experiments were conducted on these samples; these serve as the inspiration for my instrument's incubation chambers.

There are several trenches dug out by Viking's sample arm visible in this picture.


Gas Exchange

A Martian soil sample was placed in a container with a carefully controlled atmosphere. A mix of nutrients was added to the soil along with water, which was then incubated for several days. Several gases were monitored during the incubation time on the assumption that any on-going metabolic activity would release or consume at least one of these gases; nothing was detected that wasn't also found in control experiments.

Pyrolytic Release

This experiment was carried out by placing the sample in a container filled with radiolabeled CO2 and CO, but without any water or other nutrients. After a few days of incubation the gas was removed and the soil sample was baked to break down any organic matter. Any Carbon-14 would be released and could be detected by Viking's instruments. Again, nothing was detected that wasn't also released in control experiments.

Labeled Release

Similar to the gas exchange experiment, the labeled release experiment involved incubating a sample in a sealed chamber and adding in a specialized nutrient solution. The organic nutrients in this experiment were labeled with radioactive Carbon-14, which can easily be distinguished from the more common, stable isotope Carbon-12. Any metabolic activity would be likely to give off radiolabeled Carbon-containing gases, such as CO2. Surprisingly, both Viking landers recorded the release of radiolabeled gas emitted in the experimental sample, but not in the control sample (which was heat-sterilized), though subsequent tests on the same samples failed to produce any radiolabeled results. The consensus is that these are results of some type of inorganic process taking place in the Martian soil.

ExoMars Rover

The Viking landers were limited by their ability to only sample the very upper layers of the Martian soil, those exposed to harsh solar radiation and the dry, thin atmosphere. The ExoMars rover is designed to drill down up to 2m below the surface to obtain soil samples for testing. The rover (along with its orbital counterpart, the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter) will be designed to perform several experiments to search for signs of biological activity.

Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer(MOMA)

The MOMA instrument is designed to provide a very detailed analysis of the sample composition using a mass spectrometer (separates and identifies compounds based on their mass and electrical charge), and will isolate organic molecules through laser desorption (applying an electric charge to organic compounds without destroying them) or through volatilization (baking the soil to release the relatively volatile organic compounds as a gas). The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether the soil contains the requirements to support life (as we know it) and whether there are any complex organic compounds present, which could be a sign of past or present biological activity.

A concept image of the ExoMars rover drilling through the surface. The drill itself is a complex device with several scientific instruments imbedded within, including an infrared spectrometer designed to study the composition and geology of the borehole created by the drill.


In the next segment we'll look at some of the other surface based experiments.

Edited by DMagic
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version is out; get it on kerbal stuff.

This adds reports for the new stock biomes. Most are just converted from reports used by the default custom biomes pack (all of the custom biomes reports are still present if you want to use that), and not every biome is represented, but a lot are.

There are also a few bug fixes, and the resource scanner module manager configs have been switched over to regolth resources; see the first post for the complete change log.

thank you very much!!!! :D

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I really like this mod, but have one issue (minor) with it.

The station science experiments (such as those involving Kuarks, zoology lab, etc), are very disappointing. It costs a lot to get a science lab, zoology lab, kuark generator into orbit. Then we get to do a few experiments, after which they seem to be mostly useless. I currently have several stations with Kuark generators which at this point are just sitting there.

I was thinking along the lines of long-term experiments, also multiple condition experiments. For example, a long term kuark experiment, which would return a continuous amount of money for a specified period of time, at the end of which would be a final payment. Also, how about an experiment which has to be done in two locations, for example, gather kuarks around the Mun, then more kuarks around Kerbin.

Don't get me wrong, I really like this mod, and think you have done a fantastic job.


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I really like this mod, but have one issue (minor) with it.

The station science experiments (such as those involving Kuarks, zoology lab, etc), are very disappointing. It costs a lot to get a science lab, zoology lab, kuark generator into orbit. Then we get to do a few experiments, after which they seem to be mostly useless. I currently have several stations with Kuark generators which at this point are just sitting there.

I was thinking along the lines of long-term experiments, also multiple condition experiments. For example, a long term kuark experiment, which would return a continuous amount of money for a specified period of time, at the end of which would be a final payment. Also, how about an experiment which has to be done in two locations, for example, gather kuarks around the Mun, then more kuarks around Kerbin.

Don't get me wrong, I really like this mod, and think you have done a fantastic job.


Ehm, wrong thread? This is the DMagic Orbital Science mod, and not the Station Science

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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