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[Collection] Silisko Industries - BACE 0.3(1) released! [April 28]


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reusable fairings

I think York did one, using lander leg animation, check his Particle Cannon and Scraprocket thread

baloon satellite

You are right, this is an incredible idea !

Nova, how\'s your progress with Orion, Sensors, Hinges ?

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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

You forgot to put public in front of class BaceControlUnit : SASModule in BaceControlUnit.cs, and it\'s the best thing to happen to me all day! I spent much of the rest of the day trying to figure out why r4m0n\'s MuMechLib.dll absolutely refused to expose any of it\'s classes, and it wasn\'t until I recompiled your code that I realized he forgot to put public before any of his classes. It also explains why Tosh\'s cart has the same problem, but C7\'s gear doesn\'t. I can now tell my code what other peoples parts are without the compiler throwing a tantrum spiral. Did I say thank you already?

Just for that, I\'m launching a BACE mission to the Mun in your honor.

PS If anyone is completely confused or worried, the code is just fine as far as I can tell, it\'s purely a programmer thing.

PPS Kellvonic Imperial Robotics and WarPeacemachines is still eagerly awaiting your hingy doodad thingies.

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Love the new parts, finally got up a very Salyut-esque station, working on a mun base now. Can\'t wait for the hinge joints to come along, it\'ll help with hiding things under fairings.

r4m0n is actually making his own, thousands-of-times-better hinge plugin, so Probodobodyne is going to use that instead.

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Hey, I\'m back again. Thanks for the advice about the invisible connector; I\'ve since managed to orbit a few nice stations!



I\'m on to troubleshooting a different part of this set: The BACE Unmanned Control Unit. The UCU allows you to select and control what would otherwise be discarded parts of your ship.

I\'ve been experimenting with lofting a constellation of satellites using Probodobodyne. I\'ve been having some control issues with them, and after some fruitless experimentation, I thought I\'d appeal to the hive-mind. Here\'s what I\'m doing:


Each unit consists of a UCU, a Probo SAS, a Probo Fuel Tank, and a tiny Probo engine. A few cosmetic parts were added. They get deployed one at a time, and all the parts are staged before they\'re separated. That is, I could use the engines prior to staging if needed to alter orbit slightly.

After separation, I go to the tracking station and select a satellite. After I take control of it (this works, yay!), there are a few issues. The throttle works fine, and I can toggle SAS to stop a tumble, but I\'m unable to use the SAS to point the ship with WASD. From other experiments, RCS works ok. Originally, I thought that it was the absence of an SAS unit that prevented control, but that doesn\'t seem to be it. Any tips on making the probes steerable other than RCS, which is pretty heavy for what I\'m doing?

Another problem, which I think stems from how KSP handles stages, is that if I cut loose a stage with unactivated equipment, it all gets collapsed to a single stage in the resulting vessel. I was wondering if a plugin would be capable of recording and recreating the stage info in the separated vessel? Mind you, Harv will likely have to deal with this when he tackles undocking, anyway, so perhaps it\'s premature to ask.


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