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[1.6.1] Soundtrack Editor 4.6 (2019-01-28)


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The version 3 configuration file is completely different to the old one. You'll have to create a new file for it. Eventually the new playlist GUI will do away with cfg editing, but we're stuck with it for now.

Ah, I see! :D Thanks for the reply.

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Have you been able to make any headway with celestial body specific songs? I know you mentioned having a hold on coding due to a hard drive failure. But I was hoping it might be close to being included, as I would love to put my music in and write music for the game.

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Have you been able to make any headway with celestial body specific songs? I know you mentioned having a hold on coding due to a hard drive failure. But I was hoping it might be close to being included, as I would love to put my music in and write music for the game.

No headway since. Life has been more busy than usual of late.

I've noticed that not all my music in my playlist was used successfully. Some tracks got carted off to the "Unused Tracks" section. Is there a maximum number of tracks?

There should be no maximum file count. You could have a bug, an unsupported file type, or a syntax error in the configuration file. Could you post your output_log.txt and configuration file?

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Can you add an alternative mirror from mediafire? My PC hates it and refuses to download from it.

The latest preview build was already posted with a google drive link.

I have been mucking around with this mod a bit and I have to say: absolutely fantastic work, it is greatly appreciated!

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It absolutely doesn't work for me. So, I've done everything as needed, installed the mod, put ~10 soundtracks (.mp3) from Interstellar into the "Music" folder, launched the game, quited it, found the "Settings" folder, and found no "Unused" music files, which means, that the program doesn't detect those mp3 files, for some reason.

I converted them into .wav, and the mod finally did recognise them. So, I filled out everything that I had to do, placed some in SpacePlaylist, some in ConstructionPlaylist, launched the game. In the menu I heard an ambient sound, which I didn't replace, so I went to my savegame and entered the VAB. Didn't hear any music whatsoever, besides the ambient of the VAB. I though: "Okay, let me look at CSharp file". After those words, I opened it, didn't get preety much anything from what is written there (I know really little of C#). Then I went converting those audio files into .ogg, same thing happened in the game. I even deleted all symbols like dots, hyphens, etc, no changes. Just a full silence, any music I tried.

But when I download the mod with music included, it works just fine. Besides loading the system a couple percent more, of course.

And loading .mp3 files works from time to time, probably needs a fix. The mod sometimes recognises a couple of mp3's, sometimes it doesn't.

Version of the mod I used is 2.1a. Is there something I am doing wrong or misread, or is it just something else?

Edited by Pocketlove
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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using the 3.0 Beta version with default settings and missing the music in these scenes, instead I hear just the birds ...

- Astronaut Complex

- Mission Control

- Research and Development

In the settings I see "scene = None" for those, maybe that's the reason?

What do I have to enter to get the music in these scenes back?

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  • 4 weeks later...

To anyone interested in populating his playlist with good ambient tracks.

There's a very cool bunch from the Space Rangers 2 game OST:

My personal picks for space ambience:


And these for Space Center and buildings:


For those who don't want to convert these youtube vids to mp3 themselves - download here

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I'm using the 3.0 Beta version with default settings and missing the music in these scenes, instead I hear just the birds ...

- Astronaut Complex

- Mission Control

- Research and Development

In the settings I see "scene = None" for those, maybe that's the reason?

What do I have to enter to get the music in these scenes back?

I have this issue as well. I can't think what's causing it though because I haven't touched the Space centre ambience playlist, and those birds indicate that it's not loading the 'dobroide-forest' file at all. Then as you say there's the issue of that ambient noise file continuing to play all around the space centre, except in the SPH and VAB, when the construction playlist runs.

I tried changing the 'scene = none' to the actual scene for each building's corresponding playlist, going by what was in the old version 2 config file, but that didn't seem to fix the problem. The administration building music runs, but you can also still hear those damn birds.

Edited by gerishnakov
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It is working (mostly) for me, are you sure you have everything installed correctly? Read the last couple of pages to see if you missed anything, try again with a clean install, check your logs etc.

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Ok, so I looked at the KSP outlook log and realised the game couldn't load certain playlists, including the space centre ambiance playlist, and I believe I fixed this issue (by removing playlists I believe the game was unable to recognise) as now the output log suggests everything is loading up fine. However, when the game gets to the point where it would start the main menu, I get a black screen except for a very fast spinning loading icon. My output log now includes this at the very end:

[EXC 00:05:03.565] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

SoundtrackEditor.SoundtrackEditor.SelectPlaylist ()

SoundtrackEditor.SoundtrackEditor.OnSituationChanged ()

SoundtrackEditor.EventManager.onGameSceneLoadRequested (GameScenes scene)

EventData`1[GameScenes].Fire (GameScenes data)

HighLogic.LoadScene (GameScenes scene)

PSystemSetup+.MoveNext ()

Here's a link to my settings file

Any thoughts? I'd really like to use this mod!

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I am unfortunately not all that great at interpreting logs, I usually hope for something obvious. You might have broken something while doing the editing, but I am not sure. What causes 95% of my issues is either a bad install or some incompatibility though, so I would recommend making absolutely sure that it is none of that. This may be a little tiresome but try the following:

1) make a copy of a clean install of 32bit KSP, preferrably outside your program files or programs directories.

2) Redownload STED V3 preview from page 34.

3) Install it and make sure everything is where it belongs, that means you have

3.a) libmpg123-0.dll inside /KSP_Data/Mono/

3.B) the SoundtrackEditor folder containing a settings.cfg and a .dll (inside the plugins folder) inside /GameData/

3.c) a Music folder in your KSP root directory (that means beside GameData and KSP_Data)

Also use none of your own files or settings at this point.

Edited by Tellion
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That kind of worked, I guess. The right space centre ambience music does now play, but it still continues to play over the music in the admin building, plus no music plays in the research complex or mission control. I think those latter two issues are probably being caused by the mod not being able to set music specifically for those 'scenes' as they are not listed in the scene options for the settings file. I've already tried experimenting with different names for those 'scenes' to make the mod work properly for them, but they must somehow work on a different system for the music, because they aren't actually different scenes, as someone already mentioned I think.

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It absolutely doesn't work for me. So, I've done everything as needed, installed the mod, put ~10 soundtracks (.mp3) from Interstellar into the "Music" folder, launched the game, quited it, found the "Settings" folder, and found no "Unused" music files, which means, that the program doesn't detect those mp3 files, for some reason.

I converted them into .wav, and the mod finally did recognise them. So, I filled out everything that I had to do, placed some in SpacePlaylist, some in ConstructionPlaylist, launched the game. In the menu I heard an ambient sound, which I didn't replace, so I went to my savegame and entered the VAB. Didn't hear any music whatsoever, besides the ambient of the VAB. I though: "Okay, let me look at CSharp file". After those words, I opened it, didn't get preety much anything from what is written there (I know really little of C#). Then I went converting those audio files into .ogg, same thing happened in the game. I even deleted all symbols like dots, hyphens, etc, no changes. Just a full silence, any music I tried.

But when I download the mod with music included, it works just fine. Besides loading the system a couple percent more, of course.

And loading .mp3 files works from time to time, probably needs a fix. The mod sometimes recognises a couple of mp3's, sometimes it doesn't.

Version of the mod I used is 2.1a. Is there something I am doing wrong or misread, or is it just something else?

Could you post your log file and settings file? What OS are you using?

I'm using the 3.0 Beta version with default settings and missing the music in these scenes, instead I hear just the birds ...

- Astronaut Complex

- Mission Control

- Research and Development

In the settings I see "scene = None" for those, maybe that's the reason?

What do I have to enter to get the music in these scenes back?

These scenes aren't properly supported at the moment. They all use the PSystem scene.

Ok, so I looked at the KSP outlook log and realised the game couldn't load certain playlists, including the space centre ambiance playlist, and I believe I fixed this issue (by removing playlists I believe the game was unable to recognise) as now the output log suggests everything is loading up fine. However, when the game gets to the point where it would start the main menu, I get a black screen except for a very fast spinning loading icon. My output log now includes this at the very end:

Here's a link to my settings file

Any thoughts? I'd really like to use this mod!

Your playlist "Main menu ambience" is missing a playWhen section, which is causing the error you've given. That issue will need to be handled better by Soundtrack Editor in future.

Thanks for providing the error and configuration file. It made it very easy to diagnose.

Edited by pizzaoverhead
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Pizzaoverhead, quick question since you are here:

What does this refer to exactly?:

[STED] Playing next track
[STED] Found Cepheid, with extension .ogg
[STED] Loading Unity clip
[STED] Clip name: Cepheid, ready: False
[STED] Loading Cepheid...
[STED] Playing next track
[STED] Found Colonial(Explore), with extension .ogg
[STED] Loading Unity clip
[STED] Clip name: Colonial(Explore), ready: False
[STED] Loading Colonial(Explore)...
[STED] Playing next track

It is not like things are not working, music from the playlist is playing consistently, but a few tracks are usually skipped before one is played successfully. You wrote about unity's loader being very slow a few pages back, but increasing preloadTime did not help with the issue. I have a rather large playlist - the Music folder has some 300 MB, could that cause it?

Oh, and before I forget: Merci beaucoup for this absolutely fantastic mod, it improves KSP greatly!

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Pizzaoverhead, quick question since you are here:

What does this refer to exactly?:

[STED] Playing next track
[STED] Found Cepheid, with extension .ogg
[STED] Loading Unity clip
[STED] Clip name: Cepheid, ready: False
[STED] Loading Cepheid...
[STED] Playing next track
[STED] Found Colonial(Explore), with extension .ogg
[STED] Loading Unity clip
[STED] Clip name: Colonial(Explore), ready: False
[STED] Loading Colonial(Explore)...
[STED] Playing next track

It is not like things are not working, music from the playlist is playing consistently, but a few tracks are usually skipped before one is played successfully. You wrote about unity's loader being very slow a few pages back, but increasing preloadTime did not help with the issue. I have a rather large playlist - the Music folder has some 300 MB, could that cause it?

Oh, and before I forget: Merci beaucoup for this absolutely fantastic mod, it improves KSP greatly!

I've spotted one potential cause for that effect. If the track loads quickly enough that Update doesn't get a chance to fire while the track is loading, it could believe that the track has finished playing rather than finished loading. I'll have to do some testing. Are the skipped tracks particularly larger or smaller than the others?

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I've spotted one potential cause for that effect. If the track loads quickly enough that Update doesn't get a chance to fire while the track is loading, it could believe that the track has finished playing rather than finished loading. I'll have to do some testing. Are the skipped tracks particularly larger or smaller than the others?

The first has 7.1, the second 6.3 MB. The average file size is 6.3 for the tracks I added, 5.7 when the default tracks are included. I am certain that files above 10 MB have been played successfully, but I did not look for similarities between the skipped tracks yet. I will edit with the full output.log and a list of tracks and filesizes next time I get to play, if that helps.

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Your playlist "Main menu ambience" is missing a playWhen section, which is causing the error you've given. That issue will need to be handled better by Soundtrack Editor in future.

Thanks for providing the error and configuration file. It made it very easy to diagnose.

No worries. Thank you for providing a potential solution!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been doing some thinking in regards to saving memory... Would it be possible to store the actual audio tracks in an external program and then have a plugin that switches between playlists in that external program? It would be similar to Cwc's ancient Ktunes in how it handles music. Would this be a viable idea, or would it not work how you want it? :P Brainstorming

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Well, the music plays fine with the included tracks, however when I add my .ogg files into the required folder I drop into the settings.cfg to edit the text but upon starting ksp I hear nothing apart from stock music. Tried for nearly 2 hours last night to no avail. Shame cause I like the idea of this.

Just a quick ask for help if I may.....my music tracks are in the music folder, but how do I edit the .cfg file correctly? I have tried renaming the music names exactly but it seems to do nothing when I load up ksp?

Edited by maceemiller
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have decided to put a copy of this mod up as an example/pre-assembled version (with a .txt file that includes a disclaimer with copyright going to you.) With your permission, I'd like to link it here. (On another note, I fixed that odd issue with the music I had active getting carted off to the "Unused" section.)

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