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What is your ksp save(s) named?


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Sandbox = Default

Career .22 = Failure

Career .23 = CrashandBurn

Over the last couple days my .23 career has been living up to it's name as my previously working designs have started doing flipping end over end on liftoff.

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Basic Test (can't even remeber)

BTSM-DeadlyFarTac (better than starting manned with deadly reentry, feram aerospace, Thunder life support)

Clockwork_Challange (trying to do tech tree in three lanuches)

Clockwork_Industries (can't even remember)

Clockwork_Scientist (first career save for 0.22)

Clockwork_ScientistMK2 (second career save for 0.23 update)

Clockwork_wolf (very first game and sandbox. very messy save file)

ClockworkModed (beta testing modded parts)

ClockworkMODTest (alpha testing modded parts)

DeadlyFarTac (deadly reentry, feram aerospace, Thunder life support without BTSM)

Historical (testing a tech tree reorder to be more historically accurate)

Insane test (no idea)

Tough test (again no idea, maybe I should clean some of these up)

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Career: CptObvious

Sandbox: Zandkasteel ('sand castle' in dutch)


Career: MunRace

Sandbox: Firebird

Sandbox: Sandbox :)


Cpt Yarrr (what do I have with captains anyway...)



Sector 001

Sector 002


The Great Kerbal


KASA (yeah, who has *not* made this one)

The Eeloo Project

The Moho Project (oh, the creativity)





Parallel universe

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