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[1.1.x] CoolRockets! Cryo and Launch Particle FX


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    • No. It slows down my machine at launch. I need my CPU cycles elsewhere.
    • No. I don't like the engine effects.
    • No. I don't like the tank effects.
    • Yes. I especially like the engine effects.
    • Yes. I especially like the tank effects.
    • Yes. It even runs smoothly.
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This is a cryogenic engine, not to mention it's running. BTW, all the pics you posted are actually from test stands, which do not accurately represent how the engines actually look when mounted on a rocket. On a Shuttle, for example, the boiloff comes from a pipe on the SSME nozzle, and not somewhere from the top (or the inside of the nozzle, for that matter).

I know, but its hard to find pics from an engine that's mounted on a rocket. I'll keep searching for better pics unless sarbian finds some.

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Okay, I'm at a loss here - the newer format of configuration doesn't seem to be working? I installed Sarbian's build and the KW configuration in post #149 here. And... this is what I got:


The older-style configuration is working, but the newer one isn't. I also tried modified versions of the KW configuration that changed to the new-style configuration, with similar (non-working) result.

Same here, the new config doesn't seem to work.

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They both work fine for me :(

But I think I know what is going on. I kept the same module name that was in KM_lib so if you still have it installed you have 2 modules and the wrong one may load. I ll change the module name in smokescreen, edit the config and add the KW config in the DL while I am at it.

Edit : done. New version of SmokeScreen and the config are available.

Edited by sarbian
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Does this work if I use Ven's Stock Revamp?

I have both installed but don't receive any of the effects from Cool Rockets.

Ven's SR states that it may interfere with anything that refers to stock parts.

I too would like to know of a way to get Cool Rockets to work with Ven's, any help would be appreciated.

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To make it work with Ven's it would need a new patch with moved source or sing ven's engine's transform. I don't have the time to work on that now but if other do I'll happily include it.

Roderik : did you install Smokescreen, as specified in the install instruction ?

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So I'm fiddling with this and added a little "leakage" to the stock launch clamps. When I went to test them I noticed that some times KSP loads the craft onto the launch pad and does a good bit of wobbling around once physics "kicks in". And on the occasions where the wobble was more pronounced, the tanks would shed ice and the cryo effects would stop - as if the plugin "thinks" the rocket was launched.

Other times when it didn't seem to buck around much or not at all, the effects keep right on churning until I actually launch.

Makes me think that the plugin's method of detecting when to shed ice and cut off the smokey gasses is flawed - at least in light of the rather rough way physics gets applied upon startup of the launch pad scene.

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Makes me think that the plugin's method of detecting when to shed ice and cut off the smokey gasses is flawed - at least in light of the rather rough way physics gets applied upon startup of the launch pad scene.

The plugin reads the state reported by the game.

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Does this work if I use Ven's Stock Revamp?

I have both installed but don't receive any of the effects from Cool Rockets.

Ven's SR states that it may interfere with anything that refers to stock parts.

To make it work with Ven's it would need a new patch with moved source or sing ven's engine's transform. I don't have the time to work on that now but if other do I'll happily include it.

I've got Ven's installed with CoolRockets and it seems to work OK for me, or am I missing something?

Edited by UnanimousCoward
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Some of the pump exhaust may be miss aligned, but if it work without any change it is great :)

Is the pump exhaust the little plume that comes off the small sticky-outy-pipe? (Please forgive the technical jargon.)

That looks fine too, at least on the engines I've tried so far.

Edit: forgot to say this is absolutely one of my must-have mods, so I'm pretty chuffed it works OK with Ven's. Thanks for your hard work.

Edited by UnanimousCoward
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