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[0.90] Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System v4.13


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Aw, looks like that's it for the LE Livery. I even added support for it in the windows installer script I'm working on. Ah well.

Good thing that we all still have the 307LE zip file with the livery in it.

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Fixed for v3.08. Although I didn't notice any difference with the behavior of the left landing gear. If you hit too hard it will dislodge itself. It's a KSP thing really. That spot on the wing is really thin, so any rubberband movement will show.

This is one reason why I've been in support of moving to the Nexus and uses Nexus Mod Manager (Skyrim style). It allows mod authors to write a script so that when users download a mod and install it with the mod manager, it allows the user to select what parts of the mod they wish to install.

Was also thinking of having an installer made using one of various free installers available like Inno Setup. But we'd need a programmer for that.

Just out of interest what use would i have with the trucks?

Anyhow here's a trucks update:



to be honest i was unsure about the ground trucks and busses but now i'm amazed by what i seen it defiantly looks kerbaly (new word) can't wait

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When I was mucking about with the engine parts I noticed that the toggle gimbal function doesn't get saved when you exit from VAB to launchpad or when you switch vessel. Is this intended or is it a bug.

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but are the RPM files any different from the ones you get from downloading Mihara's version?

If I pre-installed RPM before, should I still drag in the JSI folder to get the custom screens to work?


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Switchable main display, awesome stuff. Now that I've also found my favourite MFD screen again (Target), all's good in the 25's cockpit. :)

The trucks and bus are also looking very promising, a perfect fit with the background vehicles scooting around in the game. KAS support for the container truck/container part should be pretty easy, the part config just needs a section for KASModuleContainer with a sensible storage size set, and without KAS installed the game will just ignore that bit.

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Too bad KSP mods aren't compatible with Nexux mod manager, it would make managing mods and installing them so much easier. But a script sounds nice too :D

I am working on a windows script for installing individual phases. I still need to thoroughly test it because I've never tested running the KSOS parted out. You can find it here in its current version. I'll be testing it this weekend and updating it as required.

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The 67th of my STS KSO Shuttle Missions! STS 167 is the 23rd flight of Rebellious. STS 167's objective is to deploy the Laythe Space Station Habitat Module #2! Jeb and the Rebels weren't happy about being phased out in favor of the KSO Super 25 EWBCL (Scheduled to fly on STS 171!) and have permanently moved the mini shuttle program to Laythe!

The Laythe Space Station Construction Missions run STS 159-STS 170 and uses the Phase II KSO Station Parts!

Most of the footage shown in 20x speed for quicker viewing.
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Finished up STS-1 last night, and deployed the first habitat module to my station:

Damn gorgeous! I noticed no landing gear-box clipping on your touchdown. Is the rubberbanding issue fixed more or less?

Also, did you remove the alphas from your customized tga's?

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Damn gorgeous! I noticed no landing gear-box clipping on your touchdown. Is the rubberbanding issue fixed more or less?

Also, did you remove the alphas from your customized tga's?

With a 3 degree glide slope, I dont think it was a hard enough landing to cause it. When I launch STS-2 I'll come in a bit harder and see.

My tga were saved as 24bits/pixel (which was done before I learned that saving them that way would mess up the alphas.) I just need to go in and redo them from the custom psd I have saved. However, Im lazy and havent bothered to do it yet. (EDIT: and I just remedied that situation.)

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I've found that it's possible to replicate Energia much better by attaching a quadcoupler to the bottom of the ET and adding 4 Thrustmax engines. This does result in KSO tanks draining first, so they have to be shut off manually, but it works.

Oh, and any chance of an inline launch fairing for Super 25? I think it should be 3.75m, it's a bit far fetched idea, but I think it could work.

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I've found that it's possible to replicate Energia much better by attaching a quadcoupler to the bottom of the ET and adding 4 Thrustmax engines. This does result in KSO tanks draining first, so they have to be shut off manually, but it works.

Oh, and any chance of an inline launch fairing for Super 25? I think it should be 3.75m, it's a bit far fetched idea, but I think it could work.

Why would you add those 4 engines? They serve no purpose (other than to drain fuel from the tank faster). And yes, Im aware that the real Energia had 4 engines in its main stage in addition to the 4 strap on boosters... but that was because Buran (and other payloads) didn't have their own engines. The EWBCL does.

Also, I doubt there are plans for an inline shroud... launching the Standard KSO that was foolish and slightly unstable. Launching the EWBCL that would would just be plain ridiculous.

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Well I've been at work making a FAR config, with the help of Procedural Wings. For anyone else using FAR, you have to add "cargo bay" to the title (the name displayed in game) of the fuselage, anywhere you want. But beware, you'll get strange things like one or both wings being shielded. If anyone has any suggestions how to fix that, go ahead.

Edit: The right wing also doesn't seem to be completely symmetrical to the left wing, FAR puts the center of lift in entirely different places despite being given the same values. Just me guessing, I'm no expert.

Edited by ayana
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Hello all. I edited the EWBCL texture (just a name change) and now all of these black marks have sprung up inside the cargo bay (I didn't do it). I remember someone else having this problem, but I cannot find the post. If someone could tell me how to fix it, that would be great.

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Flew STS-2 tonight.


Landing was harder than STS-1 due to an autopilot hiccup (it nosed me into the runway...)) Unfortunatly, I did notice the same issue on the left main gear as has been seen before.

Do you plan to post the craft file for your energia? I tried a similar setup my self but it goes nuts and flips over just before lrb separation.

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Do you plan to post the craft file for your energia? I tried a similar setup my self but it goes nuts and flips over just before lrb separation.

I already have posted it. But I can do so again:

KSO EWBCL Block 4 (Energia).zip

The above craft is the Standard EWBCL Block 4 mated to the Energia Booster Assembly. It maintains all the action groups of the stock EWBCL Block 4, and already has a standard sized docking port in the Mundoor (helldiver, you should really do that for the next version) as well as a standard sized docking port installed in the cargo bay. I have only ever separated the LRBs at a 45 degree pitch (even with Mechjeb)... I cant promise they'll separate cleanly at angles greater than that.

The above zip contains nothing but a craft file.

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Hello all. I edited the EWBCL texture (just a name change) and now all of these black marks have sprung up inside the cargo bay (I didn't do it). I remember someone else having this problem, but I cannot find the post. If someone could tell me how to fix it, that would be great.

Yeah, so I had this problem. Turns out all the free image editors I've tried (GIMP, Pinta, etc and I tried a lot of them) are not handling TGA files that originate from PS properly or something. I don't exactly know what the issue is and nobody else seems to either since I've had zero help with it. I had to ask a friend who owns PS to use their computer. Only way I was able to fix the issue. Not the mod author's fault, but it would be nice to be able to edit the texture properly with free software. Maybe if the blank textures were also provided in another format (PNG for example) it might not be an issue, but I don't know if this sort of bug is irrelevant of the image format. So, I'm not condoning you download or purchase PS, I'm just informing all involved that this is an issue, but not helldiver's issue. More like GIMP's or PS's. Maybe someday I'll post a bug on their site. I don't know. For all I know it could be some form of DRM or just simply a software issue. It is weird how crystal clear the texture showed up in PS and you could see all the detail whereas in GIMP or any other editor I tried it showed up as mostly transparency.

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