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Kerbin biomes-thing doesn't make sense; suggestion for first phase of the career mode

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The biome thing is cool but it shouldn't apply to Kerbin since it's your own planet, it just doesn't make sense, everything should be already discovered by ground exploration.

In the first phase of the game you should gain points placing satellites and doing in-orbit experiments. Which leads to this request: having more experiments-part, probes, and solar panels, and having all this right from the start.

Feel free to discuss, everyone.

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There is always something new to learn, take Earth for instance, our beautiful home, we are discovering more things on Earth almost everyday. Rocks, sand, minerals, etc. Biomes are just a place on a celestial body. I suspect we haven't discovered every biome on Earth.

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Here's a challange: play carear mode without using the VAB. (and no cheating by building a normal rocket on the runway).

Once you unlock turbofans, you can explore the world, trying to get enough science for turbojets and Spaceplanes.

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I don't think the observations are being done at ground level, but in the upper atmosphere, which humans first did with hot air balloons. I assume this was the first tests they did when starting the rocket age.

That's nice to pretend but it's hard to keep on pretending when you get science for picking up dirt off the launch pad. It's also a bit hard to swallow that you take a science Jr in your rocket fire it up into the stratosphere, land it hundreds of KM away so you can take a surface reading, and then recover the vessel. Presumably someone had to drive a truck or take a plane or something to go get the vessel to recover it. Why didn't they just drive the Science Jr out there to begin with? :D

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I like to think of the tests done on kerbin as control groups for future studies in space. Things like surface samples could be considered astronaut training, even the Apollo astronauts had to be taught what to look for and the best way to collect samples. Sure they didn't fly rockets out to do their training, but I think most would agree KSP is more game than simulation. Just my two cents.

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Keep in mind that science is one of the three "currencies" that will eventually be in the game and that it will likely be more useful later on than for simply unlocking the tech tree, especially since you'll be able to trade it for other currencies. Therefore, it only makes sense to have as much science available in as many places as possible, no matter how silly you think it is.

Also, we have way too many probe parts, I want more capsules. Probes are terrible and boring.

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I think the gist of the current system is fine. Maybe scrub the 'Launchpad' biome (or change it so it gives 0 science), but instead have something like a 'Target Zone' 1km outside the KSC which would count as a separate biome to get some easy science.

Sure, on the surface of things home planet surface samples seem ridiculous, but just recently researchers went out and asked people around the globe to sample the oceanwater in their vicinity and do basic science on it. There's always something to be learned. Whether that'll pertain directly to rocket development though..

The fact of the matter is this, new players will start designing rockets, these rockets will not immediately go into orbit or even space, they will however fall down in many different places. The first bits of the science system cater to this phase of the game, and that's perfectly fine. In fact, in my RSS Career game (see signature) I was darn happy I had some science to get close to home, but I digress..

Sure, some things are quirky, like how rockets are apparently the only way to get things there and not the recovery truck (I think I mention as much in one of my videos), but a real problem? hardly, it's still a game about designing rockets to go places after all.

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and another "KSP must be made much harder so new players can't progress and eventually threaten my superior skill level" rant...


The fact of the matter is this, new players will start designing rockets, these rockets will not immediately go into orbit or even space, they will however fall down in many different places. The first bits of the science system cater to this phase of the game, and that's perfectly fine.

Good point.

So maybe we could have both ways of starting to gain science points: biomes AND satellites and more experiment-parts right from the start. I just don't think is good being forced to pick stuff from the ground when you want to do stuff in orbit. Picking up samples gives way more points than flying over places.

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I think the gist of the current system is fine. Maybe scrub the 'Launchpad' biome (or change it so it gives 0 science), but instead have something like a 'Target Zone' 1km outside the KSC which would count as a separate biome to get some easy science..

I love the Launchpad/Runway and KSC Bioms, have you tried launching a rocket and landing back a those places? The issue is that you can just spawn on these places to get easy science, the solution? Dont do it!

I get those Bioms, the Grasslands,Shores and Water ones with a single stage single SRB on full.. use the customizable amounts and levels to be able to hit the mountain region as well! Tis fun to try and hit them!

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